Monday, 31 October 2011

I Cry For You, Please Cry For Me - Part Two - Healthy Adults In Diapers

This next part of the series of articles is about questions. These are the questions that I need answered. And as I sit here, I wonder if anyone out there has the answers to these questions. Please contribute and please participate in this series of articles that was written with the intent to bring things out to the public, written with the intent to connect with readers, residents, patients and family members. It is written with the intent to break down the barriers of isolation that the system seemingly sets up to break down the connections that people have. The bottom line is that the first thing that happens inside of horrible nursing homes is that they isolate, medicate and then continue to take all of a person's freedom, assets, liberties. They begin by first putting the resident in diapers against their will. They convince the residents to wear diapers insinuating that if they do not wear diapers the resident will be made to sit in wet clothing for hours and hours. Most residents give up, give up their will to fight, to live and to have their dignity and most of them agree --against their will, to wear diapers even when the diapers are not medically necessary for the resident. I am not speaking about those residents who actually need diapers. I am speaking about those residents who do not medically need diapers but who are made to wear diapers just for the convenience of the staff and workers.


Thank you. I am trying to get your attention here and I hope that I got someone's attention. If you are sitting there wanting to go to another website now and not wanting to read any further, I beg you; I implore you to bear with me a little and please participate in this communication. Here are my questions:

  • What would you do if a nurse insisted that you wear diapers but you know that you are not incontinent? How would you answer the nurse?

  • Would you have any fear in saying --no, I do not need diapers?

  • Have you been in that position in a nursing home or in a rehabilitation center?

  • What would you do if you sat for hours pleading for help and yet no one helped you inside of that nursing home?

  • What would you do if they insinuated that they would leave you for hours in wet and pooped clothing inside a nursing home if you did not agree to wear diapers?

  • If they ask you to wear diapers, just in case you have an accident, and they keep repeating that to you even though you told them that you are not wearing diapers, isn't that some kind of problem for you? If you told them no once, shouldn't that one no be enough for them to understand that you are not incontinent?

These are some questions that some nursing home residents are asking us and they are needing our help to get answers for them. They need your help in seeing that they are not alone and in seeing that people are beginning to know what is happening inside those camps. I mean, inside those nursing homes and inside those rehabilitation and care centers.

Please read part three when it is published.

Article created May 19, 2008

Melinda Thomas is presently touring the United States of America in search for information, true stories, inside data on what is happening around the world inside of nursing homes and physical rehabilitation and care centers. The material that she has come across, both through personal inspection, investigation, research and organization, is remarkable in length, content and tear-jerking memories. She hopes that you share your ideas with her as soon as possible. While her subject topics vary from radical consumerism, computers, teamwork and others, she hunts for the truth and the truth is forthcoming.While her subject topics vary from radical consumerism, computers, teamwork and others, she hunts for the truth and the truth is forthcoming. Meanwhile read all the articles and connect with her through her agent at

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Bless - Feelin It 2011 (Jay-Z - Feelin It Freestyle) Official Video

I'm feelin it...... are you?? Yet another video from the highly successful mixtape BLESS YOU from hip hop artist Bless. Check out the video and please comment. Also download BLESS YOU now at

Friday, 28 October 2011



Thursday, 27 October 2011

Feelin it by Jay-Z. Dub's Freestyle

ya boy rips the jigga beat

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

DJQDI - Jay-Z & NoBODCool - Feelin It Samurai

Jay-Z - Feelin It NoBODCool - Soulful Samurai Download: Subscribe to NoBODCool

Monday, 24 October 2011

Wet Wipes - One Wipe, Many Uses

Most people think of wet wipes in terms of cleaning a baby's bottom or as a general hand cleaner. Grandparents often look on in awe, and wish that someone had come up with these when they were raising young ones. Definitely they are a godsend to parents of babies, as well as someone who is trying to keep their hands clean, but there are also many other great using for this now indispensable wipe.

