Monday, 30 August 2010



Sunday, 29 August 2010

Diaper Changing, the Easy Way to Avoid Diaper Rashes

diaper changing is not difficult even for a first time moms, but there are a couple of things that you need to know, so you avoid your toddler getting diaper rashes. This is because the baby has usually a very tender skin and it's very easy to get irritated during the day and night.

First of all, here are the basic steps on changing the diapers of you kid

  • Make sure you have all the relevant supplies ready to use. You don't want to have to leave the baby alone while you rush after the clothing or the wipes of the cream.

  • Remove the old diaper and wipe the baby's bottom with a clean tissue.

  • Wash the bottom of your toddler with a luke warm water and a baby safe (mild) soap. You can also use a non-alcohol wipe. Rinse thoroughly. Girls need a bit of different care, in that you have to wash and dry them from the front to back in order to avoid any infections.

  • Take the new diaper and slide it under the baby's bottom.

  • Make sure that the bottom is dry and then apply a very thin coating of petroleum jelly which acts as a protective layer on the skin.

  • Now faster the diaper snugly around the baby while pulling the back tabs to the front area.

Preventing diaper rashes

  • Make sure that the baby is dry as much as possible. If the diapers get soiled during the night, change them right after. Don't let the toddler be with wet and soiled diapers for too long.

  • Do not use scented soaps and other chemicals that can easily irritate the sensitive skin. Some disposable diapers have perfumes. If you see any irritation signs and you are using these kinds of diapers, replace them with a regular type and see if the irritation goes away.

  • If your child has a diaper rash, use pure luke warm water to wash the bottom and use a diaper rash cream or ointment on the dry skin. Make sure that this is a cream approved by your baby's doctor.

  • Make sure that the baby's skin is exposed frequently to the fresh air as this helps with healing any sores and wounds

  • If these home made diaper rash treatments don't work, take your child to the doctor for further examination and treatment.

Diaper changing is quite easy if done properly, the right way. If you follow the steps above, you will ensure that your child will enjoy a good health and will be free of any annoying rashes of their skin.

When changing the nappies of your child, use a baby changing pad for best results. Also place the baby on the baby changing table for the safety of your toddler during nappy changing.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Dental Care For Your Baby

Though most people really do not think about it much, baby teeth serve a very important purpose. Baby teeth help your infant learn how to speak and chew food properly, and they act as a type of space saver for the adult teeth that will grow in a few years down the road. Baby teeth also promote healthy jaw growth, so it is important for parents to take care of these teeth from the beginning.

Start Early

Expectant mothers can play a tremendous role in establishing healthy dental care practices by eating foods that are healthy and nutritious, and by keeping themselves healthy throughout their pregnancy. If you are an expectant mother, make sure you take your prenatal vitamins, consume the amounts of calcium recommended by your doctor, and make sure your body gets enough protein.

When babies are about 6 or 7 months old, the very first tooth usually makes an appearance. Parents do not need to wait that long, however, before starting a healthy dental care routine. Tooth decay can actually begin before any teeth are visible, resulting from residual amounts of milk or juice that remain around the gums for extended periods of time. For this reason, you should not let your baby fall asleep while he is drinking a bottle of juice or milk. You should also not allow him to carry a bottle around with him throughout the day.

Caring for Baby's Teeth and Gums

Before your baby starts to grow teeth, gently wipe his gums a couple of times each day with a clean, wet piece of gauze. Wrap the gauze around your finger so that you can apply the least amount of pressure while cleaning his gums. Once his first tooth has made an appearance, you will be ready to start using a toothbrush, but make sure that you choose one that has been specially designed for babies.

As a general rule, you should not use toothpaste on your child's teeth until he is at least two years old. Some pediatricians and pediatric dentists recommend that parents wait until a baby is three years of age. When you do begin using toothpaste on your baby's tooth (or teeth), only use a small amount and make sure that he does not swallow any of it. As soon as your baby has two teeth that are next to each other, you should start using dental floss on them every day.

By the time your baby is one year old, you should start taking him to see a pediatric dentist. It is important that you take your child to a dental professional who is experienced in treating children, and then make sure that you stick to a regular routine that consists of semi-annual visits for checkups. You might also want to ask your child's dentist if fluoride treatments would be appropriate for him, as many areas throughout the United States have access to treated water that has had the fluoride removed from it.

Jamell Andrews authors many articles on infants. She also believes in the many uses of natural colic remedies for gassy babies.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Already Gone Nelena ep1

new story yay! _____________________________________________________________ I groaned softly as I heard Angel cry from the other room, I had to swift before she woke up her twin sister Amanda. I quickly got out of bed to tend to my 3 month old baby's needs. Gently, I picked her up out of her crib and rocked her slowly back and forth to sooth the crying. Not working! I groaned again. I placed her down on the chaning table and unclipped the bottom of ther pajamas unstrapping her diaper to see if that was the source of the situation. Nothing? I popped her binky into her mouth and closed up her diaper and outfit. I put her back in the crib and tip toed out of the room and layed back on my bed ready to shut my eyes. Once I finally felt a hint of sleep I heard crying, I got back up and walked over to the girls' room to find..........Amanda crying. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - I woke up to a crappy apartment that had wet stains on the ceiling because the woman upstairs couldn't seem to stop taking a shower every five minutes. I stepped ot of bed to see beer cans and pizza boxes with tiny little bugs crawling out of them. I walked to my bathroom, which seemed to be the cleanest room in my whole apartment. Sure,it had cracks on the tiles and the inside of the toilet looked brown but hey, atleast no bugs. I took a quick shower and changed into a black t-shirt with blue streaks going across it ...

