Sunday, 31 October 2010

Reasons For the Stigma Surrounding Diaper Use in Older Bed-Wetters Part 1

Unfortunately there is tremendous stigma associated with diapers. Most people view diapers as babyish. This is the main reason most older children, adolescents, teenagers, and adults are reluctant to wear them to bed. In fact most of them wouldn't be caught dead in a diaper. Older children, adolescents, and teenagers are at a point in their lives where they want to become more independent and in their minds diapers represent a stage in their lives when they were more dependent on their parents. In their view wearing diapers to bed is regressing. Although I sympathize with this view, to a large extent I think it misses the mark.

One of the hallmarks of independence is the ability to take care of one's self-this includes managing health problems. I feel that by wearing diapers to bed the youngster is taking responsibility for the situation which is a very mature thing to do and is what adults do. In fact it could be argued that the youngster is acting more like a baby by not wearing diapers to bed. By not wearing the appropriate protection to bed they are absolving themselves of responsibility and they are in effect saying they are helpless to control the situation.

We all know what the function of wearing a diaper is, so it shouldn't make a difference whether you're 2 or 102 the purpose is still the same. Unfortunately when you mention the word diaper to most people the image that immediately comes to mind is that of a baby. Most people think that a diaper and plastic pants are something to be outgrown like a high chair or a bib(of course they make bibs for adults also so even this image is wrong).

Due to the stigma surrounding diaper use in older children, teenagers, adolescents, and adults the diaper manufacturers seem to be placing a stronger emphasis in many cases on the appearance of the garments rather than functionality or as artists might say they're emphasizing form over functionality. Tying in with this concept is the emphasis on discretion. Some of the ways the manufacturers seem to be doing this are by the introduction of underwear like products, garments that are less bulky so they can't be noticed under clothes, and the design of diapers with a cloth like(also known as a nonwoven) outer layer.

Since a significant number of people suffer from daytime incontinence I can certainly understand this but there are a large number of people who suffer from bed-wetting as well, and in these particular cases we should use whatever type of garments are necessary and not be concerned with how a product looks or its image since it's only worn at night anyway. Granted there are companies that manufacture diapers for both daytime and nighttime use but I think that the stigma surrounding diapers has colored the diaper manufacturers in a negative way and this might prevent them from manufacturing, marketing, and selling products that truly meet the customers needs.

As far as the introduction of the underwear like products are concerned I think these serve more of a psychological than a protective function for the bed wetter because for all intents and purposes they're diapers. Because they pull on like underwear as opposed to taping on this seems to help a person more psychologically. While this may be the case in many situations they don't work as well as diapers.

The same with the introduction of diapers with a cloth like outer covering. Again this is an example of a product that is more underwear like as opposed to diapers with a plastic outer covering. Of course there is the possibility that these types of diapers could have been introduced because they're more cost effective for the manufacturers to produce, they're more breathable and therefore presumably more comfortable to wear, and they're theoretically healthier for the individual's skin, or it could be for all these reasons. However considering that there are companies that make both styles of diapers I suspect that the introduction of this style is due more to aesthetic reasons and that the diaper manufacturers feel these will be less embarrassing to wear. Furthermore some people have commented that the diapers with a cloth like outer layer are actually more uncomfortable to wear and in fact provide less effective protection than the disposable diapers with a plastic outer covering.

I've heard of cases where people have used the disposable diapers with a cloth like outer cover for bed-wetting and leaked right through them. While this doesn't happen with everybody, people should have the option of buying diapers with a plastic outer covering if that's what they prefer and if that's what works best for them. A number of people seem to be disappointed with the fact that most diaper manufacturers are moving away from making diapers with a plastic outer covering. Perhaps customers should write or call the diaper companies and complain about this. In many cases companies do respond to consumer criticism.

As I said before people should have a wide variety of products to choose from due the fact that people have different needs and preferences in this area and I'm not against people using pull-ups, disposable diapers with a cloth like outer covering, or other products of a similar nature if that's what they prefer and if they offer adequate protection for the user however as mentioned previously this isn't always the case. What I am against is this emphasis on discretion and image at all costs as opposed to manufacturing, marketing, and selling products that will most effectively manage a person's bed-wetting.

The trade-off between image and protection is made by large amount of people unfortunately and I believe that many of these people will suffer as a result. To me I would think it would be much more satisfying to use a product that might be considered "babyish" by most people but offers better protection than to use a product that is considered more "dignified" but that leaves the wearer and bedding drenched. In a situation such as this a person has to ask him or herself how much is it worth to them to wear a product that has a better image versus a product that will offer more effective protection and therefore provide more comfort.

People who are reluctant to wear diapers to bed because most people feel they are strictly for babies need to keep in mind the old saw "what is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular." There was a time when most people thought the earth was flat, slavery was an acceptable practice, and the sun revolved around the earth but we now know these views are incorrect. I believe that in time we'll become more informed(and as a result more enlightened) about this issue also. Furthermore there are plenty of companies that manufacture and sell plastic pants, pin-on cloth diapers, and disposable tape-on diapers for older children, adolescents, teenagers, and adults that wet the bed so this is a very common problem. This is another thing that people need to consider.

Most pediatricians, child psychologists, and other medical professionals advise against using diapers in older bed wetters because they feel it might hurt the youngster's self-esteem and self-image. In fact one book I read said the following- "I've known parents that have kept their children in diapers at night as late as 7, 8, 9, and even 12 years of age but wearing diapers makes a child feel like a baby" and "diapers are a symbol of babyishness." Maybe there are some children and teenagers who actually want to wear diapers to bed but they feel that their parents will look down on them for requesting this because the youngster realizes that most people feel diapers are for babies only. And since many books and other sources suggest that only babies wear diapers that's probably why there is such reluctance to use them for bed-wetting. In other words it's possible that many people feel ashamed about wearing diapers to bed not because they actually feel that way but because the professionals do and they believe that they should feel this way also.

This wouldn't be the first time we are cowed by what the experts say as Stanley Milgram's experiment and other psychology experiments so vividly demonstrate. Parents could feel the same way also-they might want to use diapers for their bed wetter or want to grant the child's request to wear diapers to bed but they too might be influenced by what the authorities say.

This raises an interesting question-is the fact that diapers have such a negative image by most of society the result of assimilating the opinions of most medical professionals, or is the negative opinion of diapers by most medical professionals influenced by how the public feels-the proverbial chicken or egg debate. How much of our attitudes regarding diaper use by older bed wetters is influenced by cultural attitudes, parents and other relatives, medical professionals, and other factors?How and to what degree do these factors interact with each other?I think it would be interesting to study this issue in depth.

By gaining better insight into how these ideas developed we might have a deeper understanding of why we have such negative attitudes regarding this issue which in turn might significantly reduce the stigma associated with using diapers to manage bed-wetting in older children, adolescents, teenagers, and adults.

To get back to self-image older children and teenagers are particularly sensitive and concerned with self-image and the image that diapers conjure up in most peoples minds are babies. Commercials also stress this. For example the ad for Huggies pull-ups has the following motto-"I'm a big kid now!" the implication being that only babies wear diapers. I have heard urologists, pediatricians, and other medical professionals(who in my opinion should be more sensitive and also should know better regarding this issue) claim that putting an older child, teen, or adult in diapers at night makes them feel undignified but to me it's more undignified waking up in pee soaked sheets and clothing!

It would be interesting to see how developmental psychologists feel about this issue. We tend to have certain preconceived ideas about our child's growth process and if they deviate from that in the slightest we become alarmed. For example children should talk by a certain age, they should read by a certain age, they should walk by a certain age, etc. And while it is true that we should have reasonable parameters established for theses situations in order to rule out the possibility of cognitive and/or physical problems, the same reasoning shouldn't be applied in my opinion to the use of diapers and plastic pants for the management of bed-wetting in older children, adolescents, teenagers, and adults.

