Yeast infections not only attack men and women, but also children. In fact, infants generally develop thrush or yeast infection in the mouth, and seldom anywhere else in the body.
Parents usually consider this thrush to be some misconception in the development of the child. However this is far from the truth as it is very much possible for a child too to suffer from an overgrowth of Candida, as is an adult. This yeast infection can occur anywhere in the body, basically where there is a warm and wet environment.
A wet diaper is the perfect breeding place for a yeast infection
It is basically the diaper area that is most susceptible to yeast infections as this area is not only wet, but is also heated up with the heat of the body. So to help control this discomfort in the toddler, it is better to keep the baby as clean and as dry as possible with frequent changing of diapers. This is very important during the summer months when there is increased heat because of climatic conditions.
Of course, between male and female babies, it is the baby girl that is more susceptible to yeast e infections, as are women and girls. This is because females havmore folds in the body where Candida thrives in and of course because of the diapers.
Boys are susceptible to yeast infections only because of diapers. So basically, make it a point to change diapers as soon as possible for the longer the diaper rubs against the skin, the higher is the possibility of a y east infection.
Besides keeping the baby as clean and dry as possible to control Candida overgrowth, there are other steps that can be used for preventing and curing infant yeast infection. Another common reason that triggers a yeast infection is an antibiotic regimen.
Avoid unnecessary antibiotics to prevent yeast infections
This is because antibiotics basically kill the natural bacterial flora found in the body, which is responsible for containing Candida. So unnecessary antibiotics in the body only leads to unnecessary killing of this necessary flora.
Once the child suffers from thrush, there is the possibility of the infant yeast infection spreading to other areas like the genital area. This is because Candida tends to pass through the digestive tract, to accumulate at the excretion site.
Approach the doctor at the first signs of a yeast infection
Of course, in addition to all this, an untreated diaper rash leads to an overgrowth of Candida; so don't just sit there thinking that the diaper rash will disappear on its own. Make sure you visit the doctor, and treat the rash in such a way that it is not exacerbated by itching and burning of an infant yeast infection.
Once you recognize the tell tale signs of a yeast infection in the baby, seek advice from the child's physician as it is always better to control the condition in the start, than when it becomes worse.
Emily Omay is an expert on yeast infection. Visit her site RIGHT NOW for the best natural cure for yeast infection you will ever see. If you want to know how to cure yeast infection, Emily can help you out. Go there now -