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Julia wets the bed

Julia left the window open, in a pouring rain, in Venice, and the bed got wet...she attempted to dry it with a blow dryer. She failed!

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Unique Yet Practical Personalised Baby Gift Ideas

It is a great feeling when a close relative or friend enters the magical world of motherhood. The occasion calls for a grand celebration. This is the time when you can shower your sister, friend or daughter, who has just become a new mother, with lovely baby gifts to express your happiness! While showering the new born and the new parents with gifts, what can be better than personalised baby gifts?! Personalised gifts for babies will not only be cherished by the new parents but can also be kept as mementos of the babies' childhood. The baby can cherish them when he or she grows up! While choosing gifts for the baby, remember one thing, that the baby cannot comprehend the gift. Thus, giving fancy gifts like baby diaper cakes et al will only give momentary happiness rather than serve a purpose. Choose gift items that can be personalised and that will come handy for the parents while upbringing their little angel!

Following are few unique yet practical baby gift ideas that can be easily personalised:

Personalised Baby Rattles: Make a Basket of different kinds of baby rattles of blue colour for the little boy or all in pink colour for the little girl. To personalise the gift, you can get the baby's date of birth or name, if the baby has been christened yet, embossed on the rattles. While choosing the rattles make sure you choose the right type and sized rattles, according to the babies' age. If the baby is a new born or few month olds, then he/she will not be able to hold the rattles. For them go for rattles that can be tied to their crib, or to their little wrists and feet.

Personalised Baby Blanket: Small babies pee and wet their bed many times during the day. A new mother will be thankful to receive baby blankets and bed covers. It will be highly convenient for her to have fresh and snug blankets handy whenever the baby wets the bed. You can personalise the baby blankets by using the baby's pictures, family pictures, etc and getting them screen printed on the blanket's cover. This personalised baby blanket will not only keep the baby snug with your warmth but will also be treasured as a souvenir by the family.

Personalised Baby Slings: Baby slings are possibly the most practical and cherished baby gift. The sling makes life really easier for the parents when the baby starts growing up. It allows the parents to carry their baby comfortably and safely when out. It gives the parents the freedom to use their hands to tend to other work, while the baby can enjoy the unrestricted view of the surroundings. You can personalise this gift by getting the baby's pictures, date of birth and name screen printed on the sling! The parents are going to love it!Your warmth and a personal touch can really make these baby gifts special and treasured.

For any help on baby gifts, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Bubba Moe!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Player Now.Player Forever? Ep.122 {Sexual Questions.And . . .Well...}

Joe: *Lays down.*Yeah baby? Demi: *wraps her arms and legs around him* I'll be a good girlfriend. . . and a good wife. . . I promise Joe: I have no doubts. Think about it baby. The little stomps of babys feet. The giggles...The diapers.*Groans.* Demi: *smiles* I'll take care of the diapers. . . *bites her lip* How many babies do you want, Joey? Joe: Three?Maybe... Demi: *smiles* Joey, are you a fan of condoms? Just asking... Joe: There not the best thing...But they are the safest. I've never had sex without a condom. Demi: *plays with his hair* Will you use one when we get married? Joe: That depends on you. Its a tradition that you dont use a condom on your wedding night symbolizing you would be okay with a baby because you know you'll keep the promise to stay together. Demi: *smiles* Then, I don't want you to. I want a baby. Obviously not now, but when we're married *giggles* Joe: I know.*Smiles.*I cant believe I graduate this year... Demi: *a tear falls* Then I'll have a year without you. . . while you're in college *looks down* I'll be alone Joe: No...Its two years...But you can visit babygirl. Demi: *looks at him* Joey, you're gonna find someone else. . . someone prettier, and smarter. . . who you'll wanna have sex with, and you'll forget all about me *tears falling* Joe: Baby.Theres no women in any universe that tops you in any way.*Kisses her cheek.* None. Demi: *looks in his eyes* Im a scared virgin, Joe. College girls arent. Watch, you'll get drunk, and hook up ...

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Teaching an Infant to Read

It's becoming common knowledge that even young babies can be taught to read. Still, many people are unaware of the growing body of evidence pointing to the amazing reading abilities of babies. Even when people discover the possibilities, many wonder exactly what good it does to teach a baby to read. Following are several reasons why it's a great idea to teach your baby to read as early as possible.

While there are different ways of teaching a baby to read, they all center on reading to the baby. Those who take the time to read to their babies, and especially those who point out specific words, will find that their babies can learn to read at a very early age. Several methods can be used to display the words to infants, including flash cards, alphabet blocks, and computer visualizations. Really, any technique that displays letters and words to a baby is helpful in teaching the baby to read.

Studies conducted on the efficacy of reading to babies have shown that a baby who hears more words before his or her second birthday has a better chance of being successful in school. Babies who are around lots of conversation and who are spoken to a lot have an advantage over babies who don't receive as much linguistic interaction.

By creating a language-rich environment for your baby, you'll be laying the groundwork for your baby to quickly pick up reading. Infants have very receptive brains that absorb tons of information from their surroundings. Using repetition is the best way to teach a baby the names of people and objects.