Frequently we feel pressured to use socially accepted methods to resolve various medical issues but in some cases it's a good idea to consider alternative approaches and this may entail using methods that a large majority consider unorthodox or not accepted by the mainstream. A case in point is the following. In May-June 2007 there was an article on Naomi Judd. The article talked about how the traditional treatments that were used by her doctors to treat he hepatitis were not working so she tried various non traditional methods which are not fully accepted by western medicine such as biofeedback, aromatherapy, and meditation. It turns out that these methods worked.

I think that the use of diapers to manage bed-wetting in older children, adolescents, teenagers, and adults is another example of a management technique that is not fully accepted by most medical professionals and the public. Just like Naomi Judd had the courage to try alternative approaches to manage her disease people must have the courage to use alternative methods to manage bed-wetting.

I think we need to reevaluate our attitudes on diaper use for older bed wetters for two reasons. As mentioned previously in some cases the pull-ups and "Goodnites" aren't as effective at protecting both the youngster and the bed. The second reason is that it makes the person who has no other option but to wear diapers to bed feel they are somehow inadequate. This in turn can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, low self-worth, and subsequent depression.

In going over the literature and opinions of many professionals regarding diaper use in older bed wetters one thing sticks out in my mind-the status quo has a negative opinion of diaper use. The literature and opinions are very consistent regarding this issue-most people believe you shouldn't keep a bed wetter in diapers past the age of 4 or 5.After that the majority of people feel you should use pull-ups or "Goodnites" only.

It's my firm opinion that we have a double standard regarding this particular form of incontinence. For instance we seem to have no problem with the use of diapers for developmentally disabled children, the elderly with incontinence, and people suffering from disorders such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, or other ailments, but if you suggest putting an older child, adolescent, teen, or adult with a bed-wetting problem in a diaper people think you're barbaric and should be driven out of town on a rail.

There is a saying that goes something like this- "Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so." While this is not the case for everything-torture, murder, rape, and stealing are inherently bad-there is nothing intrinsically shameful about wearing diapers to bed. Wearing diapers to bed after the age of 4 or 5 is considered shameful because we have been conditioned to think this way for years. It would be interesting to see how other cultures feel about this issue but unfortunately I suspect they feel the same way we do. From what I understand the Japanese, British, and most Europeans are even more uptight about this issue.

There are many different reasons I feel most parents don't use diapers to manage bed-wetting with both teenagers and older children. The next few sections discuss this. I believe that one of the reasons for our negative reactions toward older children being in diapers at night stems from attitudes left over from potty training. Many parents try to motivate their child during this stage with praise such as "we're so proud of you, you're becoming a big kid now!" While these parents might have good intentions(of course we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions), unfortunately they use the same approach with an older child or teenager who still needs diapers at night .Children and teens still in diapers at night see the commercials for Huggies pull-ups and might remember what their parents told them about diapers during their potty training years and then feel ashamed about using diapers for their bed-wetting. In addition many parents try to motivate their child to achieve night dryness by claiming that only babies wear diapers. I think this puts a lot of pressure on a child and most likely will exacerbate the situation.

Children grow at different rates-just as some children walk sooner than others, talk sooner than others, and learn to read sooner than others, some need diapers at night later than others. In my opinion a different approach is warranted. The parents need to encourage their children by letting them know that peoples bodies develop at different rates and there is no shame in using diapers to manage the bed-wetting. I would remind the child that people of all ages have problems with wetting the bed and many of them also wear diapers during the night.

Colin Ellison

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Wet Bags - A Necessity If You Do Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are definitely making a come back. Many parents are choosing to use cloth diapers for their newborn babies. There are many reasons for this. One of those reasons are for comfort, because cloth feels a lot better on your baby's skin than a synthetic bunch of chemicals, which also reduces the chances for diaper rash. Another reason is the environment since you're able to continue to re-use them. Because you can re-use them, it helps to save money as well. While they are expensive in the beginning, they pay for themselves in about 3 months, and they help your baby to potty train faster since they can feel the urine instead of it being soaked up in a diaper.

If you're doing cloth diapers, the you're going to need a solution for when you're on the go. If you had disposable diapers, then you'd just be able to throw the dirty diaper in the trash can. But, with cloth diapers, you want to be able to bring them back home to wash them. There are two options for this: throw-away bags and a regular wet bag.

The throwaway wet bags can definitely work out nice because they are like a mini trash bag than you can tie the dirty cloth diapers in to bring home. This creates a lot of waste and you have to keep buying them. The better option would be to buy a wet bag that you can re-use. The nice thing about these wet bags, besides being about to re-use them, is that you can get one that is a little bit more stylish than a blue or clear plastic bag. It also helps to keep the dirty diaper out of view if you get a bag that isn't see-through.

If you're going to do cloth diapers, then make sure that you get a wet bag. It will make bringing those soiled diapers home much better and much more stylish at the same time.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Are We Ready Yet? Figuring Out When a Child Is Ready to Potty Train

Every kid has a price, and for my almost 3-year-old year old daughter, it was red French panties loaded with rows and rows of ruffled lace on the backside. She wanted to wear those panties more than anything else in the world. But fortunately, they wouldn't fit over a diaper. So if she was going to wear them, she was going to have to learn how to use the potty.

In order to drive that point home, I allowed her to wear the panties on a couple of occasions without a diaper, and the results were disastrous for her. On one occasion, urine soaked through the panties and made a mess all over the pretend playhouse she and I constructed with sheets draped over chairs. At another time the "accident" happened when her friend was visiting, and she was totally embarrassed.

There's nothing like emotional moments like these to seize the bull by the horns and wrestle it to the ground. Emotional moments can be great motivators and genuine motivation is essential to successful potty training. In situations where children are not motivated, the parents end up taking on the responsibility for getting the child to the potty at the appropriate times, and this means that the parent is being trained and is jumping through all of the hoops rather than the child.

However, as important as motivation is, it's meaningless unless the child is ready to use the toilet on his or her own. A lot has been written about potty training readiness. One article I read included a list of 18 conditions to consider. (Mercifully it stated that, "Not all conditions needed to be met," just a majority of them.) The young mother who shared the article with me moaned, "It's just got to be easier than this to figure out when it's time to potty train a child!"

Fortunately she was right. Determining the right time to potty train a child can be much less complicated than 18 conditions might suggest.

The bottom line is this--it's time to start potty training when:

1. Your child is between two and three--the closer to three the better.

2. Your child is physically ready--which means that your child's bladder and rectal mussels are developed enough for him or her to control. (You will know that your child is physically ready when he or she begins to soil his or her diapers during times and in places that suit him or her.)

3. Your child does one or more of the following:

• Imitates parental behavior
• Understands and obeys directions without undue resistance
• Takes pleasure in pleasing adults
• Wants to be orderly and put things away
• Feels that wet or soiled diapers are unpleasant
• Stays dry for several hours or overnight
• Expresses a desire to wear big-boy or big-girl underpants

Now that we've clarified the criteria for deciding when to start potty training, let's get back to the motivation factor that we talked about earlier in this article. As I said before, every child has a price. Some children respond to special underpants like my daughter did. Others are satisfied with parental approval demonstrated by praise and acknowledgment (the more effusive and over-the-top, the better). Still others like small rewards like stickers on a chart or other small treats. Find your child's price, and you will rock-and-rule in the war you wage against dirty diapers!

Meanwhile, take heart in the fact that potty training is something that all parents eventually accomplish with 100% success-and this encouraging fact is going to include you!

