Saturday, 31 July 2010

The Little Beetle Organic Cotton Learners - Your Little One's First Pants

It is necessary for infants, especially newborns; to wear diapers at all times in order to deal with their accidents. However choosing the right diaper is very important and often overlooked. We also can't forget how often they must be changed. Regular diaper changing can avoid skin irritations such as diaper rash, itching and bad odors. Babies are known to have extremely sensitive skin and using the wrong diaper products can sometimes lead to skin irritations.

Many diaper products may contain harsh chemicals that could be harmful on your baby's skin. That's why some parents prefer to use a cloth as an alternative to plastic diapers. Some parents find that cloth diapers are better than regular baby diapers, not only because they are cheaper but because they are made of fabric material so it is safer to use. However, not all cloth diapers are made of the same fabric material. It is important to choose the best cloth diaper that is not too rough or harsh on your baby's skin. We must also consider that it cannot be too thin and that it is able to absorb wetness.

Cloth diapers are a great alternative to plastic diapers for babies however when it comes to toddlers the clipped diapers are not suitable they need something different and more grown up. You can still use a baby diaper and hide it by wearing colorful pants to keep them look better according to their age. However, you can find a lot of products available in the market today that serve as an alternative to a baby diaper or ordinary underpants. The Little Beetle Organic Cotton Learners, made by Better for Babies, are made of 100% Certified Organic Fair-Trade Cotton designed for toddlers ages 1 to 3.

Learners are made of 3 layers. The first 2 layers are called the soft and thirsty organic cotton velour and the 3rd layer is found at the center which is the wet zone. Your baby can wear the Learners as it is because of its playful appearance. The Little Beetle Organic Cotton Learners, also function as a diapering system and have the ability to absorb wetness. These training pants are 100% natural fiber and because they don't have PUL or synthetic waterproof layer, these are proven safe to babies with sensitive skin. Learners are pull up designed which enables the children to manage by themselves easily while its side snaps make it easy for parents to remove the training pants in the event of a larger accident.

Learners are available in 3 playful colors: Earthy Orange, Elemental Blue and Willow Green. Each color has its different sizes for babies from 1 - 3 years plus of age.

The Little Beetle Organic Cotton Learners are your baby's first training pants that will help make your little ones transformation from diapers to underwear smooth, comfortable and fashionable.

At Global Enfant you will find all the organic and natural cloth diapers, cloth diaper covers, and cloth diapering accessories you need to keep your little one dry and safe. Global Enfant also carriers a huge variety of Organic Child Care Baby Products.

Friday, 30 July 2010

[3D]2007 Girls' Goodnites

Series Info: - Diapers From 12 Angles - Season 1 "Episode 0" (Pilot) - 3D Version Girls' Huggies Pull-Ups Goodnites slideshow in 3D. The Goodnites pictured in this slideshow are from 2007, and feature the "Ballerinas for Girls" design. If you're really lucky, you may still be able to find a stray pack of these on shelves, but they're mostly long gone by now. Please note: This is a slideshow, as such it lacks sound and should be considered a "silent film." Video Milestones: 1000 views as of 11/09/2009 2000 views as of 12/07/2009 2500 views as of 12/23/2009 5000 views as of 02/26/2010 Views in Thousands: 1000 views as of 11/09/2009 2000 views as of 12/07/2009 3000 views as of 01/02/2010 4000 views as of 01/27/2010 5000 views as of 02/26/2010

Thursday, 29 July 2010

How to Pack a Diaper Bag

Babies and toddlers need a lot of supplies any time you take them somewhere. There are diapers, wipes, plastic resealable bags, a change of clothing, powder, ointment, toys, bottles, formula, food and snacks that must accompany most babies and toddlers. There are some diaper bag packing tips that may help you keep your sanity when leaving your home with a baby or toddler.

Making a packing list so you don't forget anything you may need. It is a good idea to keep your diaper bag in the nursery or child's room and place the packing list next to it. From here you can get all the supplies you are going to need as well as remember to refill it after each use. There are a number of great diaper bags that provide pockets for almost everything so choose your diaper bag wisely. This list should include all ointments, lotions, salves, wipes, toys or other supplies you deem important enough to include. Make sure it is in a safe place and next to the bag so it reminds you to refill every time you reach for the bag.

Pack plenty of diapers whether they are disposable diapers or cloth. You can never have too many diapers when it comes to babies and toddlers. These should be kept dry and away from anything that may leak onto them such as baby oil, lotion, powder or formula. You can place them in a gallon size zip lock bag to prevent them from becoming tore or soiled from other supplies. You should also carry some small resealable bags to dispose of the diapers after you change your child. These prevent smelly diapers from being disposed of in an offensive way. You will also want to carry plenty of wipes or a wet wash cloth with you.

Bottles can be filled but should be placed in the side pockets of a diaper bag. Most diaper bags provide at least two pockets for bottles. If more than this is needed, you should carry enough formula to fill the bottles in a sealed container. Caps should be used for the bottles so that even if the bag falls over the nipples are protected from contamination. If you are travel packing you should make sure you carry extra formula and clean bottles. Travel packing requires more supplies than you would normally carry for s short trip to the mall or doctor's office.

When packing ointments, lotions, oils, powders or any medications for a baby or toddler you should make sure your diaper bag contains zippered compartments where you can carry these items without the risk of your child obtaining them. Sometimes toddlers will reach inside a diaper bag to get a toy or something that catches their eye. If the bag does not contain any zippered compartments, you should carry these things in a separate zip lock bag, away from your child's toys, bottles and pacifiers. These packing tips should help you keep your bag filled as well as prevent you from forgetting something important.

Deborah Northcutt is a stroller expert and can help you find the perfect diaper bag for your particular needs. Please visit our twin baby stroller review site for the latest information.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Facts About Yeast Infection on Infants and Toddlers - What You Need to Know

Babies are not yet capable of expressing their thoughts accurately when they're in pain. All they do is cry endlessly during these bothersome times. That is why parents are often unaware of the particular illness that has hit their young ones. One of the most common irritations that happen to babies is the yeast infection. For any parent, it can be troubling to know that her baby is suffering from a yeast infection, a condition that is caused by the fungus called candida albicans.

How can you tell that your baby has a yeast infection?

There are two areas of the baby's body where you can find yeast infection. One area that is prone to the fungi is the mouth, and the other one is the diaper region. The fungi that cause yeast infections love to live in moist and humid areas, and that explains why they are commonly found in the mouth and diaper areas.

Where do the little ones get yeast infections?

In the diaper area, where it is often wet with baby waste, the fungi can survive happily. At the beginning, it may just appear as a simple rash. But when it becomes more distinct with borders, a little red and scaly, that is definitely a yeast infection. This area should always be kept dry as much as possible. Know when to do diaper change, and give extra consideration in cleaning the bends of the groin area. There are anti-fungal creams specifically designed for the sensitive skin of babies. Apply the creams when necessary, especially after diaper change. However, do not overdo it because too much application may also have side effects.

Thrush is the term used for oral yeast infections and they usually appear as white bits at the gums and tongue. Thrush is caused by a number of factors. For example, if a mom has vaginal yeast at the time of labor, the baby might take in some of the fluids from the birth canal, and that is one cause of thrush. Another source of fungi are the unclean things that go through the baby's mouth such as dirty fingers, teethers, pacifiers, and nipples of feeding bottles. If your baby is already suffering from thrush, it is important that you consult the appropriate health care provider to provide the right prescription of anti-fungal drops.

Some babies may be taking in antibiotics for treating bacterial illnesses. However, antibiotics make the baby more vulnerable to yeast infections because this type of medication decreases the normal number of good bacteria, which in turn leads to development of a yeast infection.

How can your babies avoid having yeast infection?

The old adage "Cleanliness and next to Godliness" should always come to mind. Always keep your baby's items (feeding bottles, teethers, pacifiers, and others) germ-free. Use absorbent diapers, and always be responsive if a nappy change is needed. Also, it makes a big difference if the diapers are worn just right, because a tight diaper will irritate the baby even more.