You can teach a baby to read in the same way: by using repetition. Displaying a word to a baby repeatedly will allow the baby to learn the word through constant exposure.

As an infant's brain is very receptive to new knowledge from its environment, it's a great time to teach a baby how to read.

When you teach a baby to read at a young age, he or she will learn to associate written words with spoken words. They strengthen the connections in their brains between written and spoken language, allowing them to excel in both areas.

Being able to read effectively can open up many more opportunities for your baby in the future. You'll even get to spend time and play with your baby as you teach him or her to read. There's already a market for products that help you teach your baby to read, and there's no better time than now to get started!

There many advantages we can get if we're getting a small portable air conditioner, so find the best portable air conditioner units that's best for your needs.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Senior Living Gurls - Katy Perry Parody

A parody of the Katy Perry Song - California Gurls Special thanks to Dorothy, Joan, and Catherine! My sister Catie as Editor and Singer! Lyrics Below! I know a place where the old gurls come a plenty wet...soggy pants... they have to change their undies... sippin on some juice talkin bout the tv (movies) The boys break their necks tryin to creep a little sneak peek at them You could travel the world but nothing comes close to the senior coast once you party with them you'll be falling in love Senior living gurls they're unforgettable diaper rash denture cream too eating food so weird they'll make you throw up ooooh oh oh Senior living gurls they're undeniable... wet long farts they've got em on lock seniors represent now put your hands up... oooh oh.. Chex mix... would you like another cookie? they freak when they see you messing with their puppy You could travel the world but nothing comes close to the senior coast once you party with them you'll be falling in love Senior living gurls they're unforgettable diaper rash denture cream too eating food so weird they'll make you throw up ooooh oh oh Senior living gurls they're undeniable... wet long farts they've got em on lock seniors represent now put your hands up... oooh oh.. old mean nice and nasty turn it up cause its getting heavy wild wild senior coast these are the gurls I love the most I mean the ones like shes the one hug her tell her you're her hun The girls a fart she drives a cart and lives in senior care

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Cloth Diapering and the Environment

While people are becoming more frugal and aware of dwindling resources, adding a new member to your family may make it more difficult to conserve and reuse natural resources. You may want to consider cloth diapering to help you be a "green parent". Since cloth diapering is a bit more pricey initially, you may want to weigh the pros and cons of this particular diapering method.

Pros of Cloth diapering

Cloth diapers are less harmful to the environment, because they create less waste. Disposable diapers never break down completely, so every time you throw away a disposable diaper, you are adding something to the landfills that will always be there. There is no waste materials to add to landfills with a cloth diaper.

Using cloth diapers can actually save you money. Once you have invested in the diapers, you will not have to buy them ever again, unless you purchase a line that has varying sizes. Parents who use disposable diapers tend to run out at the worst times and need to run to the store to get additional supplies. You do not have to run to the store to get clean diapers, just your laundry room.

Cloth diapers also cause some children to show an early interest in potty training. Disposable diapers do a great job of keeping wetness away from the skin, but this can make potty training difficult. The child does not feel "wet" when the diaper is wet, so learning when it is time to go is hard. With cloth diapers, the child feels wetness on his skin when the diaper is wet, which can push him towards potty training early.

Cons of Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers can cost a bundle to purchase initially. There are many different vendors, and you can even buy the diapers and covers used, but some of the best diapers cost as much as $300 to $500 to get a beginning set. This can cause many parents to turn away, even though they will spend much more than that over their child's lifetime if they are buying disposables time and time again.

While cloth diapers do keep the landfills more clear, they are not completely environmentally friendly as might be thought. It does take a bit more energy to wash and dry these diapers. They have to be washed in hot water, which takes a lot of energy. This also adds to the cost factor, as it increases your utility bills.

Some parents find cloth diapers difficult to manage while out in public. There are products that you can use to transport soiled cloth diapers back home for washing, but some parents find this cumbersome. It is particularly difficult to manage while traveling when you may not have access to a washing machine. Don't forget the good news! You can use disposables during those infrequent times you do not have access to a washing machine or dryer and still use cloth the majority of the time if you want.

So are cloth diapers for you? It is up to you to decide. Before you decide, do some research into the cleaning and care of cloth diapers to help you determine whether or not you might enjoy clothe diapering. If you feel like you can manage it, then you can do your part to help protect the environment by diapering your baby with cloth.

David Cummings is a devoted husband and regular author on many family topics. He is dedicated to helping parents improve family time together and to ensuring a brighter future for all children via contributions to children-oriented organizations. David is the General Manager for Bustling Baby, LLC - a company that knows the business of parenting and offers many products to make life with baby easier, such as highly-featured Baby Travel Systems

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Baby Got Back

A Mickie James tribute, with the song Baby Got Back (I Like Big Butts)

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

7 Stages of Potty Training

There are seven stages of potty training. They begin with showing signs of potty training readiness and conclude with being able to use the toilet away from home.

Signs of Readiness - The first stage of potty training begins when your child shows the following signs of potty training readiness:

· Expresses an interest in the potty

· Express the need to go potty (verbally or through body language)

· Able to dress and undress

· Uncomfortable in wet diapers

· Stays dry for two hours

· Imitates family members

· Interested in big kid underwear

· Has regular bowel movements

Introduction to the Idea of Potty Training – When your child shows a majority of the signs of potty training readiness, it’s time to introduce him to the concept of using the potty. This can be done by reading a potty training book as a bedtime story or watching a potty training video or DVD together. Purchase a potty chair and let your child watch you use the potty. Children will often imitate family members.

