Sunday, 22 August 2010

Teaching an Infant to Read

It's becoming common knowledge that even young babies can be taught to read. Still, many people are unaware of the growing body of evidence pointing to the amazing reading abilities of babies. Even when people discover the possibilities, many wonder exactly what good it does to teach a baby to read. Following are several reasons why it's a great idea to teach your baby to read as early as possible.

While there are different ways of teaching a baby to read, they all center on reading to the baby. Those who take the time to read to their babies, and especially those who point out specific words, will find that their babies can learn to read at a very early age. Several methods can be used to display the words to infants, including flash cards, alphabet blocks, and computer visualizations. Really, any technique that displays letters and words to a baby is helpful in teaching the baby to read.

Studies conducted on the efficacy of reading to babies have shown that a baby who hears more words before his or her second birthday has a better chance of being successful in school. Babies who are around lots of conversation and who are spoken to a lot have an advantage over babies who don't receive as much linguistic interaction.

By creating a language-rich environment for your baby, you'll be laying the groundwork for your baby to quickly pick up reading. Infants have very receptive brains that absorb tons of information from their surroundings. Using repetition is the best way to teach a baby the names of people and objects.

You can teach a baby to read in the same way: by using repetition. Displaying a word to a baby repeatedly will allow the baby to learn the word through constant exposure.

As an infant's brain is very receptive to new knowledge from its environment, it's a great time to teach a baby how to read.

When you teach a baby to read at a young age, he or she will learn to associate written words with spoken words. They strengthen the connections in their brains between written and spoken language, allowing them to excel in both areas.

Being able to read effectively can open up many more opportunities for your baby in the future. You'll even get to spend time and play with your baby as you teach him or her to read. There's already a market for products that help you teach your baby to read, and there's no better time than now to get started!

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