Joy Berry

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Dealing With Diaper Rash - Staying Positive For Your Baby's Sake, and Yours

For new mothers especially, the tendency toward guilt whenever something goes wrong with your baby's care can overwhelm you if you're not careful. You might think that for every time your child cries, or suffers an irritation like diaper rash, you are somehow at fault. Know this, however: these minor speed bumps in child-rearing are perfectly normal, and are not necessarily a result of neglect or improper care. As you approach parenting with a positive attitude, armed with a calm and willingness to learn about what your baby needs, you can work past guilty feelings and enjoy motherhood.

diaper Rash: Cause and Effect

More common causes of this reddening irritation that effects babies' sensitive skin in the buttocks, genitals, and inner thigh area include:

  • An ill-fitting diaper, usually applied too tight that it rubs against the skin

  • Prolonged sitting or activity in a soiled diaper

  • A reaction to certain types of diaper material or baby wipes

  • A reaction to certain soaps or lotions used on the baby during diaper changes

  • A reaction to specific medications, either administered directly to the baby or fed through the mother's breast milk

Naturally, babies suffering "nappy rash" are bound to become fussy and cry, and it might appear at first you are unable to console your child and relieve him. That said, regardless of how the irritation arose, it's important not to beat yourself up over it. Diaper irritations are a normal, albeit frustrating part of child-rearing, and if you keep a clear head and a positive outlook, you'll find you can not only conquer the problem, but work toward preventing severe outbreaks in the future. The key lies in remaining vigilant and knowing how which products you use for changing and care affect your child, for better and for worse.

Treat Rash Symptoms With a Smile

Babies are smart, and they take cues from the environment and people around them. If your child suspects you are upset, it will likely take longer to resolve his diaper rash. Keep the mood bright at all times - sing to your child, and talk in a manner that makes him react well. One of the best things to do to treat skin irritation is to keep the diaper area cool and dry and clean. Change often, and check your child after he goes down for a nap. It's common for babies to wet while sleeping because they are relaxed, and you may have an easier time replacing the nappy this way.

Remember, too, never to apply a diaper to wet skin, and if you find irritation continues you may consider changing your brand of wipes, lotion, or rash cream. Organic and natural baby skincare could be a suitable option.

These precious months with your baby won't last; your child will be out of diapers and potty training before you realize it. Keeping a positive attitude will help you create fonder memories of this time with your baby.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on natural baby products and a natural diaper rash cure.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Techniques For Potty Training - Ways to Help Your Child Get Out of Diapers

Techniques for potty training your child can help in making the jump from baby to toddler a much less daunting task. Children are usually ready to start toilet training around the 18 month mark but unfortunately many people today wait much longer before starting to train their child.

One of the biggest reasons that North Americans are taking longer and longer to toilet train their kids is the simple fact that disposable diapers at too good. What is meant but this is that kids rarely feel wet in their diapers anymore and therefore they feel no reason to not want to wear them.

Regardless of when you decide to start training your child there are some simple techniques for potty training that will help:

  • Try to get your child to sit on the potty about 20 minutes after finishing a meal, this is the average time in which the human body relieves itself after a meal

  • Make the training as interactive as possible. Let your child flush the goodies down the toilet, pick and put a sticker on their training charts and wash their own hands. Kids love to be able to do stuff on their own as it makes them feel grown up

  • A few weeks before you start to toilet train, start to announce the fact that you are going to use the "potty", let them follow you and see how it is done. Teach by example

Remembering to employ these techniques for potty training will surely help you in your child discover that potty training is fun and easy.

Learn to potty train your child in 1 to 3 days, guaranteed. Discover the techniques for potty training that will help you be diaper free in 72 hours!

Visit for everything you need to potty train your child in 24 to 72 hours with the least amount of stress.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Baby Won't Sleep - Here's Some Helpful Advice

Unless he is hungry, cold, or uncomfortable, it is normal that your newborn baby will spend at least 60% of his time asleep but you may also find that there are some occcasions, whatever you try to do, baby wont sleep.

It is important that your baby learn to distinguish between day and night. When it becomes dark outside, close the curtains and turn the lights very low. Dimmer switches may be useful to help you achieve this and they can be bought fairly cheaply. Make sure he is warm enough, and when he wakes during the night, if you decide to feed him then feed him relatively quickly and quietly without turning the lights up; Also be careful not to play with him or get him excited as this will make it more difficult for him to get back to sleep. In time, he'll learn the difference between a day and a nighttime feeding.

Your baby may fall asleep immediately after and sometimes during a feeding. He will probably be indifferent to noises such as doors shutting or the radio and in fact, may find certain noises soothing. Babies sleeping patterns do vary though, so if your baby is wakeful after a feeding, don't insist that he should stay in his crib. In fact, keeping him awake for a short time will often be beneficial to his sleep anyway.

You will probably find it easiest to let your baby sleep in something that makes him portable. During the day, a car seat with a carrying handle is ideal if you drive. If you don't have a car, a portable bassinet is suitable both day and night since it is easily movable; some types can be attached to a wheeled chassis to become a carriage. When he outgrows a bassinet he will need a proper crib. If you are trying to create a good daytime sleep routine though, it will always be best to let your baby sleep in his crib during the day whenever possible.

Sleeping With You: Some parents opt to have their newborn sleep with them because night feedings are easier to cope with. It shouldn't be a difficult habit to break after a couple of weeks. If you do sleep with your baby, there is little chance of rolling on top of him, but if you're worried you may prefer not to have him in your bed.

Maintain Temperature: Pay careful attention to the temperature of your baby's room. Babies cannot regulate their body temperature as well as adults. To maintain the right level of warmth they need a relatively constant temperature and enough blankets or sleeping clothes to keep them warm - but not too warm.

Sleeping Outdoors: Except when it's chilly your baby will normally sleep quite happily outdoors but make sure he's wrapped up and visible at all times and never place him in direct sunlight; choose a shady area or protect him with a canopy. If it is windy, put the hood up on the carriage or bassinet to act as a windbreak. A mesh net will protect him from insects if they are a problem in your locality.

Keep The Baby Comfortable: Your newborn will need to be changed often, and while he is sleeping he should wear something that gives you easy access to his diaper. An all-in-one stretch suit - one with a drawstring at the end so it doesn't ride up his back - can be very useful. It is important that your baby does not get too hot or too cold. In warm weather a diaper and an undershirt, t-shirt or vest will be sufficient.

In the winter, you can check that your baby is warm enough by touching the back of his neck with your hand. His skin should feel about the same temperature as yours. If he feels too hot and clammy, dress him in a lighter sleeper or remove a blanket.

Stimulate Sleep: Encourage your baby to sleep at night by tiring him out in the day with plenty of stimulation: talk to him, pick him up, and give him lots of different things to look at. If he wakes up a lot in the night because he is wet, use double diapers or diaper liners, and if he cries when you leave him, don't immediately return and pick him up. Rocking his cot, removing a blanket, or changing his position may be sufficient.

Early on, swaddling or wrapping your baby in a shawl or blanket may help him sleep; the sensation of being tightly enclosed gives babies a great feeling of security. It is also a useful way of calming a distressed baby.

To swaddle your baby, you need a shawl or small blanket. Fold the shawl in half to form a triangle and lay your baby on it, aligning his head with the longest edge. Then fold one point of the shawl across your baby and tuck it firmly behind his back. Do the same with the other point. Tuck the bottom of the shawl back underneath your baby's feet to keep them covered.

The close wrapping holds your baby's arms in a comfortable position that feels safe and secure and may also help him sleep longer. If his limbs move while he is asleep, he is less likely to wake if swaddled. Not all babies like swaddling and if yours doesn't, don't worry. It is safe to swaddle your baby in cold weather, but keep a check on her temperature by touching his skin. Unwrap him right away if he feels or looks too hot.