Visit our site for further information on natural cure yeast infections & yeast infections cure.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Use Cloth Diapers During Potty Training

There are many advantages for using cloth diapers that go far beyond the health of your baby's skin. First and foremost, cloth diapers are less abrasive against your baby's soft, sensitive skin which causes fewer rashes than disposable diapers. Cloth is more economical because you wash and reuse the diapers instead of throwing them away after one use like how disposable ones are designed. Diapers can be very expensive if you have to keep buying them, and cloth is a onetime investment that gets multiple uses. They are also better for the environment because disposable diapers are often times not biodegradable and cloth isn't meant to be thrown away.

The best advantage that most parents have experienced with the use of cloth diapers is that their babies potty train earlier than most kids that wear disposable ones. On average, babies that wear cloth potty train up to six months earlier than expected which have been proven in studies about potty training. If you talk to parents that use cloth, they will likely tell you that their babies were potty trained before they were two years old. Cloth diapers also make potty training easier in addition to happening faster. Disposable diapers are too absorbent and babies can't feel when they are wet. You may think this is an advantage because it's more comfortable for your baby, but that can become a problem during potty training. It is thought that babies want to potty train earlier because they don't like the wet feeling from cloth. Also, your baby will know when to go to the bathroom because they can feel when the diaper is wet.

It is common for babies to have a lot of accidents during potty training. It is a new feeling that they have to learn to understand when they need to go to the bathroom. Another advantage of using cloth during potty training is that you'll save a lot of money. Instead of having to buy a lot of disposable diapers after each accident, you can just wash the cloth ones and reuse them. Cloth diapers have come a long way and can be bought with Velcro attaching or even fitted for your baby. More parents are switching to cloth because of this convenient feature and they don't have to use pins to secure the diaper. Because of the newer features of cloth diapers that are fitted, it makes them easy to use during potty training. They act just like a pull up but have more advantages.

Cloth diapers should be used during potty training, and before as well, because of the advantages they offer to both the parents and babies. They are convenient, more economical, better for your babies' skin, better for the environment, and most important they will make your baby potty train earlier and easier.

Melanie Nader is the founder of the Homestead Company which makes premium quality natural skin care products including eczema oil and diaper ointment made with the finest 100% natural ingredients. For more information, visit

Monday, 26 July 2010

Cloth Diapers on the Road

Cloth diapering really is as easy as using disposables - without the huge financial and environmental price tag. At 4 months old, my daughter has not worn a single disposable diaper since she was in the hospital at birth. Just yesterday we were away from home for the whole day, including 2 hours in the car. No diaper problems at all!

Cloth diapering on the road does require a bit of planning. However, using cloth diapers requires no more planning than any other aspect of leaving the house with a baby. Even for longer trips of several days, you can successfully cloth diaper on the road.

Obviously, you will want to pack as many diapers as you think your child will use during the time you plan to be away from home. Then add an extra diaper or two for backup. I like to keep an extra couple of diapers and some cloth diaper wipes in the car at all times, just in case we are out longer than I had planned.

What do you do with wet or messy diapers?

I highly recommend getting a cloth diaper wet bag. These waterproof zippered bags look great and do a great job of containing diaper odors. A regular size bag will typically hold 3-6 diapers and a larger bag typically holds 5-8 diapers. Just empty the bag into the washer and wash it along with the diapers when you get home.

What about wipes?

We use cloth diaper wipes and a spray bottle or foaming bottle of wipes solution. Just spritz or foam the solution onto the wipe and clean baby's behind. Then, wash the wipes along with your diapers. Our favorite wipes are made with a cute flannel print on one side and soft bamboo velour on the other.

What about overnight trips?

If you plan to be gone for more than a day or two, you will want to either bring along some extra diapers or plan to do a wash load while you are away. Since modern cloth diapers wash and dry quickly, you can run a load in a short amount of time. If you are staying somewhere where there is a washer and dryer, doing a quick load of laundry is no big deal. If you won't have access to a washer, another good option is to purchase some inexpensive flat diapers to allow you to have extras or to allow for handwashing, such as at a camp site. Simply wash and hang dry any wet diapers and save the messy ones for washing when you get home.

Cloth diapering saves you money at home and on the road, and it is easy on the environment. Sure, you do need to bring the diapers home with you, but is it really the right thing to do to leave dirty diapers wherever you visit? Cloth diapering on the road can also be a laundry saver. Most parents tell me they have fewer diaper leaks once they start using good cloth diapers.

Julie R. Holland is an attachment parenting author and owner of Little for Now cloth diaper store - where you can learn about cloth diapering and choose from 11 different brands of cloth diapers. Subscribe to the free Little for Now newsletter for cloth diaper savings and more great articles like this one.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Laundry Care for Babies

Having a baby means having a lot of laundry to take care of. Here are a few guidelines to taking care of that seemingly tedious part of the job.

Cloth diapers can become a laundry problem if you neglect to rinse them thus letting stains set in. Wash only about 18 diapers at a time, because overloading will not allow the diapers to get thoroughly clean. Wash diapers in hot, soapy water. You may add bleach if necessary daily or ever two or three washings to remove stubborn stains. When using bleach, run diapers through a second, final rinse, adding one-half cup of vinegar to the water to be sure there is no soap or bleach residue left in the diapers. Note: Using fabric softener too often will cause the diapers to be less absorbent.

When clothes are stained with formula and stains are left to set, they become permanent. No amount of bleach or magic formula will remove them. This is why it is very important to try to remove the stain as soon as possible.

To remove formula and other stains from baby's clothing, soak the clothes in all-fabric bleach (also called non-chlorine bleach) that contains enzymes. Look for it on the shelves where laundry products are sold. Follow the directions on the back label for amounts to use. Use this type of all-fabric bleach on a daily basis and you will find the laundry will be cleaner. But always rinse well, so the bleach doesn't remain in baby's clothing.

Diapers will be soft if you soak them as soon as you remove them in a solution of borax and water according to the directions on the box (about a handful or so of borax to a diaper pail of cold water). Always rinse off feces in the toilet bowl before soaking.

Soaked diapers (and milk-stained undershirts that have been soaking in borax water with them) can be dumped into the washer after you pour off any excess water from the pail into the toilet bowl. You don't have to wring out or even touch the diapers; the washer will do that for you. Put the wash through a cold-rinse cycle with a bit more borax, and then wash through the heavy-duty cycle in the hottest water available with a mild detergent or soap. With some washers, you need to add a second complete rinse to get all of the detergent out. Most of the time you won't need fabric softeners with this system and will have absorbent and odorless diapers.

Using a diaper liner will help cut down on stains. You can purchase them or make your own, using soft, washable, and reusable material cut to fit. Or, for disposable diaper liners, cut to size handy disposable dishcloths.

Keep an unwrapped bar of soap handy near baby's changing table. It makes a great pin cushion and the soap helps the pins slide easily through the cloth diaper.

Disposable diapers have mostly replaced cloth diapers, however. Then you have no need to worry about washing or getting them clean. One disadvantage is that there are some that have tabs that won't stick, so you must be sure you have a diaper that is well secure.

Diaper wipes are also great! This means no more stacks of dirty, wet washcloths to deal with each day.

Turn the baby wipes container upside down when not using to keep the top wipes moist. Store new containers of wipes this way too.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.BabyNameVote.Com/ which is a site for Baby Names.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Relapse: Refill Taking My Ball Lyrics

Make my vocals sound sexy, Come on man, come on man, okaaaay, [Chorus] It feels so wrong cos it feels so right, But its all right, its ok with me, Ill do my steps all by myself, I dont need nobody to play with me, But if you just give me a chance, I can put you in a trance the way I dance, But dont nobody wanna play with me so Im Taking my ball and going home, hooome, [Verse 1] Im that guy man, shove a dime up in my hind end, And crush it with my butt muscles as I cut vocals, Slut poke holes in your shirt jump in mud puddles, While I stomp mud holes in your ass girl lets cuddle, Blood curdling on your girdle whatll, I do for my next trick Im feeling wonderful, I think I might just do something a little less subtle, Shove a fucking Tonka truck up a little kids butt hole, Feel the wrath of a psychopath slash Ambassador, Of the Valentines Day massacre slash assassin, I slash her in ass with an icicle and leave her in a blood bath while I, Put a catheter in and jump in the bath with her, In my Spider-Man mask just imagine, The fun I can have with a strap on, Stick up a Kim Kardashians ass, And make the bitch run a triathlon, Are those pistachios? Damn id like to have some, Laying on the patio man rolling a fat one, Shady drop the magic marker put the cap on, Goddamn man are you that much of an asshole. [Chorus] It feels so wrong cos it feels so right, But its all right, its ok with me, Ill do my steps all by myself, I dont need nobody to play with me, But if you just give me ...

