Monday, 31 January 2011

Baby Alive - Whoopsie Doo @ Toys R Us Hong Kong

Baby Alive - Whoopsie Doo @ Toys R Us Hong Kong. Playing mommy is more fun than ever with this BABY ALIVE doll that eats and poops just like a real baby! Feed her or give her a bottle, and then get ready to change her messy diaper!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

A Toddler's Fear of Water Shifts to Excitement in Less Than 5 Minutes

Kamala is a sweet little three-year-old girl who happens to be my goddaughter. She has beautiful blue eyes just like her mother, Kristin. Last week, I took my granddaughter, Tessa, and met up with Kristin and Kamala at a toddler's swim class. After the class, we went into the hot tub, and then Kristin suggested that we all go play in the outside pool.

It was a gorgeous day and the outdoor pool water felt deliciously warm. We happily shared the pool with a senior water exercise class, women rhythmically moving their bodies across the pool. Kristin and our little ones hung out near the steps in the shallow water. Tessa and I played together, counting to three, before I threw her as high in the air as I could. When she splashed down, I followed her under water. With our eyes open and huge grins, we swam up to the surface. Kristen tried to coax Kamala out into the deeper water. Kamala, who was whining, didn't want to move off the step. Her mother kept saying, "Don't worry, Kamala, you will be safe."

I asked Kristin if it would be OK to do EFT on Kamala and she nodded. Deciding that getting Kamala to tap probably wouldn't work, I chose to do some surrogate tapping. Looking into Kamala's eyes, I said, "Even though I am Kamala and I don't want to get all wet, I am an OK kid," and "Even though I am afraid of the water, I am an OK kid."

Kamala told me that she didn't want to get her face wet. I added that to the set-up phrase (while tapping on my karate chop points on the sides of my hands), Even though I don't want to get my face wet, I am an OK kid. Then I started tapping the points on my body while I was saying reminder phrases such as: afraid of the water and don't want to get my face wet. It only took one round and Kamala changed her stance. She started laughing. Then all four of us were counting to three as Kristin and I tossed our little ones into the air. Kamala went under water and got her hair wet, doing so without any fear! Kamala and Tessa kept screaming at the top of their lungs, "Again, again!"

In a few moments, my goddaughter had gone from terrified and whiny to delighted and excited. Once again, EFT came through.

JoAnn SkyWatcher is an Spiritual Coach. She uses Emotional Freedom Techniques as a sword to cut away your old negative programming, beliefs, stories, events, and self-talk that are getting in the way of you experiencing your Essence. JoAnn also uses EFT for weight management. JoAnn has great success over the phone. She is a great listener and empathetic healer. You can phone her at 707-462-2501.

To get her FREE e-book entitled, "Everyday Miracles: Some of My EFT Adventures", go to her website: and click on contact JoAnn and request her FREE e-book, and she will send it right out.

She also has a FREE monthly newsletter that you can sign up for (just click on the link that says "Newsletter" on the left column of her website). To see a chart of where to tap, go to her home page: and click on the link near the bottom of the page that says Click HERE to see a chart of EFT Tapping Points.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Potty Training Toddlers Just Got Easier

Do you want great tips on how to potty train your toddler fast?

Anyone that has a toddler that is not potty trained is screaming YES to this one.

With the lifestyles and family obligations that we have now a days we all have a dire need for speed. This is no exception when it comes to potty training our toddlers.

There are a high percentage of mothers and fathers who work outside the home, which is a challenge when it comes time for their toddlers to be potty trained. Needless to say, extra time is not something that is just lying around these days.

With this being the reality, the faster our toddlers can be potty trained the better.

So what is the answer? How can you get your toddler potty trained as quickly and efficiently as possible?

First of all you will want to set aside some time to dive into this task being fully committed. If you are a working mom or dad, you may want to consider beginning this process when you can take some time off work to be home with your child for a few consecutive days or start the process when you are going to have a long weekend.

You will have to be consistent with your toddler during this process. The more consistent you are the quicker he or she will be potty trained.

Your toddler will need to start out bare bottomed all day long. That is right. No underwear, diaper or pants. This way he or she can sit and potty when they need to without having to worry about getting their clothes pulled down. Also, when the child has an accident, getting wet will shock him or her if they do not have on anything to absorb the urine. Most toddlers do not like this feeling.

Have the potty seat in an area that will be very easy for him or her to get to it; a common area in the house where they spend most of their time is preferable like a family room or playroom.

Choose ways to motivate your toddler to use the potty. Examples of this would be to reward them in someway whey they 'go' successfully. This can be done by giving them their favorite treat or letting them put stickers on their potty chart. Whatever you can come up with that would get your toddler looking forward to going potty.