Sit On the Potty – When your child has been introduced to the concept of potty training, he will probably imitate family member and sit on his potty chair [] while you use the bathroom. This is a good time to teach good hygiene such as wiping and washing hands after using the potty.

Use the Potty Sometimes – Be sure to give your child plenty of liquids and take him to the potty every 30 minutes. This will help build muscle memory. The first time your child uses the potty, make a big deal of his huge accomplishment. A hug, encouraging words, or a small reward can be good motivational tools and help your child feel proud of his or her accomplishment.

Use the Potty Alone – As your child gets more comfortable with the potty and his ability to control his bodily functions, he will go to the potty by himself. He will then come tell you about it. Again, this is a time for lots of praise and encouragement.

Transition to the Toilet – When your child is comfortable using his potty seat, it’s time to transition him to the toilet. Many children are afraid of falling in, so you may need to purchase a toilet seat adapter such as the Flip-N-Flush or the PRIMO’s Ducka toilet adapter. These devices reduce the size of the toilet hole, thereby making you child feel more secure.

Use Potty Away From Home - The last stage of potty training occurs when your child is able to use the potty away from home. Thankfully, there are many portable [] and disposable toilet seats available to keep your child from coming in contact with public toilet seats. Many public bathrooms have auto-flush toilets with electronic sensors. These sensors often fail to detect that a child is seated on the toilet and cause the toilet to flush repeatedly, scaring the child. Devices such as the Flush-Stopper prevent auto-flush toilets from flushing while your child is seated.

Some children breeze through the seven stages of potty training in a matter of weeks, while other children take several months to complete potty training. Your child’s progress depends on his or her stage of development, your potty training knowledge, and the potty training products you have available.

Copyright 2004 ZIP Baby. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large selection of potty training products. For more information about potty training, or to browse the potty training store, visit the When to Start Potty Training [].

Monday, 16 August 2010

Bed Wetting (Sasha)

Life in the fast lane

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Dirty Sanchez : Amber On A Three-Way Call

Video by Mariah and Molly Oh my God! Who does this song!? Thats what freaked-out club-goers run up and ask the DJ every time they play Dirty Sanchez. And who is Dirty Sanchez, you ask? A wildly popular West Coast phenomenon in the East Coast-dominated electroclash scene, thats who. The first song the group ever recorded, the futuristic tongue-in-ass-cheek Replicunt , was quickly snagged by electroclash superstar Larry Tee to be included on his definitive compilation BADD INC on Mogul Records. Their second song, Asymmetric - which turns an innocuous 80s fashion trend into a passionate new religion - is currently on the 3-CD compilation THIS IS ELECTROCLASH on Hypnotic Recordings. Their super-underground, not-available-anywhere hit F***ing On The Dance Floor has horny hipsters thrusting their fashionable pelvises on both coasts. And their dripping-wet cover of Sex Dwarf will soon be included in an upcoming Soft Cell tribute compilation by Cleopatra Records. Formed in Los Angeles in 2001, Dirty Sanchez is... JACKIE BEAT who sings the songs. Jackie Beat is many women and none at all. Jackie has appeared in tons of stage productions, TV shows, and movies. Miss Beat has also traveled all over the world wowing audiences with her velvet throat and razor-sharp comedy. MARIO DIAZ who sings the songs, too. Before moving to Los Angeles, Mario Diaz was hailed as New Yorks King of Sleaze. The bi-coastal bad boy has thrown down n dirty dance parties that literally redefined the club ...

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Baby with Wet Diaper

girls night charades who came up with the impossible topics?!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Breastfeeding - So You Think You Have a Low Milk Supply?

There are four questions I always ask moms when they tell me they have no milk.

First, I assess whether or not the baby seems to be getting milk. Do you hear them swallow? Are they feeding 8-12 times per day? Are they wetting and or soiling their diaper at least 6 times per day?

If you answered yes to the questions, there is probably enough milk. If you answered no to any there could be a problem with milk production. If you think there is a problem, Next I ask 4 questions?

1. Are you emptying your breasts at least every 3-4 hours during the entire 24 hours per day? This is important; your body will only refill what is used. It is a simply Demand=Supply system.

If you do not empty when your baby misses a feeding your milk supply will dwindle. It is imperative that you empty by pumping or manual expression if you are supplementing with a bottle. This means no sleeping through the night without emptying during the first few weeks AND you must pump every 3-4 hours while at work if you want to make the milk. If you don't your body will automatically produce less milk. You did not demand/empty it so it will NOT make it. Even if this means pumping at 3am. (sorry new moms letting daddy give a bottle so you can sleep will reduce your supply) It is better at 3 am then have too little milk and have a fussy baby. It can take days to restore your milk supply if diminished. Trust me, I made this mistake. I was working and did not make time to pump, and the next day was miserable for myself and my daughter.

2. Are you drinking enough water? Enough is more than you think, it is recommended to drink 10-12 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Coffee and cold drinks DO NOT count. So drink, drink and drink some more. Studies have also shown that drinking adequate amounts of water will help relieve symptoms of exhaustion.

3. Are you getting sleep? I will not even say enough sleep. That is a joke. As I discuss on my website, sleep when the baby sleeps. When you are exhausted, your body goes on survival mode and milk production is not on the survival list.