For a quick fix for household chores, wipes are invaluable. If you or the children make a sticky mess on the floor, these are excellent for a fast cleanup of one spot. If company suddenly knocks on the door, these are fast cleanup tools, in the bathtub, sink and toilet area. They are also really good for cleaning soap scum off your shower doors. If the kids have scuffed up the floor with their shoes, these wipes are a great way to remove them quickly. If food or drinks get spilled on furniture or carpeting, then you can use wet wipes to blot up the spill and then wipe away the stain. If you have a budding artist in the house, that uses the walls as a canvas, you can easily remove the crayon marks with a wipe.

If you need to quickly remove those white stains that are left by deodorants, baby wipes work amazingly well. You'll be out the door in no time if you keep a box of these in your closet. Leather shoes will sparkle if you use wipes on them. They're also good for patent leather shoes that little girls wear, that always seem to be dirty. If you've managed to get lipstick marks on your clothing these work well as a stain remover. The same also holds true for makeup on clothes, or if you need to remove your face makeup at the end of the day, these are a soothing and refreshing way to do it. You can even heat them in the microwave for extra comfort. They are also a good stain remover at work. If you happen to get felt tip pen market on your clothing, take your wipes out of your drawer as quickly as possible and you can remove it before the stain becomes permanent.

Wet wipes are invaluable around the house and in the car. Who doesn't take the kids out in the car for takeout, and invariably something gets spilled. Small packets in the glove compartment will definitely save the day. They're also great for cleaning dust off the dashboard. In the house you can easily remove dust from computer and television screens. When your pets come in from outside they're handy to have by the door to clean off their dirty feet, and they are efficient at removing loose hair from dogs, so that it doesn't get on the rugs and furniture. Use daily and you'll be amazed at the difference.

Of course they will always be indispensable when it comes to cleaning up a baby after a diaper change. Besides regular wet wipes, you can get ones that have aloe vera and Vitamin E in them, to help prevent diaper rash from forming as well as protecting the baby's skin if they already have a diaper rash. They're also great for babies who make a mess when they eat. A few quick wipes and their face and hands are clean again.

Women love to use them to help keep themselves fresh all day, as well as cleaning off the grime and dirt buildup throughout the workday. One of the most convenient uses is when you're in a public restroom and there is no toilet paper. The handy purse size wet wipes are a great alternative to toilet paper. The list of uses has made this one of the most popular clean up tools available today.


Sunday, 23 October 2011

Pupendo (2003)

Pupendo (2003)

Friday, 21 October 2011

Morning Sickness - 14 Ways Ways to Deal With the Queasies

Many women suffer from morning sickness during the first three months of pregnancy - known as the first trimester. How bad the symptoms are varies from mother to mother and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. In a twin pregnancy, you can expect double the hormones to cause double the morning sickness. Usually this is an indicator that there may be two babies in there!

Some women have morning sickness only in the morning. Others have it all day long and wonder why they call it 'morning sickness' when it's more like 'all day sickness'.

What causes morning sickness ? The culprit seems to be the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG. It's the hormone that we test for in pregnancy tests and it is highest during the first few months of pregnancy. Progesterone, another hormone results in the slowing of the digestive process and may also be a factor. There's a lot of changes going on in a pregnant woman's body ,such as increases in kidney function and blood volume .

If you are suffering from morning sickness you probably don't care about WHY - you just want to get relief while you're marking off the days on the calendar, waiting for your 2nd trimester. Here are some things to try to give yourself some relief.

1) Keep crackers by the bed and try to eat some before you even make an attempt to get up out of bed. Having a totally empty stomach can give you queasies right off the bat.

2) Don't eat till you are stuffed. Eating small meals, often throughout the day will keep your stomach acid down and your blood sugar levels stable.

3) Try not to eat and drink at the same time - again - this prevents your stomach from being overly full so eat and drink separately.

4) Make sure you are not dehydrated especially in the summer months - sipping on cold water, fruit juices milk will keep you hydrated.

5) Stick to plain, boring, bland foods. If you are suffering with morning sickness it is not the time to check out new Thai or Indian spicy food - stick to bland until your stomach settles. Sometimes the smell of certain spices in cooking will set you off too - if something makes your stomach turn - avoid it.

6) Eat complex carbohydrates such as pasta, toast, and potatoes - again - bland and starchy and less likely to set off your tummy.