If you found these tips useful, take a look at The Baby Sleep Solution -the 35 minute audio program which will show you the easy way to teach your baby to sleep through the night, every night. It's at

Sunday, 24 October 2010

How to Wash and Maintain Modern Cloth Diaper

Cloth diapers are an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to disposable diapers. Regardless of the individual or household's skill level on laundry task, modern cloth diapers are always easier to care for than you might expect. It is as simple as doing one or two extra laundry in a day. Normally, you have to wash the dirty cloth diapers every 2-3 days. Waiting longer will eventually cause diaper stink to set in and you need extra work and effort to wash out everything. For machine washing, you should not wash too many diapers in one go, as washing machine can handle about two dozen of diapers in average to ensure a good cleaning result.

It is noteworthy to address that certain new cloth diapers and its inserts shall be washed and tumble dried before the very first usage. This is to remove the chemical finish coated on top, which purposely applied to please consumers with a sensible feeling of "new fabric". Upon removing this water-repellent finish, typically up to three complete wash/dry cycles, the ability of diaper absorption should be improving substantially.

Before placing the dirty diapers in the pail, solids have to be cleaned off as much as possible and flushed away in the toilet. There is a great trend to place disposable liners inside the cloth diapers in making this easier. You may put dirty diapers in a half-filled diaper pail. It is always a good practice to unfold the diapers to facilitate a complete cleaning. If you are washing cloth diapers frequently, you can put them in a dry pail. However, it is always reminded to keep the diaper pail out of the reach of your children, especially for wet pail which filled with water and detergent. Cloth Diapers can be soaked with a mixture of water and 1/4 cup of additive free detergent. Presoaking of diapers helps a lot to loosen stains before the actual wash cycle. Half cup of baking soda can also be added into the presoak cycle, as it will neutralize the alkalinity of urine while whitening the diapers.

When you are almost ready to wash them, excess liquid shall be drained off prior to washing process. For machine washing, you may simply use the programmed spin cycle to help you to remove the soaking solution.It is highly recommended to place cloth diapers into the zipped laundry bag. All diapers (especially for Hook-and-Loop or Velcro closure) have to be fastened completely on their fold back tabs. This is to prevent deformation of diapers' edge and chaining of stuck diapers during the spinning process.

For machine washed cloth diapers, they should always be started with a cold rinse cycle with detergent. Detergents containing scented additives, softeners or bleach shall be avoided at all time. Heavily scented detergents, with artificial fragrances usually made from petroleum, will irritate your baby's skin and eye. They do not degrade in the environment upon draining off from your home and may have toxic effects on natural habitats. Fabric softeners are used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer. Through the formation of thin chemical layer, they will prevent the buildup of static electricity and improving the stain resistance and minimize cloth wrinkles. However, this sheet-form waxy layer will cause cloth diapers to repel water instead of absorbing liquid, and also deteriorate the quality of water-proof laminate on diaper covers. Alternatively, baking soda and some eco-friendly softeners which are hypoallergenic can be used to create similar softening effect.

Once the cold wash cycle is completed, 2 warm rinse cycles will be carried out to rinse out any residue left in the diapers. The residue can lead to repelling of liquid, skin rashes and irritation, stinky diapers and color fading for fabric. They are either caused by unidentified additives such as brighteners, enzymes, fabric softeners, natural extracts like citrus or grape seed, soaps and stain guards. They might be beneficial to normal clothes, but unfavorable for cloth diapers.

Brighteners are tiny particles that stick to the surface of diapers in making them brighter by absorbing invisible ultraviolet light and re-emitting it as white light. Optically, this UV enhancer makes your diapers brighter by commanding blue tones to hide away brown and yellow tones. But the chemical residues would consequently cause skin irritation or allergies to your baby. Enzymes are originally added into the detergent to break down any organic stains like oil, blood or grass. However, they are also attacking organic compounds that are lingering on baby's skin in the presence of moisture, like urine or feces. They will eventually cause painful blistering, sores and rashes depending on the skin sensitivity of your baby. On the other hand, pure soaps, even being labeled as natural choice, will also leave a residue by the formation of soap scum on your diapers and covers. This oily scum will conversely weaken the functional effect of both diaper and its cover, i.e. making diapers repel moisture and making diaper covers absorb water. Stain guards are normally protecting fabric fiber with a layer of impermeable coat to prevent stains. While repelling stains, it also repel wetness and bring adverse effect on the required absorbency of cloth diapers.

After cloth diapers are rinsed, it is advisable for you to smell your diapers prior to drying process. If they smell stinky, you ought to use additional detergent at an optimum level. If they smell more like the added detergent, then you have to do another thorough rinse to get rid of the residue. Meanwhile, stubborn stain has to be visually inspected before drying the diapers. Those stains can still be removed easily if they are detected prior to drying process. Most cloth diapers can be dried under hot mode (high heat) in the dryer or line-dried under direct sunlight. Sunshine is indeed a powerful stain remover in keeping the cloth diapers white and smelling fresh.

In fact, a thorough drying process is crucial for cloth diapers as the addictive free detergent can only cleaned but not disinfect diapers. Without the addition of chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide or iodine which is harsh on the clothes and baby's skin, the bacteria and viruses cannot be disinfected during the washing process of diapers. For diaper covers, they can actually be air-dried or dried at low mode in the dryer. Excessive heat exposure may affect their waterproofing performance and associated wear resistance. You may always refer to the washing instructions of diaper covers from respective manufacturers.

By Ding

Ding is the founder of, the comprehensive online shopping mall for top quality diaper bags, cloth diapers, natural remedies and baby products for family outing and household requirements. His website also offers wide range of ebooks, magazines and articles for your informative readings.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Baby Potty Training - When Should You Start?

Between the ages of 14 months and 36 months are typically the ages that toddlers start to potty train. More often than not, babies who use toweling diapers are ready to potty train earlier than their disposable diaper counterparts. Generally baby girls will show signs of readiness earlier than boys.

How long does your baby stay dry? Does your child inform you if the diaper is wet? Is he uncomfortable with a wet diaper? Does you child watch you on the toilet and asks questions? Is your child aware of how his body works? If you've answered yes to most of the above questions, then your child is ready for potty training.

It is very essential to start potty training at the right time as starting too early will result in you waiting most of the time. Keep your schedule clear for about 2 weeks so that you have enough time to spend with your baby to start the process. Avoid starting when you have big events happening like vacations or traveling. Summer time is a great time to start as he can run outside nude without having to worry about soiling his pants. Accidents will occur and is however part of the process. Changing a diaper in the bathroom will also associate the process with the place.

Many folk believe that if your child has his own toilet it will confuse him. By introducing the potty chair, then gaining mastery over it then proceeding to the potty seat which fits over the regular toilet will generally make the transition at lot easier. Every child is different so make sure to adopt a "horses for courses" approach.

If you decide to use the baby potty chair, make sure you get it before the potty training starts, to get your child familiar with it. Let you child be a part of the buying process for the potty chair. Choose two or three styles of chairs and allow your child to make a choice from among those. He will see it as a new toy and become anxious to try it. The suitable potty chair should allow your child's feet to touch the ground as this will assist in pushing when having a bowel movement.

As mentioned before, accidents will occur but it is important to stay calm and be patient. This is a big transition in your child's life and can be daunting if you not patient with the process. As accidents occur, and they will, just be supportive.

Try and encourage your child by giving him constant praise for whenever he sits on the pot or you see he has made progress. Praising words can serve many functions for your toddler. It can boost their self-esteem, raise their confidence, and be a huge motivator for them. It can also promote an atmosphere of comfort for them. Every little progression should be encouraged particularly in the early stages. Giving little rewards to your child in the form of his favourite candy or sweets are great but the ultimate reward is your approval.

Finally, don't rush the process as it will take several attempts for your child to be potty trained. Relax, have fun and remember that soon you'll be ditching the diapers forever!

Learn more about Baby Potty Training and getting the correct potty seats for your child.