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Dancing And Singing In My Diaper To Aqua's - "Barbie Girl"

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Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Jordan 1 - Aunt Elli

Jordan is strolling in her diaper in the woods, she is really cute.

Monday, 19 July 2010


JOES POV Bella was trying to roll onto her stomach while I changed her diaper. Liz convinced me to do it and I really have no idea what Im doing. I turned to get something and something started showering around me. I looked back and saw pee. I covered her with the diaper and she laughed. How was that possible? I put Bellas things back in her baby bag and walked out to my family laughing. L: howd it go? J: we have an abnormal super pissing baby S: Aw congratulation your child is screwed up just like her daddy J: *mimicking* your child is just like her daddy, your son is going to get Kevins gorillaness Sabrina put her hand in Kevins shirt and felt around. S: I like his fuzziness L: and apparently so does Kevin He had a weird smile plastered on his face. We got to the security thing and went through to wait for our flight. We decided it would be best to be with them at this time and that the girls couldnt wait another moment to get the juicy details and see Carolina, but mostly the juicy dits. Bella started giggling and I looked down and found her playing with the toy we bought her to keep her quiet for a while. L: She looks just like you Liz said putting her hand on my shoulder to get a better look at Bella. J: Oh shit then she is screwed, I apologize baby girl Liz smacked me and laughed. L: no cursing in front of the baby J: no abusing the babys daddy I should report you L: if you report you wont be getting any for awhile I zipped it and she laughed. S: do you know what ...

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Jonny 6---- "48 BARS"--- PLEASE COMMENT!--starts at 40 seconds if i bore you.

Anyone down to sign me? ALL 48 Bars I came across rap lyin latent inside my brain I'm forced to gravitate toward it a slave to fate so I'll pay the cost but I can't afford to take a break just lost my train of thought Add I'm takin off-- ladies please remain indoors cuz what I've been aimin' for is far beyond the greatest star way beyond ya atmosphere no atmosphere I'm crazy lost lyrics contort ya face sprayin forth it's like agent orange you wanna make ya art move people then paint a porsche/ ...8 cuz that's the only way its happenin, or manifestin itself I plan to rest with the wealth while I'm nappin and the rest of you maggots can stand depressed in the back and I'll keep the fans impressed while you're havin sex with a napkin hands are prepped for the jackin with candle scents and some paquins dammit lesbian acion-- standard rep when I'm rappin I'm watchin the bodies move but i cant assess what has happened now someone grab my specs while i answer texts from your madam// ...16 and we could act like this ain't even what I'm best at I'm like "F" rap, wait let's back...track yeah I guess that's a wee bit of a stretch like the back of my mets cap received it from my stepdad he don't know where my head's at/ I'm rhymin emo whinin like the guy from death cab for cutie.. truly the only rapper who has said that without havin to get smacked like celebrity death match so ya better be prepped strapped ready for me to extract/ ...24 I force yall out the game ...

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Good Parenting - Potty Training

Most parents (especially new ones) are anxious about potty training their child. Good parenting suggests that you know the facts before this time. Remember that potty training is a major milestone in your child's development and that there is a wide variation between children in this aspect. The facts are as follows:-

o Potty training should start at about 20 months. It's obvious when you think about it but you child should be able to walk to your bathroom, he must be able to pull his pants down and up and he must be able to pick up small objects

o Potty training is achieved by most children when they are between two and four. This does not mean that any child who isn't potty trained after that is wrong. They are just the exception.

o If your child urinates a lot, say eight times a day or more then he is not ready for potty training. Your child needs to keep his diaper dry most of the time and not wet it more than about six times a day for potty training to work. Good parenting dictates that a simple chart of how many times your child urinates a day will be an effective tool.

o Even if your child doesn't wet his diaper for most of the day he will still not be ready for potty training if he is prone to willful disobedience, inattentiveness or temper tantrums.

o Your child will be ready for potty training if he can tell you in whatever way that he needs to go. He could simply tell you, or tug at his clothing or whatever signal he has. Good parenting techniques will watch out for these signals and encourage them.

So, how do you start your child's training?

o Good parenting techniques will let him practise pulling his pants on and off. Good parenting techniques will also be prepared by having a step stool, a potty seat insert or a potty chair available. When teaching him these you must also include proper hygiene and flushing the toilet

o A lot of parents don't like this one. Please try and do it as it's the most successful way of teaching children anything. Good parenting dictates that children learn best by copying their parents, so let him watch you use the toilet.

o When you teach your child anything, including how to use the potty, good parenting techniques are to provide simple systematic instructions.

o A good parenting technique is also to praise your child when he is successful.

o A good parenting technique is to tell your child to go to his potty about every hour. This will put bowel and bladder conditions into your child's head.

o If your child is a boy, have him sit on the potty to urinate until he is well advanced in his potty training.

o Another good parenting technique is to separate your child's potty training into daytime and nighttime sessions. Focus on the daytime first.

o Only let your child have training pants during the nighttime. Being uncomfortable in bed will motivate him to try and get to his potty in time.

o When your child is being potty trained, try and check him at regular intervals. Again, praise for having dry pants is a good motivator.

o Try rewarding your child for each successful use of the potty. Good parenting dictates that you should think this one through carefully though. You don't want to reward him every time he uses the potty for the next few years.

Start potty training when you and your child are feeling well and try and stick close to your home during this initial time. When you do venture further out, make sure that you know where your local facilities are. By now your child will be using his potty most of the time and you certainly don't want him to have to urinate in his nappy because there aren't any local facilities available where you are.

Your child's safety and happiness is in your hands. For further free information go to

Friday, 16 July 2010

Saul Williams List of Demands live Salt Lake City

Saul Williams performing an energetic "List of Demands" in Salt Lake City Utah at Kilby Court. I want my money back. I'm down here drowning in your fat. You got me on my knees praying for everything you lack. I ain't afraid of you. I'm just a victim of your fears. You cower in your tower praying that I'll disappear, I got another plan, one that requires me to stand. On the stage or in the street, don't need no microphone or beat. And when you hear this song, if you ain't dead then sing along. Bang and strum to these here drums til you get where you belong. I got a list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! You wanna be somebody? See somebody? Try and free somebody? I gotta list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! Hand to mouth! I wrote a song for you today while I was sitting in my room. I jumped up on my bed today and played it on a broom. I didn't think that it would be a song that you would hear, but when I played it in my head, I made you reappear. I wrote a video for it and I acted out each part. Then I took your picture out and taped it to my heart. I've taped you to my heart dear girl, I've taped you to my heart and if you pull away from me you'll tear my life apart.. I got a list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand ...

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Should Parents Involve Older Siblings in Taking Care of the Bedwetter's Diapers and Plastic Pants?

Many parents have their older children be responsible for helping their younger siblings in various aspects of their lives and they might want to involve their older children in taking care of the bed-wetter's wet garments. This is a delicate issue because it has the potential to embarrass the bed wetter. Each situation is different. As mentioned previously if a parent uses diapers and plastic pants to deal with the youngster's bed-wetting it's inevitable that the other children of the house are going to discover this. They're going to notice plastic pants hanging to dry on the clothesline, see their mother washing wet diapers and plastic pants, and folding up the diapers and pants after they're laundered. With that in mind it might be a good idea to talk to the older child and ask them if they would be comfortable helping out with these chores.