6) Stay away from greasy and fatty foods - things like pizza and greasy cheeseburgers probably won't sit very well , and they don't have a lot of nutritional value anyway.

7) If your sense of smell has gone crazy - you may need to ask hubby to do the cooking - or avoid cooking anything with strong odors - it's OK to just have soup or pancakes !

8) Talk to your doctor about vitamin B6 - it has been shown to help reduce nausea in low doses. You may also want to consider switching prenatal vitamins as some are harder to digest than others.

9) Ginger ! In tea form, in gingerale, in candy form - it can help with morning sickness.

10) Get some fresh air - taking a walk in the fresh air can help you feel better while you wait it out.

11) Sour things can help - not sure why but lemon candy, lemonade, lemon popsicles , fresh lemon in water - all seemed to help me get past morning sickness.

12) Brush your teeth often and use mouthwash - the extra saliva in your mouth will make you feel sick so get rid of it as often as you can. If your toothpaste is suddenly turning your stomach - switch brands or flavors. And if you are vomiting - this will help protect your teeth from your stomach acids.

13) Keep your toilet bowl clean - just trust me on this one - if your face is in it - you'll want it to be clean!

14) Do what works for you. Eat what appeals to you - even if it's unusual or not nutritionally perfect. Avoid triggers as much as possible and get help with things that turn your stomach if you can.

Morning sickness is one of those things that you may suffer with - but know that it is temporary and that your body is just adjusting to all the changes taking place. While that may be hard to do while your head is in the toilet bowl again - try to keep your sense of humor and focus on building a healthy baby! Every one is different - I couldn't look at raw meat or even at pictures of raw meat in the grocery store flyers, couldn't smell parmesean cheese, and the smell of a dirty or wet diaper sent me running. But it passed!

Now - if your morning sickness is extreme, or going beyond the first 3 months, or you're losing too much weight and feeling dizzy - make sure you let your doctor know immediately. He may prescribe medication to help with the nausea, and a small percentage of women do require hospitalization due to Hyperemesis Gravidarum- severe morning sickness.

For most women - it passes by the second trimester - and just becomes a rather unpleasant memory so hang in there ! I feel for you!

Author's Bio

Kimberley Becker is the founder and author of a website for parents of twins at

She is a stay at home mom of four beautiful children, 2 boys and 2 girls. She has a degree in Applied Counseling and Early Childhood Education and has previously worked as a special needs worker, a Counselor for abused women, and a Counselor for High Risk Youth. For a more complete discussion about the ways to deal with early pregnancy symptoms visit

Thursday, 20 October 2011

ELI Elijah "Apuat" McKinley (Feelin It by Jay Z) Book of ELi Mixtape

Bodied another beat by Jay Z

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Jay-Z - Feelin It *OFFICIAL VIDEO* (Kevin Brandon feat. Dr. Dunny)

I always loved this beat and Jay-Z is one of my inspirations so i did a remake to his song "Feelin It" featuring my man Dr. Dunny.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Splash splash... laugh laugh...even with a mouth full of hamburger from their first barbeque!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Creative Potty Training

When I was potty training my two young boys, I
discovered this method of potty training that made it
an enjoyable, yet very effective way to potty train

First, make sure your child is ready for potty
training, shows interest, wants "big kids pants" etc.
If they show no signs of readiness, it may be best to
let them mature a bit more.

Make this a game, make it fun and you will not run into
stubborn opposition (after all it is the child's body).
Go out and buy or find around the house items you don't
normally let your child play with. Some examples might
be toys that can be used in water (3 or 4 things), like
little plastic pitchers, balls, tiny cups, whatever,
but make them SPECIAL. The only real rule to this game
is these special "potty" toys can only be played with
while the child is sitting on the potty! This is very
important; no breaking this one rule, or it won't work.

Once the child is sitting on the potty fill a large
bowl or small bucket with lukewarm or tepid water,
place the new "potty" toys in the bowl and set the bowl
of water in front of the child. On the floor if the
potty seat is low, or if it's a potty seat that sits on
top of the regular toilet, set the bowl of water on a
TV tray or something that provides a step, in front of
the child. When the child places his/her hands in the
lukewarm water to play with the toys, if the child
needs to physically go, they nearly instantly go potty
(it's almost an instinctive type of physical reaction),
then cheer, cheer, cheer! Give lots of praise, and if
you wish to give some type of a treat, go ahead.

