Here is a list of what should be done to keep your baby safe.
1. Keep your baby clean and neat, always.
2. Cut his nails regularly, properly and carefully.
3. Remove wet diapers at once.
4. Hygiene and cleanliness of genital the area should be maintained. Always keep genital parts dry. These body parts are prone to infection, especially when wet.
5. Clean the scalp regularly and properly to prevent dermatitis and fungal infections.
6. Baby clothing should be loose enough not to restrict body movements, ease aeration and prevent skin irritation.
7. Keep your baby' room properly ventilated and lighted. Free it from insects and dusts.
8. Your Baby' bed should be separate but close to mothers'. A water proof bed is preferable.
9. Musical toys are good for your baby. Turn them on and let him hear it.
10. Support your baby's head when carrying him. His neck muscles are not yet strong enough to support sudden and snappy head movements.
11. For your baby's nutrition needs, stick to mother's milk. Mother's breast milk is best. No known substitute can match its nutritional qualities. When breastfeeding, make yourself and your baby comfortable. Ensure too that your nipples are always clean. Take care of your health and diet from the time you lactate.
12. In case of difficulties with breastfeeding, feed your baby with cows' milk. Sterilize feeding bottles with boiling water and keep them dry until their next use.
13. When nursing your baby with cows' milk, you will need to further pasteurize or boil and cool it. There are viruses like brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis that easily spread through raw milk.
14. There are babies who are allergic to some substances or materials like milk, food, dress and cosmetics. Do not use any of them for your child when you are certain they are causing allergy.
15. Use mosquito nets regularly. Mosquito bites give rise to spread of deadly viral diseases like dengue, malaria, yellow fever and filariasis. They also cause skin eruptions when triggered by allergic reactions. Mosquitoes are also irksome, their buzz and bites prevent people from sleeping soundly.
16. The surroundings must be kept calm when your baby sleeps. Infants need more sleep than adults. Growth hormones work hardest during sleep.
17. Keep track of the overall physical, motor, language, emotional, social and personal development of your child. Mark the normal development milestones at any given age. Measure weight and height regularly.
18. Bowel movement is frequent among infants. Potty train your baby as early as his 10th month.
19. Clean toilet seats using antiseptic liquid before and after their use. Do not let other children share one's potty.
20. Seek doctor's help every time your baby shows symptoms of ailment. The signs include convulsions, excessive crying, fever, frequent vomiting, stiff neck, bluish body discoloration, diarrhea, breathing difficulty with grunting, etc.
21. Keep a separate first aid kit and medicine box for your child. Make sure first aid kits always contain dressing materials, sterile cotton, antiseptic ointment and lotion and forceps. Maintain a separate notebook containing contact information of doctors, police, ambulance services, and the like. Information on dosage and application procedures should be written on paper and posted close to the medicine box.
22. When driving with your baby on board, fix him with a separate seat belt.
23. When the baby goes out with you, put inside his small pocket his identity card and your contact information.
24. When your baby begins to walk, maintain your close distance to him and prevent possible injuries from accidental fall or slip.
25. Apply first aid in times of emergency. Lose no time in taking your baby to the hospital. Here are cases of emergency situations and the steps you can take:
a) Your baby may choke when he swallows solid objects that block his air pipes. Have your baby lie on his abdomen with his head in a lower position. Press the back towards his chest. You may also stroke his upper back. When all of this fails, call somebody who knows, has training or experience, and have him help you take the object out using forceps.
b) In case of accidental poisoning, try to induce the baby to vomit. This aims to take the poisonous substance out of the body. But you may not do it if the cause of poisoning is either kerosene or acid. Wash the baby's body with water so that further contamination through the skin may be prevented. Check to ensure what caused the poisoning and rush your baby to the hospital.
c) In case of burns, quickly take the baby away from heat's source. Dampen it with cold and clean water. Do not remove burned clothes from the body at once. Cover wounds with sanitized cotton and rush the baby to the hospital.
d) In case of wounds, use clean water to sanitize the wound. Compress the wound and raise it above the baby's heart level to control the bleeding. Make use of a tourniquet when applicable and when the bleeding continues. Apply dressing to the wound with sterile cotton or bandage. Then seek the help of a doctor.
e) In case of drowning in a bath tub, take your baby out quickly and keep his head in a low position. Press the chest gently or apply mouth to mouth resuscitation until the baby's air pipes are clear and the baby is able to breath freely. Take him to a nearby hospital at once.
f) In case of electric shock, cut off the source of electricity. Apply mouth to mouth breathing and cardiac massage if the baby cannot breath on his own. Rush him to the hospital.
26. Finally, keeping babies safe requires total care, love and support. It is the way to keep them happily and healthy.
One the other hand, here is a list of what should not be done to keep your baby safe.
1. Do not shake your baby. The rough movement may cause damage to his brain.
2. Keep small items away from your baby.
3. Never give sharp and pointed objects like pencil or pen to kids.
4. Be careful not to let water enter into your baby's ear when giving him bath.
5. Do not force your baby to take food when he is coughing or crying continuously.
6. Do not overfeed your baby.
7. Keep items or substances like mosquito repellents, ink, gum, moth balls, medicines, and the like away from your baby.
8. Do not use tight clothing for your baby.
9. Do not leave your baby perched on the edge of a bed.
10. Do not give your baby to strangers. Avoid having him in close contact with other persons.
11. Keep all electrical tools or devices away from your baby. Fix his bed away from electrical wires or sockets.
12. Do not leave your baby alone in your kitchen. This place is dangerous for kids.
13. Maintain water level in your bath tub to minimum and do not attend to other things like answering a phone call when your baby is taking a bath in your bath tub.
14. Do not allow smoking or smokers inside and within the premises of the house.
15. Do not allow pets to come in close contact with your baby. Make sure pets are injected with anti-rabies compounds and their nails are trimmed properly.
16. When your baby begins to walk, do not let him climb the steps or leave him unaccompanied upstairs.
17. Avoid very strong lighting inside your house.
18. When you and your baby travel, do not give your baby any food given by co-passengers.
19. Do not let your baby crawl on the ground or soil.
20. Avoid getting close to your baby when you are sick. Prevent your baby from getting near anyone who is sick.
21. Avoid taking your baby to crowded hospital wards, market places and dusty or polluted places.
22. Keep your baby away from table lamps. Lighting attracts insects and can cause problems.
23. Medicine should not be given to children when in doubt. Expired medicines should be discarded and never to be used.
Hermilando Aberia is an expert in social development work with at least 22 years of professional experience as either consultant or key staff member of health, community development, education and local governance projects. He has a Master's Degree in Development Management from the Asian Institute of Management. Contact Information: B21 L59 Kassel Kristina Heights, Tacloban City, Philippines. Mobile: (+63) 9058664106; Website: