I am learning that as a mother of two young children, that they are very different. Even though, they are close in age and are close as a sister and brother can be, they are so many differences between the two.
My little girl, who is now almost 4, is just learning to be independent. Before she wanted everyone to do everything for her. She still has those days. She would rather you do it than for her to waste her time. She is a lot slower at learning things, or maybe it is her stubborn streak. She learned to walk later and talk later than I wanted her to. Now I am not saying she has a learning disability, it was me being a new mother and thinking she should be farther along. She also was not around other kids until my son came along and so she had no other kids to learn from. Looking back, I was probably pushing her. Also, I just got her potty trained. She just was not ready. Now she is a very light eater, sometimes hardly eating anything all day, even when we try to make her. She fought sleep bad when she was younger. She hated to be laid down for naps.
My little boy, who is almost 2, is already very independent. He wants to do things on his own when he can. He learned to walk earlier and talk earlier than my little girl. He talks almost as good as she does now. He is eating me out of groceries every week. Boy can he eat. He even eats off of her plate. He has never had trouble laying down for naps. He is already showing signs of knowing that he is wet and has a dirty diaper. He is just very independent.
Although, they are different, they are close and where one goes, you will usually find the other one. It is good for them to be different, I just had to learn that as a mother. I am glad that they have their own little quirks.
I am a mother of two young children who are the highlight of my life. I wish I could stay home with them all the time. I am trying to make a better life for them.