Let them play as long as they want, as long as they sit
on the potty. When they are done playing, put the toys
away for next time. This is really great because it
makes it fun for them so they cooperate, it totally
ends all power struggles, and also no more waiting and
waiting for them to go only to have them go potty as
soon as the diaper goes back on. They also feel good
because they have immediate success. Potty training
no. 2 was more difficult I found, that just came with
some time and patience and them learning in their own
space and way, relax, it will happen.

Do you want to know how I get this idea? It's kind of a
funny thing, my husband used to be in the military and
when he was young in boot camp they used to always play
jokes on each other in the night by dipping the hand of
someone who was sleeping, into a pan of lukewarm water,
thus making the person wet the bed. It just seemed like
a natural progression to use this trick for good use in
the potty training area and it worked great!

By Valerie Garner, mom and proud grandma, and owner of Joyful Designs in Soy (Candles) at: Valerie enjoys writing on a variety of topics in an engaging style.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Important Tips to Take Care of a Newborn Baby

It may be an exciting experience but also a scary time for a mother who has just got a new baby. It will be very difficult at the beginning but you have to be sure that you can take care of your baby. Even, you will miss the experience of taking care of your newborn baby as the time fly by. Here are going to give you some important tips to take care of a newborn baby that you can apply through the growing process of your child.

The first thing that you need to consider is to change the diaper of your baby regularly every time you find that it is wet or soiled. It is also important for you to gather all the supplies that you need before you start to change the diaper. Some supplies that you will need include wipes, diapers, diaper rash cream, and a change of clothes. It is better for you to prepare all those things near your baby so that you do not have to leave her/him alone on the bed when you need them.

Secondly, it is also important for you to treat the diaper rash of your baby. It is recommended for you to use diaper rash cream substantially to the red area if your baby get red or irritated skin. You have to be very careful to treat diaper rash. If you can treat it well, it will potentially lead to infection or pain for your baby when he/she urinates.

Thirdly, it is really suggested for a mother to give her newborn baby breast milk. This is the best way to feed your newborn baby. However, if it is impossible for you to give breast milk to your baby, you can feed her/him with milk from the bottle. During the feeding, you can make eye contact and singing or talking with your baby. This will really beneficial to establish a strong bond between mother and her baby.

Fourthly, another ways to raise the strong bond between mother and her baby is by giving the baby love, snuggle, and cuddle. These will be the most fun and unforgettable part of having a baby. Just enjoy it because you will miss this moment someday.

Another way to take care of your baby is by using a baby sling. A baby will feel comfortable on the sling and he/she can be held close to you. Besides, using a baby sling can also let your hands to be free so that you still can do other activity while carrying your baby with the sling.

Furthermore, you also must give your baby a bath. In giving a bath to your baby, you have to make sure that the water is not too cold or too hot. Besides, prepare all the supplies near the place you give a bath to your baby so that you will be easier to handle it and do not have to leave your baby alone in the water.

Moreover, after several days of your newborn baby, you can get your baby to take a walk in the morning to enjoy the sunlight by using a baby stroller. The sunlight is good for your baby since it gives vitamin D that has great function for the bone development.

If you want to get your newborn baby to be comfortable while shunning, you can try to visit to get further information about baby trend double jogging stroller.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

JAY-Z FEELIN IT (REMIX) RICH BLAKE-feelin it 2010 (official video)_0001.wmv

RICH BLAKE. rapper from Seattle Washington.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Growth And Development Of Your Baby

One of the greatest rewards of being a parent is watching your children grow. The excitement of witnessing your child's 1st steps or hearing their 1st words is hard to exaggerate. As the years roll by, scrapbooks become as important to parents as the writings of their favorite authors.

Home movies are more entertaining than this year's Academy Awards winners. Parents with no interest in history suddenly become meticulous historians of their child's life, and as other historians do parents remember battles-of the bottle, of the pacts, momentous pacts and treaties also have their day.

