My oldest son is 26, but I remember how excited I was when I discovered the joy of disposable diapers. Well, at first, I was tickled, and then I noticed that by baby boy's bottom was breaking out in an angry rash.
I tried putting him back into the cumbersome cloth diapers for about a week, and the rash healed. How annoying that my little bundle of joy seemed to be allergic to plastic diapers!
But that was over two decades ago and diapers have come a long way. Now, they have all kinds of fancy things built right into the diaper to prevent diaper rash! There are pre-folded diapers, form-fitting, and even chlorine-free diapers,
Most people prefer to use disposables, but there are a growing number of earth-conscious people that are reconsidering using cloth due to the knowledge of how long it takes for plastic to decompose.
So which is the better option-cloth or plastic?
Cloth diapers are environmentally-safe, but they still have to be put into a special box or bag to avoid smelling as well. If you can afford it, you should consider a diaper cleaning service. If money's tight, you will need to wash, dry, and fold them yourself. Plus, you will need to buy plastic pants to go over the diapers to keep from getting you and your home soaked.
Disposable diapers are not for those environmental-conscious folks, but they remain the most popular choice because parents can just toss them into the trashcan, right? Well, not exactly. They need to be put into a special box or bag to avoid odor problems, as well as to prevent little Mikey grabbing the dirty diaper and stuffing it into his mouth! Don't laugh. It happens.
Consider your conscience, your income level, and your cleaning routines. If you don't have a washing machine or diaper service handy, then lugging all of those heavy wet diapers to the local laundry mat may not appeal to you.
On the other hand, if you can afford a diaper service or don't mind washing diapers on a daily basis, then they may be just the thing for you and your baby.
If you like the idea of being able to throw away the whole mess, then just grab a used shopping bag, stuff it, and tie it with a secure knot before shooting a 3-pointer.
So, the bad news is that I can't answer that question. You have to.
Want more information about diapers and other baby products? Kristi Sayles-Child Development Coach- invites you to her site at