Thursday, 21 October 2010

Jick Love Hurts ep18

Heres another eppy! * AT THE HOSPITIAL * Joe-(runs in and goes to receptionist.) Recep.-How may I help you sir? Joe-MY HUSBAND IS IN LABOR AND HES GOING TO HAVE TRIPLETS?!?! Recep. - Wheres your husband? Joe-HES RIGHT HERE YOU BLIND BAT!! Recep.-Sir, no one is next to you. Joe- (runs and gets Nick.) Nick-OWWW!! Dr.- I thought that I heard you screaming. Nick- OWW!! PLEASE GET THESES BABIES OUT OF ME!! Dr.- STAFF!! Person-Yes, Dr.? Dr.-Can you please prep Nick for surgery while I get ready? Person-Yes. (wheels Nick and takes Joe to the room to get ready.) Nick-(getting ready for surgery.) Joe-(getting dressed in the scrub thingies.) Dr.- Lts deliver some babies. Joe-(holds Nicks hand and kisses him.) Dr-.Nick, were going to cut you open and get the babies. Nick-Ok. Joe-(watching.) Dr.-(gets the 1st baby out and holds her up.) Heres Baby A.( hands her to the nurse.) Nick-How does she look? Joe-Beautiful(turns pale.) Nick-Are you alright? Joe-Yeah Im fine.(smiles and gets dizzy.) Dr.-(gets baby B and holds her up.) This is Baby B.(hands her to another nurse.) Joe-(getting sicker and weaker.) Dr.-(takes the last baby and holds her up.) And this is Baby C.(hands her to another nurse.) Nick-Were parents now.(smiles.) Joe-Yup.(smiles.) Dr.-Now, Nick. Were going to need you to push out the Placentia ok? Nick-Ok.(starts to push.) Dr.-Got it.(holds it up.) Joe-OH SHI-(passes out.) * 5 HOURS LATER * Joe-(wakes up in a hospital bed next to Nicks.) Mom-(holding Marie.) Awww, shes so ...