Parents also grow. They learn to deal with the trauma of the beheaded toy bears, boogey men in the dark, departing friends and illnesses in brothers, sisters and pets.

In just a few years, parents watch their children grow from complete dependence to total independence. Watching children grow is fun, but sometimes it can be worrisome. Parents are easily and naturally concerned that their children aren't developing properly.

Sometimes parents worry unnecessarily. As a society, we often seem preoccupied with predicting the future success of our offspring. A child throwing a ball at an early age should prompt excitement but not necessarily anticipation of a career in sports.

Children who read at an early age may be destined for mechanical or artistic interests rather than a scholarly life. So we start to wonder, is my child normal? Why is Johnny so short? Why does George still wet the bed? Why didn't my 2nd child start walking as early as my 1st?

Our society seems preoccupied with predicting the future of success of children, naturally causing parents to worry, and the spirit of competitiveness lives in all of us. We worry unnecessarily about things such as whether Suzie will walk before the little girl across the street does.

Although children are constantly developing in all areas, certain areas can develop more rapidly because of the individual needs of the child.

For example, consider a child growing up in a large family. Whereas most of us have dinner with many people only on holidays, this child may experience these fun chaotic events every night. To survive, that child may well develop quick hands at an early age. But later in childhood, a child with a smaller family will catch up

The opposite seems to occur in the development of walking ability. With many heavier bodies running about, a small child in a large family is likely to be knocked frequently. It's common to see late walking in these children.

But they often develop the skill or rapid creeping or scooting. Children are constantly developing and adapting to their environments. They are adapting in the way that is best for them and not according to schedules printed in textbooks.

Alvaro Castillo has been writing health articles for five years. One of his specializations has been on parenting and pregnancy. If you would like to get the best out of parenting, then visit his website at or visit his blog at to share your opinion.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Jay-Z - Feelin' It .. Stephie Sandiego freestyle

Just a little freestyle I did to Jay'z Feelin' It off of Reasonable Doubt. I love this dude and look up to him so much. Shout out to Ski for an ill sample and production. Hope you enjoy it. COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE PLEASE! © copyright 2010

Monday, 10 October 2011

Jay-Z Feelin' It

Jay-Z performing Feelin' It at Radio City

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Luau Party Decorations That are Easy to Make

Some of the best Luau Party Decorations are the ones that you make yourself. After all you have the fun of making something before the party and the fun of having the party and getting compliments from your guests.

One of the most commonly seen Luau Party Decorations are Leis. You may find it very fun and fragrant to stay up late stringing together flowers for your Luau Leis. More expensive leis are made using Plumeria and other tropical flowers, but for the home Luau you might find using such flowers as Carnations just as well. Plus Carnations are easy to dye in tropical colors and you can find or make your own tropical Carnation Leis by putting white Carnations in colored water a day or so before you start making the Leis.

Once you have your flowers you can string them together by piercing the center of each flower with a needle and thread, string them up one after the other as you would a garland at Christmastime. For fragrance spritz a little cheap floral body spray on each of the Leis you make.

Another interesting and easy to make Luau party decoration to make is the Paper Mache Palm Tree. You can make several of these to stand up on the tables as they are only about a foot or so high. Collect several of the cardboard tubes at the center of grocery store paper towel rolls. These will serve as the support for the wet newspaper. Mix up a paste of flour and water and shred into strips lots of old newspaper. You will also need some paint, twist ties and green construction paper or even real leaves.

Wet down and strategically place clumps of newspaper around the base of one of the paper towel tubes. This will help hold up the tree and give it a more tree-like form. Slowly build up layers of wet newspaper around the tube so that it looks like the trunk of a palm tree. Try twisting or narrowing in the top of the tube so that it appears the tree is getting smaller towards the top. Let dry.

Cut out your green construction paper in the shape of palm leaves and glue a twist tie along the center of each leaf. You'll need a bunch of them. Once the paper mache is dry glue the leaves to the top of the trunk. For cocoanuts try making small wet newspaper balls and letting them dry, paint them brown and glue them to the top of the palm tree. Paint the trunk an appropriate palm tree color. These make great little table centerpieces.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Luau Party Supplies, decorations, favors, paper goods, centerpieces and scene setters. Plus, free party games, printable activities, coloring pages, word find to help complete your event.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Hugh Jackman Wolverine Diet

Would you like to have a body like Hugh Jackman? Besides having to train hard, you must also have a good diet plan. For the movie, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Hugh Jackman worked with celebrity trainer, Michael Ryan.

