Monday, 31 October 2011

I Cry For You, Please Cry For Me - Part Two - Healthy Adults In Diapers

This next part of the series of articles is about questions. These are the questions that I need answered. And as I sit here, I wonder if anyone out there has the answers to these questions. Please contribute and please participate in this series of articles that was written with the intent to bring things out to the public, written with the intent to connect with readers, residents, patients and family members. It is written with the intent to break down the barriers of isolation that the system seemingly sets up to break down the connections that people have. The bottom line is that the first thing that happens inside of horrible nursing homes is that they isolate, medicate and then continue to take all of a person's freedom, assets, liberties. They begin by first putting the resident in diapers against their will. They convince the residents to wear diapers insinuating that if they do not wear diapers the resident will be made to sit in wet clothing for hours and hours. Most residents give up, give up their will to fight, to live and to have their dignity and most of them agree --against their will, to wear diapers even when the diapers are not medically necessary for the resident. I am not speaking about those residents who actually need diapers. I am speaking about those residents who do not medically need diapers but who are made to wear diapers just for the convenience of the staff and workers.


Thank you. I am trying to get your attention here and I hope that I got someone's attention. If you are sitting there wanting to go to another website now and not wanting to read any further, I beg you; I implore you to bear with me a little and please participate in this communication. Here are my questions:

  • What would you do if a nurse insisted that you wear diapers but you know that you are not incontinent? How would you answer the nurse?

  • Would you have any fear in saying --no, I do not need diapers?

  • Have you been in that position in a nursing home or in a rehabilitation center?

  • What would you do if you sat for hours pleading for help and yet no one helped you inside of that nursing home?

  • What would you do if they insinuated that they would leave you for hours in wet and pooped clothing inside a nursing home if you did not agree to wear diapers?

  • If they ask you to wear diapers, just in case you have an accident, and they keep repeating that to you even though you told them that you are not wearing diapers, isn't that some kind of problem for you? If you told them no once, shouldn't that one no be enough for them to understand that you are not incontinent?

These are some questions that some nursing home residents are asking us and they are needing our help to get answers for them. They need your help in seeing that they are not alone and in seeing that people are beginning to know what is happening inside those camps. I mean, inside those nursing homes and inside those rehabilitation and care centers.

Please read part three when it is published.

Article created May 19, 2008

Melinda Thomas is presently touring the United States of America in search for information, true stories, inside data on what is happening around the world inside of nursing homes and physical rehabilitation and care centers. The material that she has come across, both through personal inspection, investigation, research and organization, is remarkable in length, content and tear-jerking memories. She hopes that you share your ideas with her as soon as possible. While her subject topics vary from radical consumerism, computers, teamwork and others, she hunts for the truth and the truth is forthcoming.While her subject topics vary from radical consumerism, computers, teamwork and others, she hunts for the truth and the truth is forthcoming. Meanwhile read all the articles and connect with her through her agent at