I think it's good for the older child because it helps them be more supportive about these kinds of problems. Hopefully it will also make them more sympathetic about bed-wetting and the use of diapers to manage it. They in turn can carry these attitudes with them in later years. For example if they decide to have children themselves and if their children wet the bed, their experience helping their younger sibling deal with it will help them handle their own child's bed-wetting in a gracious, gentle manner. That being said if the parents feel that the older child won't have the maturity to deal with the situation in a tactful way or if the bed wetter will feel embarrassed about their siblings taking care of the diapers and plastic pants then the parents should not let them help with this particular chore.

The first step is to talk to the youngster and tell them that you're considering involving their brother or sister in taking care of the diapers and plastic pants. How they feel about this is depends to a large extent on how close they are to their siblings. Another thing that needs to be considered is the following. Girls might be more receptive to doing this type of chore due to the fact that they tend to be more mature than boys and because of their innate maternal instinct. If you have a son that wets the bed and he has both boy and girl siblings he might feel more comfortable with his sister or sisters handling this. On the other hand it could go the other way. The same thing applies if you have a girl bed-wetter. Girls tend to be sensitive regarding this and there's always the possibility that they could feel self-conscious about a boy taking care of their laundry (whether regular laundry or diapers and plastic pants). In a situation such as this the parent has to ask them who they would prefer to deal with this. Once this is known, the parents can then make a decision based on what they know about the character and maturity level of the sibling or siblings in addition to how responsible they are. At this point the parents can talk to the sibling or siblings and tell them what their particular task will be-one sister will be responsible for washing the diapers and plastic pants, one will be responsible for folding them up and putting them in the laundry basket, etc. A second option would be to have the siblings alternate-one weekend one sister will take care of the wet garments, the next weekend the other sister will, etc. As parents know there are many different ways to assign responsibilities and this situation is no exception. If the bed-wetter has only one sibling this obviously changes the equation somewhat but the same reasoning applies-the parent has to get the bed-wetter's opinion about this and then make a judgment call about whether to involve them.

Bed-Wetting can be very stressful for a child particularly if the bed-wetter has siblings. As we all know brothers and sisters can be very cruel particularly where this is concerned. Whatever decision you make in this matter the most important thing to impress upon them is this-any teasing about the bed-wetting and diapers and plastic pants will not be tolerated. It's important for the bed-wetter to have a nurturing and supportive environment. This more than anything else will help them through this difficult time.

Colin Ellison

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

What to do With a Crying Baby - Will Picking Her Up Spoil Her?

Many parents ask if they should pick up their crying baby, concerned that they will spoil the baby if they do. My simple answer is "Yes, pick up and attend to your crying baby".

Picking up and attending to your crying baby won't spoil her/him. For the first few months, you are getting to know your baby and they are getting used to being in the world. By being responsive to her/his crying, you are letting your baby know that she/he is loved and cared for and that will give her/him security.

If you consider other mammals, the babies stand within minutes of birth and walk shortly afterwards. The human baby can't walk until she/he is 12 months old or so. That suggests, from an evolutionary point of view, that babies are supposed to be carried. Certainly, in developing cultures, babies are carried by their mothers, in slings or other baby-carriers.

In our developed world, we don't carry babies routinely, but imagine what a shock it is for your baby when she/he realises that she/he is alone and unattached in a big strange world. She/he will cry. Picking her/him up will reassure her/him that she/he is safe. Babies learn behaviours and by picking your baby up when she/he cries, she/he will learn that she/he is loved and secure and that there is someone always looking out for her/him.

Of course, babies cry to communicate - so you need to check your baby isn't hungry or wet or dirty or hot or cold. All the usual things. All babies cry and particularly over the first few weeks to months. Some babies have excessive crying and this is referred to as infantile colic. The most important strategy for managing colic in your baby is to maintain a calm and responsive manner with her/him - so, if all else is well,(ie. she/he has been fed and burped and has a clean nappy/diaper), a reassuring voice and gentle rocking will often settle your baby. You can read more on infantile colic at Baby Medical Questions and Answers

Sometimes babies are so tired, they need to be put to bed to fall asleep even when crying. You may have to do this occasionally with your baby, but only after you're sure that she/he is dry and comfortable and is not hungry and doesn't have wind. So, only after you've attended to her/his needs.

Parents sometimes worry that their baby will learn "bad habits". Babies are creatures of habit but they learn the patterns of behaviour (habits) that their parents teach them. If you want your baby to go back to sleep quickly at night after a feed, teach her/him from an early age that night-time is different from day-time and so you expect different behaviour at night-time. You have to act differently for your baby to learn this - you need to keep the lights low, have limited talking and no playing with your baby at the night feed. This will teach her/him what you expect. This will develop "good habits".

So, back to the original question - "Will I Spoil My Baby By Picking Her Up When She's Crying". It is important for your baby to learn that she/he is loved and secure - that is why picking her/him up when she/he is distressed and attending to her/his needs is essential over the first few months until you get to know each other. Spoiling a baby means teaching her/him "bad" habits and you can prevent this by teaching your baby "good" habits. For example, getting your baby into "good" behaviour patterns regarding night-time feeding is possible from a very early age - it is up to you.

Enjoy your new baby and don't leave her/him to cry.

Dr Maud is a pediatrician who provides easy-to-understand up-to-date health information and practical medical advice for parents of babies and toddlers on her website Baby Medical Questions and Answers.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Authors@Google: Paolo Bacigalupi

Paolo Bacigalupi visits Google's San Francisco office to present his book "The Windup Girl". This event took place on May 26, 2010, as part of the Authors@Google series. Noted short story writer Bacigalupi (Pump Six and Other Stories) proves equally adept at novel length in this grim but beautifully written tale of Bangkok struggling for survival in a post-oil era of rising sea levels and out-of-control mutation. This complex, literate and intensely felt tale, which recalls both William Gibson and Ian McDonald at their very best, will garner Bacigalupi significant critical attention and is clearly one of the finest science fiction novels of the year. In a future Thailand, calories are the greatest commodity. Anderson is a calorie-man whose true objective is to discover new food sources that his company can exploit. His secretary, Hock Seng, is a refugee from China seeking to ensure his future. Jaidee is an officer of the Environmental Ministry known for upholding regulations rather than accepting bribes. His partner, Kanya, is torn between respect for Jaidee and hatred for the agency that destroyed her childhood home. Emiko is a windup, an engineered and despised creation, discarded by her master and now subject to brutality by her patron. The actions of these characters set in motion events that could destroy the country. Bacigalupi has created a compelling, if bleak, society in which corruption, betrayal, and despair are commonplace, and more positive behavior and ...

Monday, 12 July 2010

Diaper Dilemma-Cloth or Plastic?

My oldest son is 26, but I remember how excited I was when I discovered the joy of disposable diapers. Well, at first, I was tickled, and then I noticed that by baby boy's bottom was breaking out in an angry rash.

I tried putting him back into the cumbersome cloth diapers for about a week, and the rash healed. How annoying that my little bundle of joy seemed to be allergic to plastic diapers!

But that was over two decades ago and diapers have come a long way. Now, they have all kinds of fancy things built right into the diaper to prevent diaper rash! There are pre-folded diapers, form-fitting, and even chlorine-free diapers,

Most people prefer to use disposables, but there are a growing number of earth-conscious people that are reconsidering using cloth due to the knowledge of how long it takes for plastic to decompose.

So which is the better option-cloth or plastic?

Cloth diapers are environmentally-safe, but they still have to be put into a special box or bag to avoid smelling as well. If you can afford it, you should consider a diaper cleaning service. If money's tight, you will need to wash, dry, and fold them yourself. Plus, you will need to buy plastic pants to go over the diapers to keep from getting you and your home soaked.

Disposable diapers are not for those environmental-conscious folks, but they remain the most popular choice because parents can just toss them into the trashcan, right? Well, not exactly. They need to be put into a special box or bag to avoid odor problems, as well as to prevent little Mikey grabbing the dirty diaper and stuffing it into his mouth! Don't laugh. It happens.

Consider your conscience, your income level, and your cleaning routines. If you don't have a washing machine or diaper service handy, then lugging all of those heavy wet diapers to the local laundry mat may not appeal to you.
On the other hand, if you can afford a diaper service or don't mind washing diapers on a daily basis, then they may be just the thing for you and your baby.