These are a few potty training tips for toddlers that can get your toddler potty trained quickly. For more details and tips on getting the right equipment and knowing the signs of potty training readiness visit

There are also some very useful potty training secrets that will get your toddler potty trained in 1 to 3 days, guaranteed! This information can be found at

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Part8 Songkran Pattaya You tube Adult girls porn naughty sex xxx red tube music big tits nazi march dead nude wet diaper boobs Video free funny lactation game cheat real hidden hot sick milf whoops Thai girls rent boys young massage bar bargirls male ladyboys lady boy creampie...

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Diapers 2

Renewed video...Now it should stay *sighs*

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Jay-z - Feelin It

From the legendary "Reasonable Doubt" album, here is Jay-z with "Feelin It."

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Diaper Disposal #01

Very wet Boys' Pull-Ups Goodnites and Girls' Huggies Pull-Ups are tossed into a trash can, emptied into a pink trash bag, tied up, and tossed into the trash. Video Milestones: 1000 views as of 07/17/2009 2000 views as of 10/05/2009 2500 views as of 11/06/2009 5000 views as of 04/10/2010 5781 views as of video's one-year anniversary Views in Thousands: 1000 views as of 07/17/2009 2000 views as of 10/05/2009 3000 views as of 12/06/2009 4000 views as of 02/13/2010 5000 views as of 04/10/2010 6000 views as of 06/24/2010

Monday, 17 January 2011

Diaper Review - Don't Put Your Money Down the Toilet, Trust Me You Will Need it For Preschool!

diaper Review:

I am comparing these from prices the Amazon website which usually has the cheapest diapers and they have free shipping. The store brands are being priced from each stores website. I am using size 3 to make an accurate comparison but if you do the math on smaller sizes they will be cheaper (because they give you more for the same price) and visa verse for bigger sizes.

Luvs $35.99 for 204 diapers which is $0.17 per diaper. These are great diapers. They are soft, they do not leak and the price is amazing. If you register at their website they will mail you coupons for $1 off

Pampers Baby Dry $44.99 for 204 diapers which is $0.22 per diaper. I think these are meant to wear overnight but if you do that with an older baby they tend to leak. They are great for during the day.

Pampers Cruisers $40.99 for 160 diapers which is money down the toilet (literally) I mean $0.25 per diaper. I have used these many times when I thought expensive meant better but they are good diapers but Pampers Baby Dry absorb more and they just convince new moms that if your child crawls or walks they need special diapers not to mention the wipes that they unnecessarily make to go with these. You can register for coupons but they do not send very many at their website.

Huggies Snug and Dry t $39.99 for 168 diapers which is $0.24 per diaper. I am personally just not a fan of huggies for daytime. They seem cheep and they are stiff and look full all the time which causes you to use too many when unnecessarily changing your baby a million times. They also like to try and convince you that other diaper companies make diapers shaped for bricks. So whatever...I am also not a fan of their wipes they sort of feel like wet paper towels. A little ruff for a soft little tush. However on there website you can also register for coupons.

Target Store Brand Up and Up $13.99 for 96 diapers which is $0.14 per diaper! They also offer discount if you buy online and they have store coupons they mail out. They are an amazing value and if you like huggies you will love these. They are a little stiff for me but I have used them to save money in the beginning when you go through 100 diapers a week with a new baby.

On a side note I want to do an honorable mention for Huggies Overnites $29.99 for 62 diapers which is $0.48 per diaper. I know this sounds ridiculous but if you have a problem with overnight leaks or your baby takes bottles or nurses frequently in the middle of the night these WILL NOT LEAK! They have never gotten full or even damp on the outside. You only need one per day so 31 diapers will last one month. You can also use the Huggies coupons with these.

Toys r Us Brand Especially for Baby Ultra Thin $19.99 for 144 diapers which is $0.14 per diaper! I love these! They also have on line coupons so you can get up to $7.00 off if you buy their wipes too which are great! They also have a rewards program too. They are not thin they just call it that because they have a thicker night time one that costs a little more. They are soft and run a little big and do not leak. And if you have two in diapers they run big enough to put both kids in the same size or just buy one size smaller and get more diapers!

Toys r Us Brand Especially for Baby Super Diapers $19.99 for 116 diapers which is $0.17 per diaper. I guess if you have a problem with leaks or when baby sleeps these would be good. And you can still get the in store coupons.

Kirkland Brand at Costco $39.97 for 208 diapers which is $0.19 per diaper. Not as much as I thought I would save by paying Costco $40 a year for my membership. Just because its there does not mean its a deal. Plus for the smaller size diapers, your baby may grow out of them before the box is empty. The price it is linked to amazon pricing.