Jason Peter Brown is a father, husband, entrepreneur and avid sportsman. Jason has several websites that deal with children, family and parenting and has successfully assisted many helped many parents in making correct choices with regards to their children and developing successful parenting skills. For more in depth information visit Baby Potty Seats

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Jick Love Hurts ep18

Heres another eppy! * AT THE HOSPITIAL * Joe-(runs in and goes to receptionist.) Recep.-How may I help you sir? Joe-MY HUSBAND IS IN LABOR AND HES GOING TO HAVE TRIPLETS?!?! Recep. - Wheres your husband? Joe-HES RIGHT HERE YOU BLIND BAT!! Recep.-Sir, no one is next to you. Joe- (runs and gets Nick.) Nick-OWWW!! Dr.- I thought that I heard you screaming. Nick- OWW!! PLEASE GET THESES BABIES OUT OF ME!! Dr.- STAFF!! Person-Yes, Dr.? Dr.-Can you please prep Nick for surgery while I get ready? Person-Yes. (wheels Nick and takes Joe to the room to get ready.) Nick-(getting ready for surgery.) Joe-(getting dressed in the scrub thingies.) Dr.- Lts deliver some babies. Joe-(holds Nicks hand and kisses him.) Dr-.Nick, were going to cut you open and get the babies. Nick-Ok. Joe-(watching.) Dr.-(gets the 1st baby out and holds her up.) Heres Baby A.( hands her to the nurse.) Nick-How does she look? Joe-Beautiful(turns pale.) Nick-Are you alright? Joe-Yeah Im fine.(smiles and gets dizzy.) Dr.-(gets baby B and holds her up.) This is Baby B.(hands her to another nurse.) Joe-(getting sicker and weaker.) Dr.-(takes the last baby and holds her up.) And this is Baby C.(hands her to another nurse.) Nick-Were parents now.(smiles.) Joe-Yup.(smiles.) Dr.-Now, Nick. Were going to need you to push out the Placentia ok? Nick-Ok.(starts to push.) Dr.-Got it.(holds it up.) Joe-OH SHI-(passes out.) * 5 HOURS LATER * Joe-(wakes up in a hospital bed next to Nicks.) Mom-(holding Marie.) Awww, shes so ...

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Cloth Diaper Pail Liners - Stop Scrubbing That Diaper Pail

Cloth diaper pail liners take the work out of cloth diapering - saving you time and making your cloth diapering routine simple. These durable cloth bags work like a trash bag to line your cloth diaper pail. When it is time to wash the diapers, you can wash the liner right along with them. This will keep your pail clean and odor free without without scrubbing!

A washable cloth pail liner is one item I recommend to all cloth diapering families. It is on my list of "must have" baby items. The liner keeps the inside of the pail clean no matter how messy the diapers are. When it stays clean, you save time and your back. These inexpensive liners give you more precious time with your little one. After all, playing with your baby is priceless. I have much better things to do than scrub out a nasty pail. My daughter is 4 months old and I have never had to scrub her out an icky container because they simply never get dirty.

A cloth diaper pail liner works like a laundry bag. After your baby outgrows cloth diapers you can use it as a laundry bag or for wet swim suits. Just put it in the diaper pail like you would a regular trash bag. Fold the top down and you are good to go. Good diaper pail liners will fit a kitchen trash can or almost any other similar sized dirty diaper storage system. When it is time to do the diaper wash, use the bag to help move the diapers to the washer. Push the bag inside out to empty the diapers into the washer without having to touch them. Then, wash the liner along with the diapers. See, totally easy!

We have two pail liners for each changing area so we can put one in the wash while the other is in use. One pail is in the bathroom upstairs and one is in our bedroom downstairs. We only use the liners made from polyurethane laminate (PUL) as we have found that other fabrics simply leak too often. We also love the fact that ours are self-closing without a dangerous drawstring, so we can safely store the used diapers in the laundry room if we don't have time to wash immediately. They come in dozens of colors so you can find one that matches the nursery or any other room where you keep a changing station.

Julie R. Holland is an attachment parenting author. Holland has owned Little for Now cloth diaper store since 2006 where her top-selling item is a unique safe, self-closing cloth diaper pail liner. Subscribe to the free Little for Now newsletter for cloth diaper savings and more great articles like this one.

Monday, 18 October 2010

What is the Best Cloth Diaper Today?

Ask ten parents, "What is the best cloth diaper?" You hear ten radically different answers, each argued articulately and passionately.

The answer seems relatively simple and straight-forward: Considered in light of conscience, it is the one that has least impact on the environment. Examined with respect for the family's newest member, it is the diaper that feels best on the baby and leaves the least footprint on Mother Earth. With family economics factored-in, it is the one that fits your budget, feeling comfortable on baby and taking little toll on the planet. Chosen with a modicum of concern for your own convenience and time, the best cloth diaper is the one that changes quickly and washes completely with the fewest cycles, keeping baby clean and dry with minimal consequence for the planet. Simple.

Best Cloth diapers for Saving the Planet

If you focus strictly on saving the planet, you will choose a two-layer diaper system made entirely of hemp and organically grown cotton. The use of hemp has revolutionized diaper manufacturing, reducing diapers' environmental impact by approximately 90%. And hemp stands poised similarly to revolutionize the entire garment industry, because the earth no longer can sustain traditional cotton production. The two-layer system makes cloth diapering considerably easier than it used to be. The outer layer-the "wrapper" or more frequently "the pocket"-- has snaps or Velcro closures, and inside it features a center slot into which you insert reusable or recyclable liners.

Best Cloth Diapers for Baby's Comfort.

If you choose the best cloth diaper from the baby's point of view, you will choose no cloth diaper at all. All cloth diapers get heavy when they get wet, and earth-friendly absorbent strips still do not wick away moisture as well as absorbent pads manufactured with volatile organic chemicals. Moreover, although pocket diapers feature elastic legs and form-fitting design, they still do not allow as much freedom of movement as lightweight disposables, which come in almost as many sizes as babies do.

Diapers for the Budget

If you choose according to your budget's requirements, you will seek "recycled" hemp-and-cotton pocket diapers, buying your own liners for your peace of mind. The hemp-cotton blend washes completely, growing softer with each wash but showing little sign of wear. Best of all, hemp-cotton pockets require no bleach, and most manufacturers recommend against bleaching hemp-cotton products, because it will damage them. Many online parent communities include advertisements for recycled hemp diapers, and they often include lists or referrals to baby boutiques that carry "gently used" pocket nappies.

Ashley J Michaels is an home economist. For more great tips on choosing the Best Cloth Diaper please visit

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Two Types Of Dermatitis



diaper dermatitis or diaper rash is an irritation of the skin covering the groin, lower stomach, upper thighs and buttocks. This condition is seen more commonly in infants and early childhood prior to 2 years of age. Diaper dermatitis usually occurs between one and two months of age and may continue until the child no longer wears diapers


The symptoms of diaper dermatitis vary depending on the cause of the dermatitis, and may be different for each child that is affected. The following are common characteristics of the rash that may occur with each type of infection:

1. candida diaper dermatitis - this rash usually begins in the creases or folds of the thighs and in the diaper area, and then spreads. The rash is usually a deep, red, shiny rash with red, satellite lesions.

2. seborrheic diaper dermatitis - this rash also affects the skin folds in the groin area and is usually pink. Infants may also have this rash on their face, scalp, or neck at the same time.

3. contact diaper dermatitis - this rash is mostly seen on the buttocks and may extend to the thighs, stomach, and waist area


1. We all have a natural protective film of oil on our skin. If this oil is removed the skin becomes red, irritated, cracked and inflamed. When a person's skin is exposed to urine or feces for prolonged periods, the natural skin oil is removed causing diaper dermatitis.

