Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Oh Grow Up! An MB Luv Story CH. 4

Jayda: -still crying and pulls Breannas hair- Breanna: -crying and pulls Jaydas hair- Princeton: -_- WTH?! Rissa: -walks by; doesn't notice the boys- Ray: -jumps and runs to her- RISSA!! Rissa: Ugh! WDYW Ray Ray? Ray: -pulls her into one of the janitorial closets- Rissa: -holds on tightly to the carseat- Ray: Rissa Im SO sorry I did this! I want to be with you and raise the baby! Rissa: Well ya shouldn't have listened to your damn friends! Ray: Rissa Im sorry! I just need to see my child please!! Just once!! Rissa: -sighs- Fine. BUT you have to promise to take care of the baby! Ray: Of course!! Rissa: -takes the baby out the carseat- Rayquan: -slowly waking up and starts to whine as she picks him up- MMM M HHHUUUUUHHH! Rissa: -takes the baby and gives it to Ray Ray- Now make sure you hold head. Ray: -holds him and smiles widely at him softly talking to him- Hey there buddy! Hey there! Rayquan: -slowly opens his eyes looking up at Ray Ray- Ray: Look at those eyes! -smiles- Hey I'm Your daddy! And Im going to take care of you -tears up- Rissa: -smiles and wraps an arm around his waist- Ray: -looks at Rissa with tears running down his face- I know I haven't been there for the last 2 months! But I promise I'll be there for him now! Rissa: -smiles and wipes his tears- Rayquan: -takes Ray Rays finger on his other hand and sucks on it- Ray: -giggles- What's his name? -looks at Rissa- Rissa: Rayquan Smith -smiles widely at Ray Ray- Ray: -smiles- Well looks like we have another ...