If you like the idea of being able to throw away the whole mess, then just grab a used shopping bag, stuff it, and tie it with a secure knot before shooting a 3-pointer.

So, the bad news is that I can't answer that question. You have to.

Want more information about diapers and other baby products? Kristi Sayles-Child Development Coach- invites you to her site at

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Potty Training a Child Mistakes Revealed - Uber Important Things Every Parent Should Know

Potty training a child is one of the most difficult tasks that many parents have to go through. It has to do with two reasons that are related to each other. The child is facing diaper dependence while the parent is probably making one of the common mistakes that negatively affects the parent and child relationship.

Before you potty train a child, you must understand why diaper dependence is such a big issue. You see, diaper technology has improved so well that your child has no feeling of being wet. This means that he or she has no incentive to get out of diapers!

This is the reason why potty training has been delayed by one to two years in western countries. Do you find it unusual how children in developing countries are potty trained between 18 months and 2 years of age?

Why is it that United States delays to potty train child until 3 or even 4 years old? The answer is related to multinational corporations trying the squeeze as much as they can out of your pockets. This is why parents have been led to believe that they should let their child decide when he or she is ready to use the toilet.

If you delay to potty train a child, it can result in serious and embarrassing health problems. Retentive Encopresis is a condition due to stretching and (sometimes tearing) of lower intestines because of enlarged, hardened stools. The end result is that your child is not able to feel a bowel movement and may require medical intervention. Retentive Encopresis can also result in mega colon and bladder infections. You can see below for ways to prevent it and get your child to use to toilet.

If you do not potty train a child at the right time, it can cause psychological problems in their social life. Imagine if your child is one of the few in day care or preschool to not be able to use the toilet. Do you see what kind psychological effects this may have?

To potty train a child successfully, a parent should know exactly how to deal with resistance and constipation. This is where parents usually make a mistake that can cost them hours of training. It is not because they do not have common sense, but because they guide their child in a wrong way. They fail to take actions when needed or say the wrong things. Without realizing, some parents are making their toddler feel as if they are the boss and that accidents are funny.

The following are ideas that you remember in the process:

- You need to take advantage of your child's need to learn. This means reading books about toilet training and why it is important.

- You need to know how to deal with your child's fear. The best way is it to use a method that has worked for many in the past.

- To potty train child, keep them excited about their benefits and reward them when needed

- Do not get into a power struggle with your child and minimize the issue

Do You Want To Learn How To Successfully Potty Train Your 3 Year Old in 1 to 3 Days?

Visit Potty Train Child to learn how to easily potty train your child in 1 to 3 days without the regular headaches, stress and frustration.

If you want to prevent your child from Retentive Encopresis and other health problems, visit Potty Train Child to get more information.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Haylee Mazzella//I miss you

Another tribube to this sweet little girl who is resting in peace. Haylee Mazzella is a precious 4 year old little girl who drowned on 6/3/06 because of a negligent step-grandmother who left her unattended in a swimming pool. She had told Haylee's Mommy she'd watch her for just 10 short minutes so Haylee's little baby brother's diaper and wet clothes could be changed for the ride home. Please visit Haylee and light a candle for her at: no copyright intended

Friday, 9 July 2010

Top Three Considerations For a Diaper Bag

A diaper bag is a very important item as a parent of a newborn. Not only does it carry diapers for use when traveling, it also provides a place for bottles, snacks, toys, extra clothes and your own personal belongings.

There are many different baby diaper bags for purchase out there. And you may be overwhelmed by the myriad of choices for a parent. This article will help give you some basic things to look for, so you can choose the baby bag that's right for you.

When buying a diaper bag, you'll want to consider these three things before making your purchase: functionality, category and style.

The Function of a Diaper Bag

When considering function, there are a number of features to think about. First take a look at the pockets. You'll want enough space for diapers, wipes and a changing pad, although some bags come with a pad, so keep an eye out for that if you'd rather not pack your own. Some people prefer to include their own smaller pad that can be folded easily for compactness.

In addition, consider pockets for other items like toys, clothes, snacks, and bottles. A great feature of some diaper bags is a thermo-insulated pocket for hot and cold bottles. If you're planning on using a changing bag in place of carrying a purse or wallet, make sure there's a pocket for keeping items like keys, cell phones, and money safe inside the bag.

The fastener is another consideration in functionality. Although it can be harder to use, a zipper is the best option for making sure nothing falls out. Flaps can be a disaster if the bag is flipped over; a common occurrence with the busy, on-the-go parent. Velcro can snag on clothes and magnets can get expensive.

Finally, you'll want to give thought to whether you want a diaper bag that is waterproof and washable - good for cleaning up spills - and has an antibacterial lining.

Finding the Right Type of Diaper Bag

Various types of diaper bags can be found, including stroller, messenger, backpack, handbag and shoulder bag. A stroller diaper bag is designed with a long strap for hanging on a stroller. A messenger diaper bag has a fold-over flap making it easier for parents to get into. A diaper bag backpack can reduce back pain and free your arms and hands up for taking care of other business. Backpack diaper bags are becoming a lot more popular for busy parents. Shoulder bags and handbags can also make a good option for casual outings. If you're using a shoulder diaper bag, it's best to find one with a wide, non-slip strap.

Stylish Looks

Styles abound when it comes to diaper bags for babies. Designer diaper bags are more expensive, but usually are made of high quality, durable material, and come with warranties. Some popular designer bags include Storksak designer bags used by celebrity mom Angelina Jolie, OiOi diaper bags for active parents, functional and attractive Reese Li bags, Mia Bossi luxury diaper bags, stylish Coach diaper bags, and Timi and Leslie.

Other popular trends include personalized bags and green bags. Sew your name or initials on a customizable diaper bag or pick a pattern of your choice. A personalized diaper bag also makes a terrific present for other parents. Green changing bags are made with recycled materials and by companies who uphold environmentally-friendly practices. There are also masculine colors and designs for dads. However, if you're looking for a changing bag to suit both parents, consider going for a neutral style.

An ideal diaper bag has more than one section, large pockets, space for bottles and other feeding related items, a waterproof pocket for wet items, ample diaper and clothing storage, and can be secured properly. Many parents choose to have multiple diaper bags: a larger one for longer trips and a smaller one for easier transportation day-to-day. If you end up with more than one, make sure that both bags contain everything you need, so you're not caught away from home without everything you need.

Melissa is a mom who loves to cook, chat with her friends, research cool new items, and surf the web. Above all, she enjoys spending time with her family and playing with her kids. In her spare time, she writes articles about her interests and shares her experiences of parenthood on

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Preventing Insomnia in Babies

Insomnia is a problem that many adults face. Some people just learn to live without enough sleep and consider it a part of their normal lives. However, did you know that babies can also from insomnia or sleep deprivation?

Today, it is a known fact that many babies are now suffering from insomnia. No one knows exactly how long this has been occurring but could be the reason for babies being fussy, waking up and staying up at night, or even babies that were diagnosed with colic.

Some babies have a hard time falling asleep, while others may fall right to sleep and then something wakes them up in the middle of night causing them to have a hard time drifting back off to sleep. Some of the sounds around the home could be the culprit that is waking up your little one such as the noisy refrigerator, the heater, the telephone, the television, other children in the home, or even the sound of their parent's voice. You cannot ensure that you can keep your home totally noise free during the time your baby is suppose to be sleeping, so what is the answer. The simplest thing to use is a white noise machine.

A white noise machine can help with all the sounds around the home that can interfere with a peaceful nights rest for your baby. This machine will absorb or eliminate all the sounds that might wake up your little one. White noise is random sounds that have rhythmic signals at all frequencies. Example of white noise could be the sound of a waterfall, the hum of a fan, or some consider it to sound like ocean waves.

To explain the idea of white noise machines just a bit more, think of it as the sound of a friend's voice at a crowded loud concert. You can recognize the voice of your friend over the other people in the crowd, the music playing the stage and of course the singers themselves. This is how the white machine works, it will be the sound that your baby hears instead of all the other noisy sounds that can keep them awake or wake them up prior to getting enough sleep. Along with the white noise machine you should change their diaper before bedtime and ensure they have eaten enough or they are sure to wake up with a wet diaper or if they become hungry. However, do not overfeed your baby or he is sure to wake up with a bellyache.