4. Are you taking a prenatal vitamin? This is a must, the entire time you breastfeed. The baby will deplete all your resources.You may feel horrible and your milk supply can dwindle if you neglect to take your vitamins everyday. Because believe me, you will not have time to have a well balanced diet. Especially the first few week

I would like to mention that there are herbal supplements and prescription medications called galactogogues available for insufficient milk supply. BUT I NEVER recommend use of these if you are not doing #1-4 religiously with no success. So please, do not look into taking anything to boost your supply if you are not emptying every 3-4 hours throughout the day and night. I have had clients with success using herbs and some prefer the prescription route. Contact your physician or local health food store for more information.

There are options out therefor those moms who are having trouble in this area. Don't give up!!!

Watch for dehydration in your baby if you are concerned about your milk supply. Symptoms can be dry mouth (run your fingers across their gum line, it should be moist, not sticky), monitor wet diapers remember at least 6 wet and/or dirty in 24 hours, arousability: your baby should awaken easily to nurse at least every 3 hours as a newborn. If any of these symptoms occur contact your pediatrician immediately or go to your nearest emergency room. Babies can become dehydrated quickly, so do not wait hours for a call back from your doctor. Follow your instincts if you feel something is wrong, go to the doctor, it is always better to ere on the side of caution.

Last but not least, find a lactation consultant or breastfeeding support person who can help you along your lactation journey. If you can't find one locally, use my website as a resource.

Liz Pevytoe is a RN, lactation consultant in Texas. You can ask her questions about low milk supply on her website

Thursday, 12 August 2010

When to Potty Train Toddlers

If you ask most parents that have previously potty trained their children a majority of them will say it was an exhausting time with lots of little, or in some cases large, hurdles popping up along the way. So, to get the timing right as to when to start to potty train your toddler is a major part of the overall exercise. Parents all over the world are often scratching their heads asking themselves at what age or when to potty train and the simple answer seems to be - when the child is ready! If you start before they are ready, history shows parents can experience weeks, months or even in some cases years of frustrations and constant troubles with potty training.

To help you identify if your child is ready to be potty trained take 5 minutes and answer the following questions:

1. Is your child at least 18 months old?
2. Does your child seem curious about other people mainly parent going to the toilet?
3. Does your child show any interest or curiosity in the potty?
4. Does your child seem happy with the potty or bathroom or does he seem to hold some fears with these areas?
5. Does your child indicate id some way they need to go? (gestures, signals or words).
6. Does your child have regular bowel movements?
7. Does your child seem irritated by wet or soiled diapers or nappies?
8. Does your child have very wet diapers or nappies?
9. Does your child respond positively to simple commands or directions from yourself?
10. Does your child respond positively to praise and/or rewards?

If you answered yes to 8 or more of these questions, then the answer to your own question, when to potty train, is now! If you answered yes to less than 8 then maybe wait a little longer, even just a couple of months. The time has to be right. gives parents step by step training on all aspects of identifying the right time to potty train. This site also outlines some extremely interesting information on health issues that parents must be aware of if the child is not potty trained at the right age. It also discusses psychological issues that the child might encounter. The techniques and tricks on how to potty train at this site makes for very good reading and is very informant for a parent especially a parent experiencing difficulties with this sometimes delicate process. Well worth reading, also has a service where you can ask a specific question regarding your problem and they will email an answer back to you.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Diaper Dance

My daughter trying to shake her wet diaper!

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Conventional Disposable Diapers VS Organic Natural Diapers

There are two general categories of diaper parents can choose for their babies. Option one is cloth diaper and the other is commonly used disposable diaper. Your decision regarding which one to use will not be an easy one, especially if you concern about the environment, the health of your babies and the convenience of use. If you are a parent with your first baby then you must know that down the road you will have to handle diapers a few times a day for several years after your baby is born. You must also know that your baby will be wearing diapers 24/7 until he/she is finally mastered the toilet training. This will take a baby on average 3 to 4 years to do. What is that mean? Depending on year your choice of diaper is, your baby's most sensitive body part will be pressed against the toxic chemicals and materials for that period of time.For the environment and health reason cloth diaper that is made of organic cotton cloth is definitely the best choice. For convenience the disposable diaper will win the race, no doubt about it. There is however a new choice/product that is just being introduced to the market. This is the flushable diapers. Because these diapers will dissolve in the water after you give them a few stir they can be flushed down the toilet. These diapers contain no chlorine and no fragrance and so they are very environmental friendly and is a healthier choice than ordinary disposable diapers.

It was said that conventional disposable diapers are one of the most remarkable invention human ever came about creating. This makes many parents' life much easier. The absorbing power of the extremely thin disposal diapers is achieved through the use of an amazing assortment of bleached paper fibers, plastics, moisture-absorbing gels, and other chemical materials. Leave aside other materials just listed bleach alone is one of the most toxic substance that one can put against the fragile tender skin of a baby. The moisture absorbing gels used in the disposal diapers are also substance that might cause long-term health problem to the new born. The plastic used in the diapers are not reusable and are not readily decomposable after discarded. The number of daily disposed diapers around can cause serious environmental threats.

