Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Facts About Yeast Infection on Infants and Toddlers - What You Need to Know

Babies are not yet capable of expressing their thoughts accurately when they're in pain. All they do is cry endlessly during these bothersome times. That is why parents are often unaware of the particular illness that has hit their young ones. One of the most common irritations that happen to babies is the yeast infection. For any parent, it can be troubling to know that her baby is suffering from a yeast infection, a condition that is caused by the fungus called candida albicans.

How can you tell that your baby has a yeast infection?

There are two areas of the baby's body where you can find yeast infection. One area that is prone to the fungi is the mouth, and the other one is the diaper region. The fungi that cause yeast infections love to live in moist and humid areas, and that explains why they are commonly found in the mouth and diaper areas.

Where do the little ones get yeast infections?

In the diaper area, where it is often wet with baby waste, the fungi can survive happily. At the beginning, it may just appear as a simple rash. But when it becomes more distinct with borders, a little red and scaly, that is definitely a yeast infection. This area should always be kept dry as much as possible. Know when to do diaper change, and give extra consideration in cleaning the bends of the groin area. There are anti-fungal creams specifically designed for the sensitive skin of babies. Apply the creams when necessary, especially after diaper change. However, do not overdo it because too much application may also have side effects.

Thrush is the term used for oral yeast infections and they usually appear as white bits at the gums and tongue. Thrush is caused by a number of factors. For example, if a mom has vaginal yeast at the time of labor, the baby might take in some of the fluids from the birth canal, and that is one cause of thrush. Another source of fungi are the unclean things that go through the baby's mouth such as dirty fingers, teethers, pacifiers, and nipples of feeding bottles. If your baby is already suffering from thrush, it is important that you consult the appropriate health care provider to provide the right prescription of anti-fungal drops.

Some babies may be taking in antibiotics for treating bacterial illnesses. However, antibiotics make the baby more vulnerable to yeast infections because this type of medication decreases the normal number of good bacteria, which in turn leads to development of a yeast infection.

How can your babies avoid having yeast infection?

The old adage "Cleanliness and next to Godliness" should always come to mind. Always keep your baby's items (feeding bottles, teethers, pacifiers, and others) germ-free. Use absorbent diapers, and always be responsive if a nappy change is needed. Also, it makes a big difference if the diapers are worn just right, because a tight diaper will irritate the baby even more.

Visit our site for further information on natural cure yeast infections & yeast infections cure.