Ryan is a longtime friend of Jackman from his college days. In fact, Jackman was the best man at Ryan's wedding recently.

Ryan, who has many years of experience as a bodybuilder, personal trainer and fitness coach, had Jackman eat six meals per day, as part of his diet. He utilized a high protein low carbohydrate meal-planning program to get him lean and rock hard.

Most actors have a difficult time eating correctly because of their busy schedules. Therefore, Michael Ryan had Hugh Jackman use high-protein whey isolate shakes as part of his Wolverine diet.

A Sample Day in the Wolverine Diet

The day for Jackman begins at 4 AM. This is his first meal of the day. By 6 AM, he is in the gym ready to begin his weight training and cardiovascular workout. This workout will take 1-1/2 hours to complete. By eight o'clock, he is ready for his second meal.

(This diet requires him to eat every 2 to 3 hours.) Most of his carbohydrate intake takes place in the early morning and early afternoon. After 6pm, he will not eat any carbs. This is a typical bodybuilder's diet!

The types of food that would normally be included in this type of diet are:

  • Chicken breasts.

  • Egg whites.

  • Oatmeal.

  • Brown Rice.

  • Sweet potatoes.

  • Tuna.

  • Salmon.

  • Lean cuts of beef.

  • Salads and vegetables.

A typical ratio for this kind of the diet would be 40% protein, 40% carbohydrate, and 20% fats. As Hugh Jackman begins increasing the intensity of his workouts, he would increase the ratios to 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 20% fats.

The increase in carbohydrates in the beginning phase would give him sufficient energy to blast through the most intense workout. The best way to achieve the goal of increasing muscle size while staying lean would be to work in phases.

In phase 1, the bulking phase. You consume more carbohydrates and proteins in this phase. He would then increase the protein and lower the carbohydrates as he enters into the cutting or "leaning out" phase.

Would you like to have six pack abs just like Hugh Jackman in X-Men Origins Wolverine?

Then please visit my website where you will find FREE information. CLICK HERE >>> Hugh Jackman Wolverine Workout , diet , how to get six pack abs like Hugh Jackman, training routines and much more.


Thursday, 6 October 2011

Boys Wellies For All Seasons

Parents will buy just about anything for their child to make them happy. A son can have 10 pairs of shoes, but if mom sees something new and cute, you can be sure she will buy it. There are some shoes even dad can't resist. Boys Wellies remind dad of his own Wellington boots and of course every dad wants his son to have the best. Every boy should have a trustworthy pair of Wellies to carry him through the rain and mud as he goes about his daily adventures. Even without rain, a boy has the uncanny ability to find mud.

Before a boy is old enough to go outside alone and make himself an adventure, he remains close to his parents where they nurture and guide him. This nurturing extends from his head all the way down to his feet. Boys Wellies are especially handy throughout the nurturing process. Feet need a stable, but pliable environment. A child's feet do not fully develop for many years and so the care of the feet must be considered of great importance. A parent should not take a pair of delicate feet and force them into a shoe that is too small or uncomfortable.

Everything about a child's body changes from conception to the birth to rapid development in the first 5 or 6 years of life. Their feet are a lot like the infamous soft spot on their heads at birth. How we treat their feet when they are tiny may help decide how their feet treat them when they are older. Boys Wellies are made especially for little feet. They are made to treat their feet kindly so that the bones may grow as needed. You can't trade feet in for new pairs, but you can get a new pair of Boys Wellies as needed.

Boys love wellies that have personality. There are many stylish boys wellington boot designs now that are absolutely adorable so why not let your son have a say in the buying decision. The wellies should entice your little one to wear them when needed. For example, boys love wellies with alligators, bugs, or pirates designs because they're fun.