For a friendlier choice, the cloth diapers, especially those made of organic cotton, offer no harmful substance to both your babies and the environment. If you do go with cloth diaper, ensure you choose the diaper cover to eliminate the need for pins. Although many diaper covers are made of plastic, they can be used multiple times and are not in direct contact with babies' skin. You might also consider the use of disposable, biodegradable non-chlorine diaper liners to go with the cloth diapers. These can be ordered online, if you need help finding them, let me know and I can show you a few good ones. This will allow you to flush the contents of your baby's dirty diaper down the toilet. After the lining is removed and flushed, store your used diapers in a metal or non-plastic diaper container with a closable lid or cover. Line the container with a washable fabric liner or a biodegradable garbage bag so that no harmful substance is to leak into the diaper and no harm is done to the environment. If you go with cloth diapers, the best option for you and your baby is to launder them at home. This is not an easy commitment, especially for working parents. But if you have all the gear you need at home, your life will not be as bad as you might think. When it comes to time to wash the cloth diapers, keep them separate from the rest of your laundry and only wash the diapers with non-chlorine bleach and a soap-based nontoxic detergent. If washing organic cotton diapers at home is out of this world to you, you can choose the gel-free disposable diapers as an alternative.

Here is a quick summary of the Pros and Cons of the cloth diapers and disposable diapers in case you are busy taking care of your baby and have no time to come back to this document in the future:

Cloth Diapers:


- Organic cotton is the only material that touches your baby's skin. No plastic, chlorine or other chemicals will touch your baby's tender skin.

- On average, a single diaper can be reused for up to 100 to 150 times and then recycled.

- Waste goes into the sewer and not a landfill.

- More economical with savings of up to $1,000 per child.

- Facilitates earlier potty training because baby will learn to avoid feeling wet.


- Takes work to create a leak-free system

- Requires more energy, water in washing and time of the parents.

- More complicated to assemble products and accessories, such as liners and covers.

- Diaper services often use chlorine bleach and detergents with strong fragranced fabric softeners, this creates environmental issue and irritation to the baby's skin.

Disposable Diapers:


- Convenient and easy to use.

- Requires less effort, energy of the parents and also save water.

- Some day-care centers require the supply of disposable diaper when you drop off your kid.

- Some brands are biodegradable.


- The disposable diapers go to landfills, where even biodegradable diapers do not degrade.

- Most disposable use plastic in a non-sustainable production manner

- The dioxins, solvents, and heavy metals used in production leak into the environment. Traces are next to your baby's kin.

Monday, 9 August 2010

How to Prevent Sinus Infection

For those susceptible to sinusitis these tips on how to prevent sinus infection will reduce the number and severity of your attacks, as well as discourage acute infections from becoming chronic.

Get your flu shots every year.

Should you develop cold symptoms, take medication to nip it in the bud.

Steer clear of people with colds because careful as they might be, their germs will pass onto you.

In fact germs surround you. Do you ever stop to think how many germs you inadvertently pick up from public places during the course of a day? From handrails of stairs, escalators, public transport, from shopping basket handles, from toilet floors when you put your handbag down, from elevator buttons. Limit their impact by washing your hands regularly with hot, soapy water, especially after being outside and before eating.

Fortify your immune system by reducing your stress levels and eating loads of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Dairy products thicken your mucous, so cut back on them.

For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, do your best to avoid allergens. Stay indoors as much as possible. Close windows and if you are lucky enough to have air conditioning at home, make good use of it. It filters out the allergens and keeps temperatures steady.

To keep your environment from drying out excessively, use a humidifier. If dust mites and molds give you allergies too, humidity may be a problem. What then? I guess somewhere in the middle, not too dry and not too wet.

If necessary make use of decongestant nasal sprays and prescription antihistamines. Ask your doctor for non-sedating ones so you can still lead a normal life without nodding off.

Allergy shots or immunotherapy for up to 5 years reportedly stop allergy symptoms or reduce them drastically for years.

Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated. This strengthens your immune defences and thins nasal secretions. Fluids include water, hot water with honey, herbal and regular tea. For those who imbibe, alcohol does not qualify as a fluid. In fact alcohol worsens your situation by causing swollen sinus membranes, with beer being the worst offender.

The changing pressure of air travel adds to your woes. If you have no choice but to fly, use decongestant drops or inhalers just before you take off to ensure open sinus passage ways.

Nasal sprays and inhaling steam keep your nasal passages moist.

When blowing your nose, do so gently to avoid causing damage to your sinuses.

Chronic sufferers should steer clear of cigar and cigarette smoke, strong smelling chemicals and similar environmental allergens.

If you are prone to sinusitis, swimming for a long time in chlorinated water aggravates your condition by irritating your sinuses.

Key to preventing sinusitis is clearing your nasal passages because stagnant mucous is the ideal breeding ground for an infection. Do so by irrigating your nasal passages daily.

This simple but extremely effective practice flushes out all irritants, allergens, viruses and bacteria from your sinuses before allergic reactions appear and before bacteria have to a chance to multiply and engulf your immune system.

It also helps when hanging out with anyone who has a cold -- irrigate when you can to minimise your chances of catching anything and it turning nasty.

For more about this topic, see it at prevent sinus infection or for something completely different, find out everything you need to know about natural gas tankless water heaters.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

The Punishment

When I was ten, pottery making fascinated me. I would read library books on the subject, collect clay in small pots and create lumpy bowls with the Play Doh. One hot August afternoon I lined up my still-wet clay pots wondering how to bake them when it occurred to me that just a few feet away in the kitchen stood a huge oven, perfect for baking my pots. Now I knew that the stove was off limits but in the fever of my dedication, I decided to do it.

