Frustrated parents spend a lot of time seeking bedwetting solutions. Older children with bedwetting problems are not uncommon, and although there are a variety of products available to keep your child dry through the night, a far better solution is to eliminate the bedwetting problem to begin with.
If a child continues to wet the bed, or starts back wetting the bed past the age of four or five, it can be a good idea to have them examined by their pediatrician, just to rule out any physical problems that could be related to the bedwetting. Usually though, the bedwetting is not a sign of any serious physical problem, and it will usually stop as children mature and become more familiar with the feeling of a full bladder and develop greater self control.
But even though children often outgrow bedwetting on their own eventually, in the meantime, it can be a frustrating problem to deal with. Luckily, there are bedwetting solutions available to help.
One type of product is the bedwetting of alarm. These devices will detect the slightest hint of moisture and sound an alarm, waking the child, and in some instances, the parents. Although bedwetting alarms can be an effective deterrent, it is still a good idea to use waterproof liners along with the alarms, as they can take several weeks or even of few months to change the child's behavior.
Unfortunately, some children who wet the bed are also very heavy sleepers. In this eventuality, they may have to be woken up by parents to avoid an "accident." Most bedwetting alarms have various settings, and can be adjusted so that the alarm will wake the parents as well as the child.
Once the child becomes conditioned to respond to the bedwetting alarm, there is usually a gradual reduction in night-time "accidents," much to the relief of the frustrated parents.
When using a bedwetting alarm, the most important consideration is that the device fits snugly so that it will not come off in the middle of the night. It is also important to note that children who tend to toss and turn excessively in the bed will not respond well to alarms in the majority of cases. If you have a child who moves around a great deal in bed, you will likely need to try a different bedwetting solution.
Pull-ups can also be used as bedwetting solutions in some cases. Generally, children have no trouble wearing pull-ups, as they are similar to underwear, and not likely to remind the child of diapers, which of course, they will feel much to old to wear.
But the problem with pull-ups is that they can sometimes be a type of crutch. Because the child knows that the pull-ups will protect the bed, they may be more likely to wet the bed than children who do not use them. One strategy that some parents use is to require the child to wear pull-ups for a month or six weeks, and then abruptly stop using them before the child can come to rely on them as a crutch.
When using any of these bedwetting solutions, parents may want to be sure they are using waterproof mattress liners and other protection, just in case.
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