Insomnia is a serious problem for adults as well as children. If your baby is getting less than five hours of sleep then you should worry. Sleep apnea is one of the fears that can occur when a baby is not getting adequate sleep. If your baby is not getting at least five hours of sleep per night, you should talk with your doctor about your concerns. Ask for his advice and invest in a white noise machine if there is no medical reason that is keeping your baby from sleeping.

For more information on white noise machines, check out where you can purchase these sound conditioners and other sleep and relaxation aids.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Things You Need to Know About Baby Diapers

There are a lot of things that babies need to keep them comfortable and healthy. You must provide most of them to make your baby feel happy and satisfied. Baby diapers is one of the things that you must provide for your precious baby.

You must know that there are a lot of diapers available in the market nowadays. They differ in design, style, materials used and size. You can always try using disposable diapers for your baby to feel comfortable all the time. There are a lot of diaper brands available in the market that you can choose from and your choice will always depend on what is necessary for your baby.

You must know that modern disposable diapers are totally different from what the older generation used to have. Most of the diaper nowadays are efficient to use. They can prevent leakage and wetness. Diapers nowadays are more comfortable and soft to use that will make your baby more comfortable. These diapers are made of excellent materials that can keep your baby dry and cool.

Always remember that most of the things in this world have their downside. You must be familiar with the fact that disposable diapers can make your baby more prone in having local irritations and rashes in the groin and buttocks area because these diapers contain chemicals that can sometimes harm baby's skin. Another thing is that disposable diapers are expensive to buy since you have to use it only once and throw it after. There are some tips that you must know on how to choose the best disposable diaper for your baby.


You have to know what materials were used for the diaper. This is to ensure that your baby will use diaper that is compatible with him. You have to make sure that the material used is comfortable enough for your baby and it will not cause irritations on his skin.


You have to make sure that the diaper that you will choose has good absorbent abilities. This is to make sure that your baby will be free from bedwetting and leakage. Diapers that can absorb well can always make your baby comfortable and dry all the time.


You have to change your baby's diaper regularly and if it gets soaked and wet. You should not delay diaper changes to prevent the occurrence of local irritation and rashes on his groin and buttocks. You must know that wet diapers will cause the softening of skin which will make it more prone to tearing and tissue breakdown.

There are a lot of diapers that are released in the market nowadays. They can make your baby comfortable and cool all the time. You have to be careful in choosing disposable diapers so that your baby will be satisfied and will not get rashes from it.

There are equipment and tools that are vital for your baby. Get them from Baby Bouncers and give your baby the best equipment he will enjoy and treasure.

Learn more about Baby Play Pen and make your baby happy all the time.

Monday, 5 July 2010

The Top Diaper Bags for Stylish and Savvy Moms

Forget bears and bunnies. Today's diaper bags are all about
mom and her needs: The need to be organized. The need to
feel stylish. The need to have daddy lug the thing around
once in awhile.

First, some general guidelines from veteran moms:

1. Always, always, always try it on first.

And if possible, stuff it with as much junk as you plan to
carry on a regular basis. This is the only way to tell if
it's everything fits, if it's too heavy, and if it will be
easy for you to carry.

2. When in doubt, make it black.

Yes, the new Kalencom Retro Tall diaper Tote in pink poodles
is awfully cute ($39.90 at Oh, but choose
this, and you don't have a prayer of getting your hubby to
carry it for you. Ever.

3. First functional, then fashionable.

It is wonderful that there are so many new designer diaper
bags out there. But cool doesn't cut it when you're in the
mall with a screaming baby, and you can't find the pacifier
because your diaper bag has no pockets or compartments.

What's New, What's Cool, What's Right For You

For the super-organized, highly-functional mom, check out:

1. The Lands End Do-It-All Diaper Bag ($29.50)

This bag is practical, well-designed and won't break the
bank. It has an extra long changing pad, an adjustable
strap and a "parent pocket" to hold your sunglasses, cell
phone and other grown-up stuff. (

2. The L.L. Bean Diaper bag ($36)

Roomy enough to carry everything you'll need, but not so big
that you'll feel like you're carrying a suitcase, the L.L.
Bean diaper bag is designed with function in mind. For
example, it has a large zippered front section with the key
clip, so you can easily find your keys. Even more neat: The
lining is in a contrasting fabric color to make it easy to
spot whatever you're looking for inside.

3.The Functionally Arranged Diaper Bag ($119.99)

This has to be one of the most innovative diaper bags I've
ever seen. It has a removable lightweight organizer insert
with compartments designed to carry diapers, bottles, etc.
It also has a place for keys, cell phone, wallet, etc., and
a strap that converts the bag from a shoulder bag to a
backpack. Plus, you can buy slipcovers in different
fabrics, so you can change the look of the bag without
having to buy a new one. (

For the Cool Daddy

4. The Skip*Hop Duo Diaper Bag ($50)

What makes this messenger-style diaper bag cool is that it
can attach to the handlebars of a stroller, leaving you
precious storage space in the stroller basket. It has two
interior organizer pockets, a cell phone holder, pen holders
and two zippered pockets. It's a great diaper bag for dads,
because the style doesn't scream, "I'm a pocketbook!"

5. The Diaper Dude Bag ($49.95)

Another sporty, messenger-style bag, the Diaper Dude bag
comes in several manly colors, including black, gray and
camouflage. It's designed to wear across your chest, so it
doesn't look like a purse. It has handy clips for keys, a
padded changing pad, three exterior pockets, and a removable
cell phone pouch. (

For the Ultra Hip and Super Stylish

6. Carter's Diaper Bag tote ($9.98)

Stylish and affordable, the Carter's Diaper Bag tote has
plenty of room, but no special compartments. What's nice
about it is the sleek, microfiber styling, which makes it
look like a stylish tote, rather than a diaper bag.
Currently on sale for 50% off at Babycenter

7. Amy Michelle diaper bags ($195-$225)

Amy Michelle makes two diaper bags: The Camellia and the
Jasmine. You'd never know these were diaper bags. They
just look like elegant black purses, yet they have many nice
features for moms, including internal and external bottle
pockets, a quick-release pacifier holder, an easy-to-find
key ring, cell phone holder, compartments for diapers,
wipes, etc., a removable wet bag and a large side pocket.

8. The Pursonality Messenger Bag ($120)

Fun and sporty, the Pursonality Diaper Bag in Sugar and
Spice comes in a cotton candy color that will make you feel
like a star. And it's practical too. The fabric is stain-
resistant and easily wipes clean. You can convert it from a
shoulder bag to a backpack, and it's designed so you can
access all the pockets with one hand.

Stephanie Gallagher is Author of "The Gallagher Guide to the Baby Years" ( Get a free cookbook when you subscribe to her ezine, The Shopping Mom's Weekly Tip. Send a blank email to

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Ways Parents Can Encourage Older Children and Teenagers to Wear Diapers to Bed and Other Topics

If the child, adolescent, or teenager is embarrassed about wearing the diapers and plastic pants to bed there are a number of different ways you can encourage them. First, you can stress how much more comfortable it will be waking up in a dry bed. Second, you can have them go to different online forums (with a younger child it's a good idea to supervise them while they are doing this) and talk to people suffering from similar conditions. There are many online forums dealing with bed-wetting and other incontinence issues. Sometimes it helps to have a sympathetic ear and to realize there are other people in the same boat.

Third, you might consider ordering a large or extra large, adult size pair of plastic pants and/or diapers. By showing the youngster an actual adult size pair of plastic pants or diapers which is a size that is larger than what they would wear, it might help them feel better about wearing diapers to bed. By actually seeing an adult size it emphasizes the fact that adults wear them to bed also. This will help them more psychologically as opposed to just seeing something on a web site.

