Newborn babies are that something special that all married couples wait for eagerly. The fun and frolic that these little toddlers provide to the entire family cannot be described in words. As days pass by, they start crawling and within a few weeks also attempt their first steps. This is followed by their eagerness to utter a few words. All this and much more is what a newborn baby provides the entire family with. However there are certain things that need to be observed by the parents to ensure that the toddler remains happy and is safe from illness.
If you have observed carefully, you might have noticed that these kids pick up and eat anything they can grasp with their tiny fingers as soon as they are a few weeks old. This activity increases when the newborn baby starts crawling and is able to locate and move towards different things lying on the floor. You should ensure that there are no foreign objects left on the floor that they can eat since they might block their windpipe and cause serious problems.
There is yet another thing you should be wary of when the baby starts crawling. Wipe the floor clean using a disinfectant that is strong enough to remove germs from the floor yet does not leave any residue that might be harmful for the baby's skin. During their first few weeks, babies cannot inform others that they are going to urinate. This action is natural for them.
They convey it to others by crying. If your baby is crying for no apparent reason, you should first check out their diaper and check whether it is wet or not. If yes, replace the same with a dry one after cleaning her bottom and private parts with a soft towel and applying some talcum powder. When newborn babies are a few week old, we generally give them lots of gifts.
However, most of us, in our eagerness, never bother to check out whether these gifts are suitable for the young ones. Before purchasing those toys, you should ensure that they do not have any sharp edges. Babies, out of habit, will try to insert these playthings into their mouth. A sharp edged object might cut their delicate skin. Also make sure that the toy is painted using colors that are safe for the toddler.
Know all you want to know about the newborn baby and lots of other baby information.