2. After the skin becomes red and inflamed, the skin becomes predisposed to infection. Both bacteria and yeast can infect the inflamed cracked skin


1. The best treatment for diaper dermatitis is to prevent it from starting. Using absorbent disposable diapers easiest does this. These do not allow urine to come into contact with the skin. Modern absorbent disposable diapers can hold large amounts of urine and keep it away from the skin.

2. If you plan to use reusable diapers, they must be changed each time after they become wet or every one to two hours.


1.Keep the diaper area as dry as possible by using absorbent disposable diapers or by frequent changes of conventional diapers. Triple paste is an ointment that can be applied to the diapered area with every diaper change.

2.Lotrimin cream can be used for diaper rash and can be purchased without a prescription. Do not use a medication named Lotrisone, even if given to you by your doctor. This medication can do irreversible harm if applied to the groin area of a child.

Foot dermatitis: it can turn your attention to a major foot care:

This problem can affect the feet entirely as it causes a serious disorder to skin of the feet. It can be caused by excessive dry skin that is a result of excessive bathing, hand washing, sweating or swimming. If one is into an excessive contact of cosmetics, detergents or deodorants or cleansers then there can be a problem excessive dryness of the skin again leading to dermatitis. An exposure to high humidity can also affect the skin as it can result into skin exfoliation. In some cases it was found that consumption of tobacco and smoking were also causes of this problem. Wearing some specific type of footwear can also be a cause for this problem. In extreme temperatures this problem becomes more obvious.

Where does it affect?

If the problem is related to sole then there are yellow patches with a red base that can cause an itchy peeling of the skin that can last for several months. If front part of foot is affected then there is a red itchy scaly eruption with other problems like vesicles and crusting of the feet. If the entire foot is affected then it is observed that there are multiple red papules on the foot. In some cases this problem can occur with very small children and it can make them too sensitive to everything. It was observed that some children have developed fever and hypertension resulting into mucus in membranes. There is an entire description of regulation of fluid in the body. In some cases the spread of infection till the legs it can lead to purple and brown plaques in the feet and legs. In the case of occurrence of nodules surgery is advised but it is seen that the problem may reoccur in patients.

How to get rid of this problem?

Even if there is a little insignificant rash on the feet then it should be considered because it can lead to foot dermatitis at anytime. If one is detected with the problem then it should begin with the appropriate ointments suggested by the physician. Appropriate type of lubricants should be used so that the moisture content in the feet is maintained. In some severe cases doctors advice the patients with an oral dosage of medicines so that dryness can be removed from within.

Jamie is the author of other Dermatitis [] Tips located at Health Tips []and Dermatitis Articles Please stop by and sign up for our free health tip news letter.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

How to Clean Your Washing Machine

Cleaning washing machines are important. Washing machines are engaged with detergent deposit, mineral deposits, dirty water and including the washing of diapers so you should keep your washing machine clean and in superb condition.

Most dishwashers, bathtubs and sinks could get dirty even though their job is to clean things. The same goes for your washing machine - it could become a mess with all the washing, dirt and soils from your used laundry. The dirt washed out with soap and water and other dirt particles could be left behind in your washing machine.

As such, it's important for you periodically clean and divests this filth away. Every time you wash your clothes, detergents and hard water builds up and accumulates inside hoses, pump and tubs. This could be the reason why a washing machine could not perform well and this may be cause future problems with clothes, diapers and other things you wash.

Steps to cleaning

In cleaning your washing machine, there are four general steps to follow.

Step #1
Release grime and soap by putting lemon juice or two cup vinegar along with hot water.

Step #2
Remove the container of the fabric softener and bathe it in a detergent with hot water. Cleaning the bleach dispenser is done using Q-tips, paper towels and spray cleaner. The top rim of wash bucket is usually being forgotten to clean because it is hardly seen and it could easily becomes dirty.

Step #3
After this, put in a hot water and run the washer.While the washing machine is running, check all the hoses for leaks because this may lead to leaks and bursts. It is good to practice maintenance in checking hoses periodically for any signals of leaks and weaknesses. Make sure that your hoses are replaced because manufacturers recommend replacing a new hose in every 5 years because this could be a mess if not replaced.

Step #4
After soaking the container of the fabric softener, replace one and don't forget to polish up the exterior part of washing machine by using cloth towel and vinegar. You can now wash happily with a better washing machine.

Timonty is a washing machine specialist who has written a number of articles on washing machines to several ezines and publishers. Find washing machine reviews, ratings and tips at

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Prefold Cloth Diapers - No Longer a Thing of the Past

Many of us no longer remember the prefold cloth diapers of the past. They are now increasing in popularity as they are cheaper than disposables and are healthier for our babies.

Cloth diapers went out of styles decades ago. When disposable diapers hit the market, people decided they were much easier to deal with. A cloth diaper is nothing more than a square or rectangular piece of fabric designed to absorb and hold natural bodily functions. Prefold ones are coming back into style as they are healthier for babies and also tend to cost much less than disposables. This type of diaper is thick in the center for great absorption and thinner at the sides so your baby stays comfortable. Diaper pins or snappies are used to hold the diapers in place and a vinyl cover is need to keep apparel from getting wet.

Prefold cloth diapers come in a variety of materials. Many choose to go with those made of gauzy fabric or Birdseye although hemp and velour diapers are becoming more popular. The best are made from 100% Chinese or Indian cotton as they are very absorbent. All of these materials are easy to clean, retain moisture well and dry quickly. This is all important to protect your baby from a rash or other uncomfortable disorder.

When purchasing prefold diapers, you need to pay close attention to the layer numbers. Prefold cloth diapers are defined by the number of layers they have in the absorbent center panel as well as the number of layers in the outer panels. Most are either 4X6X6 or 4X8X4. The larger number refers to the center panels while the smaller number refers to the outer panels. For more absorbency, choose the 4X8X4. Newborns may be able to get away with smaller numbers, but you don't want to have to buy a variety of diapers as one size will fit all.

Prefold cloth diapers are not only the cheapest diapers, they also have many uses once your child has potty trained. You can use these diapers as rags around your house among other things. If you are looking for an economical way to keep your baby dry, be sure to consider this option. There is a reason these diapers are becoming popular again.

For more information on prefold cloth diapers, click on the following link:

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

[FullHD]2005 Girls' Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner (Part 1)

Series Info: - Diapers From 12 Angles - Season 1 "Episode 1" - 2D Version Girls' Huggies Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner slideshow in 2D. Talk about a blast from the past! These Huggies Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner are from 2005, and I was lucky enough to find them last year in a small store that doesn't see many customers. Much like today's Pull-Ups, these feature a "Disney Princesses for Girls" design, but unlike today's Pull-Ups, these are purple rather than pink. Like the Goodnites in the "pilot" episode, I highly doubt you'll still be able to find these on shelves anymore. I really got lucky when I stumbled across these, and I honestly wasn't expecting to find them when I did. Please note: This is a slideshow, as such it lacks sound and should be considered a "silent film," however if you have a suggestion for an Audioswap background, I'm more than willing to listen. Video Milestones: 1000 views as of 04/02/2010 2000 views as of 04/26/2010 2500 views as of 05/09/2010 5000 views as of 06/27/2010 Views in Thousands: 1000 views as of 04/02/2010 2000 views as of 04/26/2010 3000 views as of 05/20/2010 4000 views as of 06/09/2010 5000 views as of 06/27/2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

8 Ways of Preventing Diaper Rashes

A diaper rash is very common problem with babies. Babies cannot express there feeling when the diaper is wet or it hurts them. All they can do is cry.

Reasons for diaper rashes:

  • Bad quality of diaper

  • Too much moisture against the skin

  • Food allergies

  • Yeast infection

  • Roughness

  • Chemical irritation

Preventing Diaper Rashes:

Preventing rashes is not difficult. Some simple and easy to do measures can take care of most of the causes of diaper rashes.