Fourth,you can explain to them that people have different needs in terms of managing their incontinence-that's why they have so many different styles of incontinence garments. There are different levels of incontinence-some wet more than others. You need to stress to the youngster that what works for one person might not be as effective for another. Fifth,emphasize to the child or teen that they are only wearing the diapers at night. Unlike during the day it is much easier to conceal the use of diapers at night.

In some circumstances however it might be difficult to be discreet about the use of diapers particularly if the parents are using cloth diapers and plastic pants to manage the bed-wetting. I would like to digress for a moment and discuss this briefly. If the bed wetter has siblings it's inevitable that they're going to notice either diapers in the laundry or plastic pants hanging up to dry on the clothesline. Or if the bed wetter shares a room with a sibling it's impossible to hide the diaper use from their brother or sister. If this is the case it's imperative that the parents let the other children of the household know that any teasing about the bed-wetting or diapers and plastic pants will not be tolerated and will result in punishment.

On a related note there is also the possibility of friends of either the bed wetter or sibling finding out about the bed-wetting when they come over to visit. There are some precautions that you can take to prevent this from happening. If the youngster uses cloth diapers and plastic pants you can put the diaper pail in the laundry room before the friends come over. And if you're worried about them accidentally discovering the diapers and plastic pants you can put them in a special bin (which you can purchase from Target or Walmart) and either label the bin "school papers" (or something similar) or take the bin out of the room before the friends come over and put it back after they leave. Plastic sheets can also be a concern due to the fact that some of them make a crinkling or rustling sound which can be discovered if friends sit on the bed. I have read and heard about this happening in some cases,however this can also be remedied. You can take the waterproof sheet off before the friends come over and put it back on again before going to bed or put extra cloth sheets over the protective sheet to muffle the sound of the plastic. It should be mentioned that while this is a possibility with some plastic sheets if the youngster has the bed covered with a rubber sheet this won't be a concern.

At this point I would like to get back to suggestions on how to motivate an older child or teenager who is reluctant to wear diapers to bed. The last idea I have is to implement a reward system designed to encourage the child or teen to wear diapers to bed. You can offer to increase their allowance by a certain amount. You could also say that if they agree to wear the diapers to bed for at least 6 months they can earn a certain amount of money per month such as $20.00(or whatever amount the parents can afford and are willing to pay them). If they don't wear the diapers and plastic pants to bed you can deduct a dollar for each night they don't wear them. In addition to having a specific amount they can earn per month, if financially feasible it might be a good idea to purchase a present for them which you can give them after the 6 month trial period. Or they can earn a specified number of gold stars or points per month which they can cash in for presents. Again they will be deducted a gold star or point each night they did not wear the diapers to bed.

I think that verbal praise is an important part of the reward system. There is always the possibility that some older children and teens might get discouraged and not put on the diapers some nights. If this is the case it's very important to encourage them. Remind them of how proud you are for trying them out and also remind them of the reward system. I would say something along these lines: "We're real proud of you for trying the diapers and plastic pants out. I realize that it's no fun wearing them but just keep in mind the advantages of wearing them-you'll wake up nice and dry. Also remember that the more nights you wear them to bed the more money you'll make. I know it's hard but try to hang in there."

I think that in order to motivate them to wear the diapers to bed for the long term it's important to have some small rewards they can earn along the way while waiting for the big reward at the end. It's my contention that after the 6 months is up they'll feel so accustomed to wearing them and so comfortable wearing them that they will want to wear the diapers to bed of their own volition and not need rewards anymore. After 6 months they'll most likely realize how comfortable it is to wake up nice and dry.

In combination with using a reward system there are certain scripts(as the mental health professionals say) that a child, teen, or adult can say to themselves in order to feel more comfortable with the idea of wearing the diapers and plastic pants to bed. For example he or she could say something like this to themselves: "This is just a garment designed to absorb urine and prevent it from getting myself and my bed wet. Wearing this is no reflection on my maturity. In fact by taking the appropriate precautions in dealing with the situation I am acting more mature. It doesn't matter what most people think. I am doing what's best for me in my particular situation and circumstances" or "I'm just wearing these at night-no one but myself and my family know I have them on. I'm asleep while I have them on so it's not like I'm going to notice them much anyway except when I put them on at night and take them off in the morning. It's like having a tooth pulled under anesthesia-I won't even notice it."

Finally another thing a person could say is the following: "Everyone's body develops at different rates-some people are potty trained later than others and some wet the bed later than others. My bladder has just not developed enough where I can stay dry at night unlike during the day. I wore diapers during both the day and night to protect me when I was a baby so why should it be any different now-I still have the problem of wetting. Just because I'm older doesn't mean I still don't need them. Besides they make diapers and plastic pants in my size so there must be a need for them-I am not the only one who wears them for bed-wetting."

If the child is younger you can tell them to play a little game. You can tell them to imagine that the diapers and plastic pants are a like dam and the bed is like a city. The dam (in this case the diapers and plastic pants) keeps the city (in this case the bed) from being flooded. Or they can pretend they're a superhero and the diapers and plastic pants give them special powers-in this case the power to prevent their bed from getting wet. Finally they can look at the diapers and plastic pants in the same way as a raincoat.

I'd like to wrap this section up with an example of how concerns over both the issues of maintaining discretion when using diapers and the negative image of diapers can adversely effect a person's self-esteem. In this part I'd like to mention the difficulties faced by the individual with coming to terms with wearing diapers to bed and what a person could tell him or herself (what the professionals call positive self talk) to overcome the distress associated with these difficulties or at the very least minimize the distress. Although the person in question was talking specifically about his objections to wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants to bed I feel my suggestions are applicable to the use of disposable diapers also.

When reading about the teen's difficulties I was struck by how poignant it was and how sad it is that other children and teenagers feel the same way. The teen feels that certain aspects of the diapers make him feel like a baby. The pins, the bulk of the diapers between the legs, and the sound of the plastic as he moved around were triggers in his mind that made him feel this way. As mentioned many older children and teens probably feel the same way but instead of viewing these aspects in a negative light it is conceivable to put a positive spin on the situation-instead of seeing the glass as half empty with the right attitude one can see the glass as half full. For instance the bulk of the diapers can be looked at as an advantage - it provides more absorbency and therefore better protection. Regarding a teen's embarrassment about the rustling of the plastic pants as they move around it's important to remember that since the diapers are worn only at night this shouldn't be a concern. The parents should let him or her know that it's not unusual for a certain degree of noise to be associated with some diapers. Instead of viewing the plastic as negative the person can view it in a positive light-it makes the diapers waterproof which keeps the user dry and comfortable. If however the bed wetter shares a room with a sibling and is concerned that the sibling will notice the crinkling sound the diapers make when he or she moves around in bed that concern can be addressed beforehand by the parents.

As mentioned the parents should let all siblings of the bed wetter know that any teasing regarding the bed-wetting and diapers will not be tolerated and the parents will punish those involved. As far as the safety pins are concerned these should be viewed no differently than other tools for fastening clothes such as snaps, buttons, or zippers.

In terms of siblings and bed-wetting there is one other point I'd like to bring up. There are cases where an older child might wet the bed and the younger sibling or siblings don't have this problem. This can be a blow to the child's ego and if the parents have the child wear diapers to bed it can make him or her feel more self-conscious and embarrassed. If the child expresses concerns about this it's important for the parents to have a discussion with the child. The parents can stress to him or her that it frequently happens that children develop at different rates and this type of situation happens all the time. If the child doesn't seem concerned about it I wouldn't even bring it up-it's very possible that he or she hasn't even thought about this but if you bring it up then they will be concerned. In terms of the siblings of the bed wetter and how they react to the fact that he or she still wears diapers to bed I'll reiterate what I've said before-the parents should have a discussion with the siblings of the bed wetter (both older and younger) and tell them in no uncertain terms that any teasing about the bed-wetting and/or diapers will not be tolerated.

Finally I would tell the child who wets the bed that plenty of adults also have problems with bed-wetting and they wear diapers at night too. Many of them probably feel the same way. I've read about cases where one or more parents have bed-wetting problems but their children don't. The parent originally feels embarrassed about wearing diapers to bed but many times the children are supportive of their parents. This is another point that should be brought up to the older child, adolescent, or teenager that needs to wear overnight diapers.