I also want to mention poor little Parents Choice at Walmart. I usually love everything by their store brand but the diapers were just so sad. They do not have a size listed anywhere on them so you cannot tell a size 2 from a size 3 and they rip and leak very easily. I got 36 diapers for $5.97 so that is $0.16 per diaper. That is all I am going to say about this one.

The point is we are spending money on something that will be thrown in the trash within hours of using it. If your child has sensitive skin most of these diapers also come unscented. Just something to think about.

This is more reader friendly with links and pictures at

Audra Rozen aka Milfymommy @

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Bringing Baby Home

Top 10 Surprises about Bringing Home a Newborn

1. The extra pounds you've gained won't magically disappear with the birth of your newest little joy. Logically, of course, this makes sense. But there will be a part of you that secretly hopes that the removal of a 7 pound baby from your body will somehow equate to a 40 pound weight loss. That part of you will be wrong. Very wrong.

2. The pounds will start melting away within the next few weeks. The joy you will find in stepping on the scale each morning will be moderated only by the nuisance of having had to change your clothes three times in the middle of the night after finding yourself drenched in the sweat that results from the massive amounts of fluids exiting your body.

3. After spending nine months cursing pregnancy-related weight gain, nausea, insomnia, aches and pains, and immobility, you will find your post-pregnancy self suddenly missing being pregnant.

4. All of the worrying you did during pregnancy will not evaporate when baby arrives. Instead, the pregnancy worries will transform into baby worries about how much baby has eaten (probably enough), when she last pooped (not that long ago), and if a little bit of bleeding around the umbilical cord is normal (it is).

5. The house that you so meticulously cleaned and organized prior to baby's arrival will become disheveled approximately 3.5 minutes after you walk in the door with your arrival. It will never be clean again.

6. You will find yourself in tears over the latest episode of Wife Swap. You will be grateful that you have the excuses of fluctuating hormones and lack of sleep to blame for this.

7. No matter how intellectual, poised, or driven you were prior to baby's arrival, there will be a point in time when you find yourself dressed in sweats with unshaven legs trapping a dear friend in a conversation about the color of your child's last poop. Although you will recognize this as it is happening, you will be powerless to stop it.

8. You will be startled to find that girls can shoot their pee just as far across a room as boys can.

9. Between leaky boobs, leaky diapers, and leaky baby mouths, you will spend a lot of time being wet. You will miss being dry but will be too tired to care enough to change your outfit, especially given that it will only be a matter of minutes before you are wet again.

10. It will all be worth it.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

"A Big Misunderstanding" - Ian Stewart & David Zheng

Two rap legends making music. This is what results. Thanks to Arjuna for the beat and Blaine for the Arjuna album art. - Lyrics - (IAN) Arjuna Capulong Productions This is all a big misunderstanding... I arrive to the scene drawn on horse and chariot Got some slaves in the back like I'm helping Harriet Archie if you'd scratch us a track, that'd be real nice Instead of sitting at home listening to Vanilla Ice I'm ballin' yet I'm clawin', I'm clawin' at this beat And you're crawlin' like a motherfucking toddler at my feet I'm so sick of shitting on kids that I started wearing diapers If there's blood on my windshield, clean it off with my wipers Turn on my Gucci flow, every word hit hard and slow Knocking over kids like I'm playing with my dominoes HD Bro, uh huh, that's what they call me And if a girl don't think I'm hot, she probably never saw me Words can break bones and cut like a knife That's why I say you're a fat kid and you lag in real life Get up off my dick make your team logo my pic Quit getting blue balls like a plasma grenade stick Hold up don't poop your pants, this verse ain't over And I'm sick of dumb bitches like Donna Chesnova Rolling in the BM, excuse me if I blow by you Switching lanes so fast, I think I forgot the "W" (DAVID) As much as I'd like to stay in bed, these aren't dreams I'm going to achieve in my sleep. I'm living my dreams while you kids are fast asleep Yeah I count my money while you're sleeping counting sheep And if I wanted to, I could ...

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

No One But Me [One-Shot] ||| Part 1/3

This Is my Entry for the first round of "Reckless writers Contest" It sucks but either way, I hope you enjoy this :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No one believed me, no one took the time to listen to what I had to say... No one. I knew there was something wrong, I knew it, I felt it, I saw it... Now there is no turning back, it's too late... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a dark Friday afternoon, when I was making my way home from school, once again my brother had left me at school, so now, once again, I had to walk home all by myself. He loved doing this to me, specially when he knew it was about to rain, and it was obvious it was going to start pouring at any second, there were huge gray cloud that covered the afternoon sky like a thick blanket, so thick it enabled the bright sun to fill the city with its warm light. I hated days like this, specially because at the end of the day I always ended up getting wet. There was no one on the street, it was completely deserted, no cars, no people, no one, I was all by myself. Of course, everyone was probably in their warm and cozy houses, enjoying either a cup of hot chocolate or coffee... That actually sounded delicious right now. "What are you doing all by yourself?" A male's voice interrupted my mind babbling. I jumped in surprised only to find my best friend standing behind me ...