  1. Skin infection or the diaper rashes can be minimized if the baby is taking mother's milk. Mother's milk is very strong as it fight against any kind of infection in baby.

  2. After the normal wash, wash the baby nappies in Dettol or with the bacteria fighting soap.

  3. Keep the baby skin dry and germ free and give your baby a warm and clean bath.

  4. Every time you change the diaper apply a mild baby powder over the baby diaper area as it soothes your baby skin and prevent from rashes.

  5. Do not use elastic pants or tight fitting pant as it may hurt your baby skin, always use cotton pant.

  6. Sometime rashes occur due to nappies not only from diaper, so keep the baby nappy clean and dry the nappies in hot sun.

  7. Check if the baby diaper rashes area is dry at regular intervals.

  8. Try to avoid baby wipes which comes in the market, as it contains chemical which is harmful for your child so use a very soft towel to wipe the baby skin.

Next, You need to find the best place to find the best diapers for your baby. In order to find low cost and good quality baby diapers you can check out this resource here.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Baby Alive Better Now Baby - Now at Poppies

Play mommy with this amazing doll that gets all better with your love and care. Insert the thermometer into her mouth to see that she has a fever. Hold the medicine spoon to her mouth and tilt it downward to see the medicine disappear! She even comes with an aspirator that you can use to clear your dolls stuffy nose. Keep her hydrated with drinks from her sippy cup and she actually wets her diaper! Make sure to change her wet diaper, and shes ready to play again! Doll comes with shirt, aspirator, medicine spoon, sippy cup, thermometer, and 2 doll diapers. Special value pack includes stethoscope and 4 bandage stickers. Baby Alive Better Now Baby Doll is available at Poppies. Additional diapers and clothes available for purchase separately. Visit for more information. Or call Kuching (082) 236 553 and Sibu (084) 318 722.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Green and Pink Diaper Bags

If you are not that conscious about the price of the designer diaper bag that you are about to buy, then you will not have other problem looking for the right one for you. At present, green and pink colors for your diaper bag are really fashionable.

Green is a color of fortune. That is why, it is quite befitting if you also buy a designer diaper bag that is quite pricey yet worth all your money. Do not worry about its quality because for sure, they can last you a lifetime with numerous advantages for you and baby.

Holly Aiken Airship - Diaper Messenger Dinosaur Green/Avocado

This bag is actually great for both mom and dad. Its design is quite simple but the durability and functionality is really superb. All of its side is fully lined so that it is secured and tightly put together. It has multiple pockets and compartments for both parents' things as well as baby's necessities. It is secured by a Velcro closure for easier access anytime, especially if you are in a hurry. You will also get a matching diaper changing mat that is big enough for baby's use.

Storksak Jess Red Label Army Diaper Bag

This green baby bag is very conventional. It may also suit mommy and daddy. This bag is made of water resistant canvas so you can be sure that your bag and necessities inside will be safe and sound. It is also very spacious with its multiple pockets and compartments for baby's things such as the feeding bottles, diapers, and wet wipes. The baby's bottle holder is thermo-insulated to maintain the temperature of the fluids inside it. This bag also has a diaper changing mat that is padded for baby's comfortable use. The bag's shoulder strap may be adjusted to your desired length.

Pink diaper bags are very feminine. Pink color shows friendliness, innocence, and youth. Make it more special by having a pricey baby bag in pink, and you'll surely attract many eyes because of the warmth and style that you bring.

Pink Girl Shower Diaper Bag Set by Cricket and Monkey

This pink baby bag is very functional and spacious. It has multiple pockets and compartments inside and outside. Its double shoulder straps are made of nylon, which is why it is very durable and easy to clean just by wiping. It also includes a pink and printed diaper changing mat for baby. Baby's bottles may be placed inside the bag that has two bottle holders. Many would say that this bag is the best baby shower gift you can give a new mom.

Herringbone Hobo in Pink Diaper Bag by OiOi

Just from its name, this pink diaper bag is made of herringbone fabric. Its internal pockets are perfect baby's necessities such as diapers and wet wipes. With this bag, you can also get a matching diaper changing mat which is made of microfiber. This bag is securely closed by a durable zipper. Mom can also have her things inside the small pockets that are safely closed. Its shoulder strap may also be adjusted according to your desired length.

Kate is a mother of two and is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics. For more information on green diaper bags, I recommend you visit the website BlissDiaperBags.Com and choose from their huge selection of pink diaper bags!

Friday, 8 October 2010

What They Do Not Want You to Hear About Disposable Diapers

Are you starting a new family with baby number one on the way? If so, then you have undoubtedly started getting advice about things like which is best: the bottle or the breast? Laying baby on the back or on the tummy? Giving birth naturally or with the help of medication? And which is better, cloth or disposable diapers?

These are all things that are important considerations, but you should know that everyone has his or her own opinions and those opinions may not necessarily reflect yours. If that is the case, it is perfectly okay to do your own thing.

For example, good luck telling those who think breast feeding is better than bottle feeding that you prefer to use the bottle. You need to be ready for them to be very passionate about their opinions and you might, in extreme cases, even be called names and accused of being a horrible parent because of your preference.

However, for some women nursing is just not convenient. There are women who may not produce enough milk. It is perfectly okay to bottle feed if this is your choice, the same that that it is perfectly fine to breast feed if you choose to do so.

Naturalists and tree huggers will tell you that cloth diapers are a better choice than disposable diapers for obvious reasons. Cloth diapers are reusable and do not litter the environment.

Some may tell you that cloth is better than the disposables for baby's skin and reduces diaper rash. Maybe in the old days this was true, but the advancements in disposable diapers have come so far along that the opposite would seem to be the case now.

Disposable diapers will keep your baby dry while cloth will keep baby wet beginning as soon as baby wets in it. Wetness causes rash, so you do the math. What if you are driving and unable to pull over in a moment to change your baby?

This can be a horrible experience for both you and your baby if she is in cloth diapers because she is feeling very uncomfortable and letting you know it. You can not get mad at your baby for crying. Imagine if you were sitting in a towel full of...well, you know. You would cry, too. Disposables are very absorbent and help keep your baby dry.

Disposable diapers are also much more convenient when traveling, or even visiting friends and relatives or shopping. When your baby needs changed, you have to carry the dirty cloth diaper around with you everywhere you go. Even if you rinsed it, it is going to smell. Disposables can just be tossed in the garbage and you leave all of that smell behind.

Of course, cloth diapers are more cost effective than disposable ones, but are they really? You have to wash them in special baby detergent, and who's paying you for your time? You need to have diaper pins, rubber pants, lots of cloth diapers, petroleum jelly to keep some of the wetness off of baby, powders, rash ointments, and more trips to the pediatrician when the rashes get bad.

Disposable diapers in the short term may cost you money, but in the long run it may even out, and you and baby will be much happier using them.

Author has published many sites including the resource about Diapers. Learn about using a diaper doubler by visiting the site, Pamper Diapers.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Adult Disposable Diapers

Adult disposable diapers are worn by adults for a variety of reasons. In the medical world they are called adult absorbent briefs, rather than diapers. This because the word diaper can have negative connotations involved when used in association with adults. People who have a medical condition which makes them unable to have control of urine or feces will wear these briefs. The usage of these disposable diapers or briefs can be a source of embarrassment. These products will often be marketed under names such as incontinence pads or briefs.

These diapers are usually made in one of two ways. With tape on the sides to fasten the Adult Diaper or in a pull-up version which is more like underwear. The adult disposable diaper that fastens on the sides will be used for the adult who is confined to bed or who has limited ability to change the brief themselves.

