Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Cloth Diaper Pail Liners - Stop Scrubbing That Diaper Pail

Cloth diaper pail liners take the work out of cloth diapering - saving you time and making your cloth diapering routine simple. These durable cloth bags work like a trash bag to line your cloth diaper pail. When it is time to wash the diapers, you can wash the liner right along with them. This will keep your pail clean and odor free without without scrubbing!

A washable cloth pail liner is one item I recommend to all cloth diapering families. It is on my list of "must have" baby items. The liner keeps the inside of the pail clean no matter how messy the diapers are. When it stays clean, you save time and your back. These inexpensive liners give you more precious time with your little one. After all, playing with your baby is priceless. I have much better things to do than scrub out a nasty pail. My daughter is 4 months old and I have never had to scrub her out an icky container because they simply never get dirty.

A cloth diaper pail liner works like a laundry bag. After your baby outgrows cloth diapers you can use it as a laundry bag or for wet swim suits. Just put it in the diaper pail like you would a regular trash bag. Fold the top down and you are good to go. Good diaper pail liners will fit a kitchen trash can or almost any other similar sized dirty diaper storage system. When it is time to do the diaper wash, use the bag to help move the diapers to the washer. Push the bag inside out to empty the diapers into the washer without having to touch them. Then, wash the liner along with the diapers. See, totally easy!

We have two pail liners for each changing area so we can put one in the wash while the other is in use. One pail is in the bathroom upstairs and one is in our bedroom downstairs. We only use the liners made from polyurethane laminate (PUL) as we have found that other fabrics simply leak too often. We also love the fact that ours are self-closing without a dangerous drawstring, so we can safely store the used diapers in the laundry room if we don't have time to wash immediately. They come in dozens of colors so you can find one that matches the nursery or any other room where you keep a changing station.

Julie R. Holland is an attachment parenting author. Holland has owned Little for Now cloth diaper store since 2006 where her top-selling item is a unique safe, self-closing cloth diaper pail liner. Subscribe to the free Little for Now newsletter for cloth diaper savings and more great articles like this one.