Monday, 10 January 2011

Causes and Treatments For Diaper Rash

You're not a bad mother if your baby ends up with diaper rash, this is a common occurrence and happens to every baby at some point in time. The common reaction especially in new mothers is oh no what have I done, but the truth is babies' bottoms are very susceptible to rash due to the warm moist environment created by the diaper and this can happen in cloth or disposable diapers.

Causes Some of the typical causes of rash, besides very sensitive skin are:

  • Prolonged exposure to moisture trapped inside a diaper wet with urine or stool.

  • Damaged, sensitive skin from a diaper chaffing or rubbing back and forth, which can make the rash more susceptible to a yeast or bacterial infection.

  • Antibiotics taken by the baby or the mother when breast feeding, some can cause sensitive skin and typically symptoms subside after the use is ended.

  • New diet, as you introduce more foods into your baby's diet the chances for rash can increase.

Prevention and Treatment When thinking about ways to prevent or minimize rash on your baby start with the causes then work backwards:

  • Keep wet or soiled diapers changed frequently.

  • Allow your baby to go without a diaper a couple of times a day, tummy time on a dry towel with a water proof mat underneath is a good time to do this and another good time is just after their bath, pat the area dry and allow him or her some air time without a diaper.

  • Avoid using creams with harsh chemicals in the contents and use unscented baby wipes free of alcohol.

  • If your baby has been susceptible to diaper rash, use a towel moistened with just clean cool water to clean the sensitive areas, pat dry with a clean soft towel and treat area with 100% pure petroleum jelly or Desitin(R) before putting on a new diaper.

  • For moderate rash - Apply zinc oxide ointment or Acid Mantle(R) is a name brand ointment that can be applied before or with zinc oxide over it.

  • For more severe rashes - Apply Triple Paste(R) which can be purchased without a prescription but you typically have to ask the pharmacist as they keep it in the pharmacy.

  • If you just started a new medication and noticed the symptoms soon after talk to your pediatrician or doctor about stopping or changing the treatment.

Remember the best treatment is prevention and although it's not always possible to prevent diaper rash you can be proactive by keeping your baby in a clean dry diaper and protecting the skin with petroleum jelly or a diaper rash prevention cream. You should not use powder of any kind as this can cause reparatory problems and is unhealthy for your baby to breathe in, also if you use cloth diapers make sure you soak them for several minutes in boiling water to kill any bacteria and completely dry before using. Avoid the following creams or compounds as they can be harmful: benzoin tincture or any creams that contain camphor,methyl salicylate, phenol, or boric acid.

Sanida is an author on many topics and also an advisor for - a company offering baby products of all types including strollers, diaper bags, children's books, crib bedding and Parenting Tips.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

gettin ready for bed

well i was gettin ready to go to sleep and as i walked out i realized my webcam was on... oh well enjoy. gotta go change... already ps like my hair i needz a cuttt

Friday, 7 January 2011

Incomplete-A Jonas Love Story 4

EPISODE 4: 12:57; Walgreens. KEVIN'S POV: Ew. This aisle that I never thought I would go to; is such a whore. I stood infront of the tampon/pad aisle. I cocked my head to the side, what the hell? Do those plastic things go in 'there?' How is that supposed to even work! Whatever. I need to do my job. I opened the box with a pocket knife; cutting the plastic tape and got the box open. I touched one box of tampons; and kinda threw it on the shelf as if was a dirty diaper. But I did make sure it was sitting up right. Man these things were gross! They're not even used! Fuck why can't Paul do this job? He's such a perv, isn't he supposed to like this instead of me doing this? I kept on doing the same things with the other boxes of stuff and I heard giggling. I turned around and a girl with brown hair and the prettiest blue unique eyes was smiling at me and laughing. I smiled back but I continued on my job. The girl stood next to me and picked out one of the boxes I placed on the shelf. KEVIN: I don't get it. GIRL: Get what? *laughs* KEVIN: *gets up.* How you girls use those things; I don't wanna know. *laughs* GIRL: *laughs* You're so funny. *bites her lip.* I'm Savannah. KEVIN: Kevin. Nice to meet you. *takes out his hand.* SAVANNAH: *looks at it; and shakes it.* You do this often? KEVIN: No. My co-workers are being whores. They don't wanna do this job so I had to. I didn't want to stop talking to her, she was so pretty. GOD DAMMIT my phone is ringing, Nick. It can't be that ...

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Saul Williams - List Of Demands(Reparations)

Music video by Saul Williams performing List Of Demands(Reparations). (C) 2008 Fader Label