Wellington boots will be your little boys first love. It doesn't have to be wet or muddy, it can be the middle of the driest season in years, and his boots will still get plenty of wear. Keep the camera handy because the boots and the boy may be inseparable. As a matter of fact, you may have trouble getting him to take them off!

Wellies And Worms are one of the UK's leading suppliers of stylish boys wellies. We stock a massive range from top name brands including Hatley, Kidorable and Spotty Otter. Browse our boys wellies range now and find the perfect pair of for your son.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011



Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Underwear Potty Training - Which Garments Should I Use on My Toddler?

The different types of underwear or training pants for potty training can be mind blowing, however the large range is usually to do with brands rather than styles. Basically there are the following options for parents to use:

· Plain underwear

· Cloth training pants

· Pad inserts

· Pull ups - reusable

· Pull ups disposable

Let's look at them individually:

Plain Underwear

These are inexpensive and most times reusable. They are very accessible for the child or toddler to pull up or down and is very easily recognisable by the child when wet or soiled. The child can also be happy because they are looking more like mum or dad with their underwear. The child does have a natural and comfortable feeling about his clothing and potty experience.

However, on the negative side potty training underwear can create lots of laundry as often when an accident occurs an entire change of clothing is necessary. There is not a plastic protected cover to stop staining on outside items such as lounge furniture or car seats. This option can create extra work for parents and depending on the parents commitments their time and possible extra expenses involved.

Cloth Training Pants

The cloth training pants can be thick enough to protect outside surfaces such as lounge chair and car seats but thin enough so the child still feels that they are wet or soiled. Cloth training pants are reusable and are in most cases less expensive than disposable training pants.

Looking at the negatives, once again the laundry can build up and become a problem. Some cloth training pants may not be thick enough to protect the other clothing that the toddler or child is wearing. The pants are not as similar as adult underwear and in some cases can be difficult for the child to pull up or down.

Pad Inserts

Potty training pad inserts are placed inside the plain underwear. They are designed to absorb the mess inside the underwear but still allowing the child to feel what they have just done. Pad inserts are disposable so there is less waste than disposable pull ups.

On the flip side there will at times, be underwear or clothing soiled, however not as frequent. There is an expense in having to purchase the pads frequently.

Pull ups

Pull ups protect the outer clothing as they are a waterproof garment. They also protect the outside items as previously mentioned such as the lounge chairs or car seats. They are used after diapers or nappies and are designed to familiarise the child with underwear (pull up motion). They can be disposable which means less laundry but more expense. Reusable pull ups can be washed however do not last frequent washing and eventually an expense factor has to be absorbed by parents.

Difficulties for the child or toddler is that pull ups actually absorb wetness extremely well and the child or toddler has difficulties identifying if the pull up is wet or not. They can also be difficult for a child to pull up or down and are not like adults underwear. Inconvenience of having to got to the store each time you run out is also a factor.

It is advisable to choose one option and for consistency to the child or toddler maintain that option until results are seen. Swapping and changing different options will only add confusion into potty training. Parents may also think about one option when the child is sleeping and another when they are awake. A heavier garment such as pull ups is advisable for when sleeping. Ultimately the decision of which underwear potty training garment you use will be what works best for you and your child.

[] breaks down all the different techniques used for potty training and discusses underwear and potty training pants at length. The information at this site is extremely useful for parents who are either starting potty training or having problems with potty training. [] also has useful information regarding health and hygiene associated with potty training and discusses related diseases that parents should watch out for.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Important Ways out To Cure Infant Yeast Infection

Only grown women get yeast infections. A little child cannot get a yeast infection, that's silly. Sure, a infant can get thrush or yeast infection of the mouth, but not anywhere else. Any parent has heard any one of these misconceptions at some point in the development of their child. Unfortunately, these are misconceptions. Children, like any other human, are susceptible to the overgrowth of Candida and this is not just limited to the mouth area. Infant yeast infections may occur anywhere there is a warm and wet environment.

Train Your Kid To Face The Situation:

Candida just loves warm and wet areas and where is that more available than in the diaper of your now-starting-to-toilet-train toddler. All of those adorable little folds in your child's body are perfect breeding grounds for Candida, especially those covered by her heat-trapping diaper. The manifestation is not different that found in thrush. It still has that white lumpy look and smells a bit like rising bread. To help stop toddler mushroom infections be sure to keep your toddler clean and dry as possible, particularly during the hot summer months.

