Sunday, 12 September 2010

Early Potty Training


Did you know that back in the 1950's over 80% of toddlers were potty trained before their 2nd birthday? Some say as high as 95% percent were potty trained by age 2 in 1950. The primary reason for this was that cloth diapers are notoriously uncomfortable once they get wet or soiled, and they can be very nasty to clean up.

Move ahead to present day and you will find that only 50% of toddlers are potty trained by age 3! What a difference, and if you have not guessed already, the main reason for this is disposable diapers. Disposable diapers have taken away the incentive for parent and child for early potty training. Not to mention, make the present day diaper companies a fortune.

Advantages Of Early Potty Training

There are many advantages to potty training your child earlier vs. later. For us parents, we can save on average $1,000 per year on diapers and related products. Here is just a small list of advantages I am sure you will find interesting.

  • No worry about social embarrassment

  • Reduced health risks related to constipation

  • No more mess to clean up

  • Helpful to the environment

  • More independence

  • Parents gain more time

  • Less stress for child and parents

Having your toddler potty trained at an early age will not only free you of worry and frustration, but it will make your toddler more confident in themselves. And mommy and daddy will be able to have a few more nights out alone at the same time.

So Now That We Are Convinced - When Can We Start

Now, you will hear or see a lot of talk about potty training at very young ages such as in infancy, however the recommendation here for early potty training is that your child be able to walk and pull their pants up and down.

Most children are ready to potty train when you see some, but not necessarily all, of the indicators below.

  • Unhappiness with wet or soiled diapers

  • Getting your attention before or after going #1 or #2

  • Staying dry for longer periods of time such as 2-3 hours

  • Waking up dry from naps dry

Once you start to see some of these things your toddler is likely ready for training. Pay attention and take note of your toddlers behavior as it relates to wetting and soiling diapers as this will help you in the actual process of training.

Recommendations For Early Potty Training Your Toddler

Remember, you know your toddler better than anyone, so incorporate your knowledge into your training plan. Since this is something you as a parent will want to accomplish quickly, rather than going through months of toilet training, I recommend you use a proven and reliable method to potty train your toddler. Visit "Potty Trained in 1 to 3 Days" and find out how you can free yourself and your toddler of messy diapers once and for all.

~ Allen Thompson