The history of the disposable adult diaper has evolved greatly through this century. The first adult diaper consisted of sheets of tissue paper inside of pair of rubber pants. The first type of Adult Diaper was introduced in the United States in 1949 by the Johnson and Johnson Company. These cloth type diapers underwent constant change and improvement from 1949 until the late 1970's. These improvements included tape that could be reused. Changes in the shapes to reduce the bulging in the crotch area, and the introduction of super absorbent material built into the disposable diaper. They have also included the pull up variety which is very thin and very absorbent. These diapers have a layered structure which allows a transfer and distribution to an absorbent core structure allowing the users of the products to feel dry longer. It is common practice now for an adult diaper to have a chemically activated wetness indicator strip that will change colors when the diaper is wet. Thus preventing waste by having to check the diaper frequently and compromising the tape. Care of adult disposable diapers is minimal and usually consists of keeping them in a clean and dry area before use.

John J Mendes works in the Medical field. Please click here to visit my Adult Disposable Diaper Website. There is much more information available on the treatment of urinary and bowel problems.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Is Baby Getting Enough Breast Milk?

The title of this article is probably the no. 1 question every mother asks herself, as well as my wife, now that she is feeding twins!

It would be great If breasts came with their own measuring marks, but they don't, so how to know if baby is getting enough milk?

The simplest answer is usually the best, and that is diaper or nappy output. What goes in must come out!

How many breasts do you have? Well two can produce more than one, so if you have the one baby, he or she will get enough milk from the two of them, if not one.

Breast milk should come between 2 to 5 days after you have given birth.

Baby's weight is a clear indication, if you are solely breastfeeding. If your baby is gaining weight and drinking adequately, then the output should indicate everything is normal.

But, if your baby's weight gain is low, and the output is high, then you need to investigate further, usually by your doctor.

Answer these questions

Yes / No

* Has your baby regained birth weight by two weeks of age?
* Between days two and three, baby stools colour has changed from black to green, then yellow, with 'seeds' or 'curds' by day five?
* Day four and after, baby has three or four stools per day? (after four to six weeks, stools may be less frequent, but larger).
* After day four, or 24 hours after your breast milk has come, baby has five wet diapers or nappies that are odourless, and colourless. (your baby may produce just four wet diapers or nappies, if they are heavily wet).
* After day four, or when you breast milk has come, baby starts to gain weight at the following rate. (rates are averages)
* 0 to Three months - approximately 1 oz (30 grams) per day. Or 6 oz (180 grams) per week
* Four to Six months - at least 0.6 oz (18 grams) per day
* Seven to Nine months - at least 0.4 oz (12 grams) per day
* Ten to Twelve months - at least 0.3 oz (9 grams) per day

Beyond the first few days of birth, diaper or nappy output, and weight gain, or loss usually go hand in hand. Babies always lose weight before they gain it. This is because your baby is born with extra fluid in his or her tissues, which is lost during the first 48 hours of life. This equates to about 8 ounces.

Keep track of how many diapers or nappies you need to change. This is a good indication of how much liquid your baby is taking in.

The best way to know if your baby is getting enough milk, is to regularly have your baby's weight checked, both at home and at your doctors. Remember, it's normal to lose 5-7% of baby's weight before your baby starts to gain weight.

Please remember that if you are not sure, then always ask for advice from your doctor. Never take a chance with your precious baby.

Ian Rutter's passion has become his life.

His 3 children. One boy, 4 years old, and two twin girls, 2 months old.

Now he writes about babies, parenting, safety for babies and anything else related to babies and family life.

You can find his website at

Monday, 4 October 2010

Jay-Z Reasonable Doubt track # 5.Feelin It

Jay-Z Reasonable Doubt track # 5.Feelin It

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Feeding Your Baby

Whether you're a breastfeeding mother or you formula-feed your baby, it seems like all he does at first is eat. Before you can even answer the question, "Do I shower or eat now that the baby's full for five minutes?" he's ready to eat again. Since babies don't eat three squares a day, feeding your baby when he's hungry is the norm. But how do you know what to feed this voracious little creature?

Birth to Four Months

Babies get all the nutrition and water they need from infant formula or breast milk at this age. Formula fed babies generally need 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of their body weight in a twenty-four hour period.

Breastfeeding is trickier to measure, since you cannot see how much your baby is consuming. So long as he has five or six wet disposable diapers a day, you can hear him swallowing while nursing, and he's gaining sufficient weight, all is probably just fine. Another sign to check is whether your breasts are noticeably softer and feel empty after feeding. You can always have your pediatrician check your baby's weight if you're unsure.

If you're bottle feeding your baby, be sure you've thoroughly cleaned the bottles, nipples, and rings. Never prop a baby's bottle up and leave him with it. Until your baby can hold a bottle himself, always hold the bottle for him, making sure to take frequent burp breaks. Letting your baby go to bed with a bottle is bad for his dental health, so be sure he's all done eating before falling asleep.

If your baby has a dry mouth, sunken eyes, or doesn't produce tears, he may be dehydrated, and needs more formula or breast milk. Your baby will tell you if he's still hungry; his rooting reflex will let you know that he's looking for additional food.

Introducing Solids

Your baby watches you and your family eat, and he will start to exhibit interest in what the rest of the family is doing at mealtime. Once he's holding his head up, sitting in a high chair, making chewing faces, and no longer pushes food out of his mouth, he's ready to try solids.

Although these first foods are called solids, they're anything but. Prepared or homemade baby food is a puree that requires no chewing. Fruits and vegetables, starting with a teaspoon a day, increasing gradually, or iron-fortified cereals are the usual starter foods.

Be sure to have your camera handy to catch these first feeding moments: your baby will have more food on him than in his mouth, but he'll quickly get the hang of the spoon, and before you know it, he'll be impatiently grabbing it from you, wanting more.

If you introduce new foods one at a time, you'll be able to watch for signs of food allergies. Keep track of what you feed your baby and note any unusual reactions.

When using jarred baby food, don't feed the baby straight from the jar unless you plan to use the entire jar in one meal. Digestive juices from your baby's saliva, transferred on the spoon to the jar, will start to "digest" the leftover food.

Table Foods

Babies who can make a chewing motion, pick up items with their thumb and forefinger, and put everything in their mouths are ready for table food - that is, what the rest of the household is eating. Dry cereal is a great starter table food, as are rice puffs, small amounts of protein (tofu, egg yolks), mashed beans, bits of toast, and small chunks of non-citrus fruits.

Needless to say, the bites you feed your baby must be small enough for him to chew safely. Off-limit foods include honey, citrus fruits, peanuts, and peanut butter.

As your baby gets more teeth, he's ready for more foods. Your pediatrician probably has some easy-to-follow guidelines. Soft pasteurized cheeses, pastas, and yogurt are all good choices. So long as your baby doesn't have any food allergies, try experimenting to see what he likes. Enjoy watching your baby experience new textures and tastes; this is all part of his getting to know what he likes and dislikes. You can set the stage now for many future enjoyable mealtimes. has the worlds largest selection of video tapes and training materials on child development. specializes in high quality safe toys for children. All of our toys are selected by experts in the field of child development.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

[FullHD]2005 Girls' Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner (Part 2)

Series Info: - Diapers From 12 Angles - Season 1 "Episode 2" - 2D Version Girls' Huggies Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner slideshow in 2D. Talk about a blast from the past! These Huggies Pull-Ups with Wetness Liner are from 2005, and I was lucky enough to find them last year in a small store that doesn't see many customers. Much like today's Pull-Ups, these feature a "Disney Princesses for Girls" design, but unlike today's Pull-Ups, these are purple rather than pink. Like the Goodnites in the "pilot" episode, I highly doubt you'll still be able to find these on shelves anymore. I really got lucky when I stumbled across these, and I honestly wasn't expecting to find them when I did. Please note: This is a slideshow, as such it lacks sound and should be considered a "silent film," however if you have a suggestion for an Audioswap background, I'm more than willing to listen.