Some parents find the prospect of potty training a very intimidating one and have numerous questions about when and how to begin training. A little information can give you the confidence needed to commence potty training your child with assurance. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about it.
Q. When should I begin potty training?
There is no right or wrong answer to the question of when to start potty training. Each child develops at his, or her, own pace. Typically, children are potty trained between 18 months and 24 months old. Some parents choose to begin earlier. On the other hand, many parents delay the training until their child is 3-years-old, or even older.
At around 12 months, the muscles needed to control the bowel and bladder begin to mature, by the age of 18 months they are fully mature, which means your child should be able to remain dry for extended periods (2-3 hours) during the day.
Q. How long does the process take?
Again, this question has no definitive answer and will depend on your child. Although it may be less, be prepared for it to take up to 3-4 weeks. However, remaining dry overnight could take up to a year.
Q. When going out, should I use pull-ups?
The simple answer is no. It may seem like a great way to avoid accidents and pull-ups are similar to underpants, but to your child they are nappies. Pull-ups are absorbent, which means your child will not have the same sensation of being wet. This will be confusing for your son, or daughter. and may be detrimental to any progress already achieved. It is easiest to plan potty training, so you will be at home for a week. After this time, you should be able to go out as normal taking a potty training chair with you.
Q. How should I prepare for potty training?
It is a good idea to plan for potty training. In other words, purchase any equipment that you will need beforehand. This will enable your child to become accustomed to the potty training chair, toilet seat restrictor, or other tools. If your child is familiar with these items, he, or she, is less likely to be fearful of using them.
Q. Should I talk to my child about it?
Yes, definitely. You should let your child know that they will be wearing grown-up underwear during the day. You may even wish to take your son, or daughter, shopping for new underpants, which will help to encourage his, or her, enthusiasm for potty training.
Q. How regularly should I ask my child if they need to use the potty?
When you begin training, you may find it beneficial to ask your child every half an hour whether they need to use the potty. You may only need to do this for a few days, or perhaps a week. This reduces the risk of accidents and reminds your child to be aware of the need to use the potty.
Q. Is it harder to potty train boys than girls?
Overall, potty training boys and girls is very similar. There are many myths such as boys are more difficult to train, because they are lazy and less motivated. While it is true that statistically boys take slightly longer to potty train, it is a fallacy that boys are more difficult to train.
Visit Potty Training Guides for many others practical information on methods, hints and tips, and simple answers to your potty training questions