While it is true that women and girls are more susceptible to yeast infections that is only because the genital area of females has more folds for Candida to thrive in. Little boys are also susceptible to toddler yeast infections, because they also wear the same heat trapping diapers. Consider: the same environment that is ripe for diaper rash is also perfect for Candida overgrowth, so take the same preventative measures for your son that you would your little girl.

Curing Steps for Infant Yeast Infection:

Keeping your child clean and dry as possible prevents natural occurrences of Candida overgrowth; however, there are additional causes of infant yeast infections to be aware of. One of the most common reasons that a child develops such infections is an antibiotic regimen. Antibiotics kill the natural bacterial flora in the body that keep Candida in check, so avoid any unnecessary antibiotics to keep your child's body as regular as possible.

Also, if your thrush has recently been a problem for your son or daughter, it is possible for this infant yeast infection to spread to other areas, like the genital region. This occurs as candida passes through the digestive tract and accumulates at the site of excretion. Finally, an untreated diaper rash can lead to an overgrowth of candida, so do not let it sit hoping it will go away untreated. Always treat the rash so that this irritation is not exacerbated by the burning and itching of a infant yeast infection.

Any little boy or girl still toilet training can have a infant yeast infection. Such occurrences are not limited to women or thrush. Therefore, when you are cleaning your infant and discover the telltale signs, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your child's physician, because he can provide medication to alleviate the problem before it becomes worse.

You can also find more info on how to get rid of yeast infections and pregnancy and yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Treatment Options For A Baby Allergy

Dealing with a baby allergy can be difficult for parents; they often work very hard to keep their child from whatever they have an allergy to and then often need to help the child cope with an allergy attack when it does happen. It's imperative for a parent to understand natural treatment options for any baby allergy as of course you never want to give your child any over-the-counter or prescription medication unless first advised by your doctor. Medications designed for adults can be harmful and even fatal for a baby.

First of all, remember that it's very common for a child to suffer from a baby allergy. Allergies are the result of the immune system not responding properly to fight off irritants and of course a baby's immune system is nowhere near as developed as it should be. Allergies can and often are outgrown by children, so even if your child has severe allergies now this doesn't mean he or she will be suffering from them forever.

Also, when dealing with a baby allergy make sure you're not doing anything to irritate it further. While your baby may be allergic to certain food or elements in the air, switching to allergen-free detergents and personal care items can help tremendously. Be sure that whatever you use for your baby allergy that you're not overmedicating as this can only further irritate the allergy. Get a HEPA filter for the home or the baby's nursery, and apply a warm wet cloth to the baby's chest to clear any lung irritations.

Use Eucalyptus or olbas oil in boiling water and allow the child to inhale the steam that is being generated. This treatment is also very good for any type of stuffy nose due to a cold, flu or allergy problems. Both readily diffuse into the air and can provide benefits to nasal and bronchial areas. If your baby suffers from air-borne allergies then an environment with a high humidity will be of benefit because air with a high humidity content does not carry air-borne contaminates well. Extra moisture in the air will also help to remove any pollen or other allergy producing pollutions from the air.

When treating a baby allergy for the skin, use products that list oils as their first ingredients rather than the diaper rash cream you get at the pharmacy. Sunflower oil, cocoa butter, aloe, shea butter, olive oil, rosewater, and other natural oils are going to be better on baby's skin than harsh creams and treatments. Make sure the products also have no synthetic fragrances. Zinc oxide is also a natural treatment option for a baby allergy of the skin as it forms a natural urine barrier to protect the skin from wet diapers.

If you have done all you can to treat the baby allergy then it's time to see a doctor. While parents often prefer to use natural ingredients and avoid harsh medications and other treatments, it is also important that a child be treated properly especially in the case of a severe allergy. Failure to see a doctor and get medical intervention in severe cases can result in tragedy. So use all the natural treatment options you can for your own baby allergy but don't rule out bringing your precious baby to the doctor as well.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created numerous articles on allergies. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to allergies and how to treat them. Visit Allergy Treatment.