My parents wouldn't be home for hours, so I transferred the pots to the oven and turned it on the highest setting. The hour went by excruciatingly slow as I alternated between looking down the road for my parents and checking the condition of my pots. At the hour's end, I eased out the pots on a tray and moved them outside. Only one broke, falling on the floor in my haste.

My parent's return found me on the front porch reading a book. With my mother silent in the doorway, my father approached me and asked if I used the oven while they were gone. Shocked frozen at being caught, I shook my head no, refusing to believe that they had found me out. Meanwhile, they had seen the evidence on the floor, smelled the hot oven and felt the residual heat in the kitchen. I didn't have a chance in hell, but I still tried to brazen it out. I was taken out the back where I lined up my booty and was given ten swipes with the mahogany hair brush you-know-where. After a few yelps, I stood there suppressing tears as my father finished my punishment. Then he asked me if I knew why I was being punished.

I mumbled, "For using the oven?"

He shook his head and said, "No, not that."

"For not asking permission?"

"Not that, either," he declared.

Then it dawned on me that I was always taught that lying was the worst sin in the world. "For lying?" I whispered.

"That's it." he nodded. "Now promise me you'll never lie again."

"I promise", I stuttered. That painful memory stayed with me for a long time, getting me through the toughest of the teen years.

Retired portrait photographer. Comments welcome.

Friday, 6 August 2010

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Thursday, 5 August 2010

10 Ways to Soothe Your Fussy Baby

  •  Feed and Burp your Baby. Babies cry when they are hungry, or they may have swallowed a bubble of air with resulting gas pains. Make sure you always burp your baby after they eat.

  • Try a Pacifier. Babies have a strong desire to suck, which is a soothing mechanism. Some babies prefer to suck their own thumb (my younger daughter), some will prefer a pacifier (my older daughter) and then there will be babies who prefer neither. Let them choose-they seem to have a natural instinct on which one to use.

  • Soothing Sounds. Sometimes soft lullabies will help, but some babies need monotonous sounds, like "white noise". I am sure you have heard of parents running the clothes dryer, vacuum, or taking their baby for a car ride. We were fortunate-all we ever needed were the lullabies.

  • Swaddle your Baby. Many babies feel comforted when they are wrapped up snug & tight in a blanket. Babies have been used to little room in the mothers' womb. Being out in the open world can be a little frightening at times. There is a particular way to swaddle your baby so they feel as snug as a bug in a rug!

  • Look for Clothing Discomfort. Make sure their clothes are not too tight or that the baby is caught in a string of fabric. You never know, it could be some little thing like this.

  • Check for diaper Trouble. Wet diapers can be cold and diaper rash can occur. Babies can also cry just before a bowel movement. Isn't that amazing?  I always dabbed a little diaper rash ointment on after every diaper change-not a lot-but just enough and my daughters never got the rash. Look in my store for some great Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention products.

  • Get Some Fresh Air. Changing a babys' environment may help a fussy baby go back to sleep.  They could be bored also, and want a change of scenery.

  • Provide Movement. Babies love to be held in your arms and swayed back and forth. I did so much swaying that now, every time I pick up someone elses' baby, I automatically start to sway! All the "swayers" are usually Moms! Babies also like to be rocked in a rocking chair. The movements should be steady and rhythmic.

  • Try a Baby Sling. This is called "wearing your baby". Babies love to be held and to be close to their parents. This helps you bond to your baby. When they are nestled up near you in a sling, they will be comforted by your heartbeat. Dads: you can wear a Baby Sling also! This isn't just for Moms!  In my store, you can find a great selection of Baby Slings.

  • Relax! Getting tense and nervous yourself can make matters worse, especially when you are tired and grumpy. Take a nice walk by yourself, try a bubble bath, or get some exercise and you will feel refreshed.

I hope my 10 ideas to Soothe your Baby will help. I know a lot of them are pretty obvious, but it is always re-assuring to know that we all go through it. Before you know it, they will be toddlers and you will have to deal with a whole new set of behaviors!

Lori J Walker writes articles relating to Babies and Decorating the Nursery.

Her store has an abundant supply of Baby Nursery Bedding, Wall Decor, and Coordinating Nursery Room Accessories.

If you are looking for Baby Shower Gifts, Baby Slings, Organic Blankets, Unique Baby Gifts or Baby Keepsakes, carry beautiful quality items at today's affordable prices.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

25 Reasons Why Babies Cry

More often than not, a crying baby can drive parents and caregivers crazy, especially if the baby cries persistently. However, you need to know that crying is a common event in the lives of all babies. When a baby comes out of the womb the first thing to do is crying.

By the first cry he will take some air into the lungs for the first time in their life. It is obvious that the healthy baby should cry.

We all know that a baby can't tell his needs or troubles. The only way for him to communicate with others is by crying. Babies show some other signals like feet kicking, hand waving and head turning. But the easiest way to capture the attention of others is by crying.

It's hard to define whether crying is excessive, as the crying behavior varies from baby to baby. Some babies can be calmed easily but some are difficult to sooth.

Many a times the baby calms down by giving breast milk or by carrying with a gentle rocking. Sudden onset of excessive crying means the baby is distressed and needs attention.

The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions. While it is prudent to investigate every crying, it is also good to know that some babies cry habitually without any real reasons, but will stop gradually.

Here is a list of the common causes of a baby crying.

1) Hunger

One of the more common reasons is a hungry baby, who will cry until he gets the milk.

2) Wetting

Urination and defecation cause some discomfort and results in crying till he is cleaned and made dry .

3) Company

Some babies need someone near. Or when his comfort item like a favourite doll slips away from the grip, he cries.

4) Fatigue

When the baby is tired but unable to sleep, he'll simply cry.

5) Heat and cold

If he feels too hot or too cold he becomes restless and cry. Ensure there is good ventilation and the room temperature is just right.

6) Tight clothing

Tight clothes especially during warm weather is intolerable for babies. Tight elastic of the dress can also cause soreness in the hip area.

7) Dark room

When the baby wakes up from sleep he needs some dim light. If there is complete darkness he will cry.

8) Mosquitoes

Yes, these insects disturb the sleep by their blood sucking, causing itch and making the baby cry.

9) Nasal blockage

The infant may not be able to sleep when there is nasal blockage and will keep on crying until the passage is clear.

10) Phlegm in throat

This also causes difficult breathing. Sometimes a typical sound can be heard with each breath.

11) General aching

Generalised body ache with restlessness is seen in flu and prodromal stages of some infectious diseases. The baby cries as a result.

12) Nappy rash

If a tight and wet nappy is kept for a long time, a nappy rash may develop. The rash can also be due to some allergic response to the elastic material of the nappy. Other skin problems like eczema, ecthyma, candidiasis etc can also cause discomfort in the baby.

13) Ear ache

Ear infection is prevalent especially in wet climate. Ear ache commonly becomes worse at night when lying down. The child will become restless and an older toddler may show signs of rubbing the affected ear regularly.

See the remaining 12 reasons why babies cry. Visit, a premier online baby resource, to claim a free copy of "Baby's First Year", a precious ebook for all new parents.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Breastfeeding - Alarm Signals A Nursing Mother Should Recognize

Breastfeeding is a very natural and the healthiest choice both for mother and baby. Most of the times, breastfeeding goes well and both mother and baby are happy. Let us review the alarm signals that may be suggesting that the breastfeeding process might not be going all well.

First, a baby that is always crying may be a sign that there is something wrong. A baby who sleeps and wakes-up for feedings is a sign that the breast milk he is receiving is satisfying. A better who also does not wet 5 to 6 diapers per day might not be receiving all the milk he needs. One has to be careful nowadays as the newer diapers are very absorbent and it can be sometimes hard to see if it is wet or not.

A baby who is not gaining weight may be a sign that the breast milk is not satisfying his needs. There is a normal weight loss during the first 7 to 10 days of life but usually this weight loss is no more than 10% of the baby's birth weight.

A baby that is highly jaundiced or has a faint cry is also a sign that something might not be right. In doubt, parents should always consult their physician.

A baby who also gets really upset when trying to latch-on the breast or only feeds for a couple of minutes and then fall asleep tired are signs that should raise a flag.

On the mother's side, there are also alarm signs she should be aware of. A mother who is running a high fever or have increasing breast tenderness should consult her doctor. A nursing mother who is crying a lot or feels very sad should also ask for the proper help.

Another alarm sign breastfeeding mothers should know about is if they are in a non-supportive environment and receiving very negative messages about nursing. One has to acknowledge that not everyone will be supportive of breastfeeding and this could greatly undermine the overall breastfeeding experience.

In cases where a mother feels unsupported in her choice of breastfeeding her baby she can get the necessary support by joining a group for breastfeeding mothers. There are numerous forums on the internet where nursing mothers get together and exchange about their experiences.

Another very important step if a nursing mother does not feel supported while breastfeeding is to openly talk to her spouse or family about her feelings. Sometimes, a simple discussion will clear the air and the mother can feel understood and supported in her breastfeeding choice.

In the case of a woman who has undergone breast reduction surgery, she may try to breastfeed. Her milk production will depend on how the procedure was done. Many women have been able to breastfeed after such surgeries.

The only way to really know if the breasts can produce sufficient milk is to start nursing the baby. One has to know that the significant milk production usually starts on the second to the third day after birth. Just like for most other maternal tasks, patience is always recommended,

For more information now go to:

Sunday, 1 August 2010

The Advantages of Adult Diapers

Urinary Incontinence is the main reason for the use of adult diapers. There are many symptoms as to why adults wet their pants - it may be fear-related, old age or even an ailment known as UTI or Urinary Track Infection. UTI presents the overwhelming feeling to urinate, with only a few drops being released. Its opposite happens when there is no feeling but the need to urinate happens so fast that controlling it seems to be so difficult to do.

What are the known advantages of these adult diapers especially to the elderly?

1) Practical since they are disposable so washing the adult undergarment is avoided.
2) Discreet should the elderly could not hold it nor has no control urinating, they can easily urinate on the diaper.
3) Easy to use. These diapers are typical undergarments or underwear but with a twist. It comes in different sizes and level of thickness.
4) Widely available to the market is an advantage since more and more adults in there 70s and above need it most of the time.

It is advisable to regularly interchange using normal undergarments and diapers when at home since it prevents rash build up.

The elderly people are the target market for these adult diapers. They are safe from having unwanted accidents most especially when they are in the comforts of their own homes. These diapers can be associated with those being used by infants. The only thing that differs is the size and contour of the diaper.

Please visit Gilbert Guide for more information on adult diapers and advantages of diapers.