At this point I would like to discuss the following. I feel this particular topic dovetails in with the concept of self-esteem. Although this is not a common occurrence I felt it needed to be addressed. As mentioned I have done a fair amount of reading on both bed-wetting and the use of diapers to manage it and in my readings I've ran across situations in which babysitters and parents of children that wet the bed had to get the children ready for bed. A friend of mine years ago told me of a situation where she had to babysit a 6 year old boy and she had to diaper him before he went to bed. I figured at that age he was potty trained and just needed the diapers for a bed-wetting problem. This was the days before pull-ups and "Goodnites" so she had to use tape-on disposable diapers. The child threw a fit and refused to let her put the diapers on him which I can't say as I blame him. I don't think the child had any cognitive and/or physical impairments that prevented him from putting on his own diapers so I was kind of puzzled why it would be necessary for her to be involved in getting him ready for bed. Most older children are very self-conscious about this issue and by diapering them you might embarrass them.

I'm not a pediatrician or developmental psychologist so I'm not an expert on this,but there are certain cognitive and physical tasks-such as putting on pants, tying shoes, etc. that can be accomplished at a certain age by children that are not developmentally disabled. Putting on one's own diapers would seem to fit into this category also. My intuition tells me that above the age of 3 or 4 a child should be taught how to diaper themselves. If the child incorrectly fastens the diapers and it causes the diapers to leak the parents can teach them the correct way to put on the diapers. They can do this by laying the diaper on the bed, have the child sit in the diaper,and once the child is correctly positioned in the diaper explain to them how to draw the diaper up between the legs,how to place it around the waist,and how to fasten the tapes. After the child puts the diapers on the parents or babysitter can check to see if the child fastened them correctly. If not the child should do the refastening not the parents or babysitter. The child will eventually get the hang of this and in time will not need the parents or babysitter in the room to supervise them.

At this age children are starting to get very self-conscious about these issues and you don't want to embarrass the child. With that in mind it's good to teach them to be self-sufficient in this area as soon as possible. Disposable diapers are pretty simple to put on. Pin-on diapers might be a little trickier for some children but I believe that they can also be mastered. Many parents might be worried that a younger child might accidentally stick themselves with the pins. I spoke to a woman from a company that manufactured and sold pin-on diapers for older children to get her take on the situation and she told me that for a child of 7 or younger they might need help from their parents whereas if the child was older than 7 it might depend on their development. As in the case of the disposable diapers the parents should lay the diaper on the bed, show the child how to fold it correctly, have them sit in the diaper,make sure they're correctly positioned in the diaper, show the child how to fasten it around him or her, and how to safely pin the diapers on. As before the parents or babysitter can check to make sure the child put the diapers on correctly and if not have them do the diapering again. As far as the plastic pants are concerned they can also put them on by themselves.

It's very important for parents to teach their child to be independent in this area otherwise they'll feel ashamed and this will adversely effect their self-esteem,perhaps for a long time. I've read about a case where the parents diapered their older child who wet the bed in front of the whole family in an attempt to shame him into stopping. There are many other things I've heard parents do to shame their child into stopping bed-wetting but out of sensitivity to my readers I won't mention them. These practices are despicable and a form of child abuse. In terms of diapering older children that wet the bed,it seems that the situations described above are atypical but even though this is the case, my friend's experience concerned me and it made me feel that this issue needed to be addressed.

There are a couple other points regarding discretion that I'd like to talk about. The first has to do with various caretakers of the bed wetter. These include babysitters,relatives,friends of the parents, and other people along these lines. Many children who wet the bed and have to wear diapers for the problem dread when their parents go out for the evening. If the parents have a good relationship with the caretakers and they feel comfortable discussing the issue of the bed-wetting and diaper use with them and they feel the caretakers will be understanding about it,this shouldn't be a concern. If however they don't feel comfortable discussing this issue with the babysitter or other caretakers and the parents feel they won't be understanding about it,then it's advisable to make sure the protective garments are laundered(if the parents are using garments such as cloth diapers and plastic pants) and made available to the child beforehand;that way if the child wakes up wet in the middle of the night and has to change,he or she can be discreet about it.

If the parents are considering hiring a nanny to take care of their child or children and one of them has to wear diapers for a bed-wetting problem,the parents might want to discuss this with the agency and perhaps during the interview with the nanny also. Most nannies have dealt with these types of problems in the past therefore they should be very professional regarding this issue. The second point has to do with spending the night at other peoples houses(such as a friend's house) and going away to camp. Again if the parents have a good relationship with the parents of the friend and feel comfortable discussing this problem with them this shouldn't be a concern. There might be a place that the child can use to change into their garments before going to bed and after waking up in the morning.

As far as camps are concerned there are a couple of programs geared toward individuals that suffer from nocturnal enuresis and other incontinence related issues. One of them is called Camp Brandon for Boys in New York state,the other is Camp Kirk in Canada. There might be other camps out there of a similar nature. In order to find out you can do a Google search. You can try using the following key words-(or key words of a similar nature) " camps with programs for disabled/special needs youth" or " camps with programs for bed wetters." The contact information for Camp Brandon for Boys is-14 Jerry Drive, Plattsburgh, NY 12901,Phone:(518)570-5184. The contact info for Camp Kirk is 1083 Portage Rd., Kirkfield, Ontario KOM 2BO. Phone:(705)438-1353.They also have an off season address and phone number- 115 Howden Rd.,Scarborough,Ontario M1R 3C7. Phone: (416)782-3310 These might not be an option for many people so in this case the parents need to talk to the head of the camp program and find out what types of provisions are available for youth that wet the bed. For example if the parents use diapers and plastic pants for their bed wetter are there facilities available to wash the diapers and plastic pants?

In terms of the youngster staying away from home there is one other scenario that I'd like to discuss and that's concerning boarding school. The advice I gave for parents sending their child to camp applies here also-the parents need to talk someone at the school beforehand and ask them what type of provisions are available for the bed wetter.

Colin Ellison

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Eminem - Taking my ball (with lyrics) CDQ {WITH DOWNLOAD LINK}

DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW: "Taking My Ball" By Eminem 2009 Relapse : Refill LYRICS: [Eminem] Make my vocals sound sexy, Come on man, come on man, okaaaay, [Chorus] It feels so wrong cos it feels so right, but its all right, its ok with me, ill do my steps all by myself, I dont need nobody to play with me, but if you just give me a chance, i can put you in a trance the way I dance, but dont nobody wanna play with me so Im taking my ball and going home, hooome, [Verse 1] Im that guy man, shove a diamond up my hind end, and crush it with my butt muscles while I cut bubbles, slut poke holes in ya shirt, jump in mud puddles, while I stomp mudholes in ya ass girl, now lets cuddle, blood curdling your gurgling on your blood, what I do for my next trick, Im feeling won-derful, I think I might just do something a little less subtle, shove a f-cking tonka truck up a little kids butthole, feel the wrath of a psychopath slash ambassador of the valentines day massacre slash assassin i slash her in the ass with a icicle and leave her laying a blood bath while I put a catheter in and jump in the bath with her, in my spiderman mask man just imagine the fun I can have with a strap on, stick it up Kim Kardashians ass and make the b-tch run a triathlon, are those pistachios damn, Id like to have some, laying on the patio man, rolling a fat one, shady drop the magic marker, put the cap on, God damn man are you that much of an asshole, [Chorus] [Verse 2] Im like houdini, tuck my ...

Friday, 2 July 2010

Nappy Rashes - Causes and Prevention

Nappy rash is a common problem in most of the babies. It is also known as napkin dermatitis or diaper rash. It causes redness, itching and irritation where nappy touches. Urine and stool in the nappies for long time may cause these infections. Ammonia which will generate from these waste products is the major villain of the nappy rash. Apart from these, fungal and yeast infections may also generate nappy rashes. If your child is suffering from eczema then you should give extra protection to prevent nappy rashes. Bacterial infection also causes nappy rashes. You should always check your baby's nappy and ensure that it is free from bacteria. diaper rash may also develop if the baby or mother is taking antibiotic.

We can see different varieties of nappy rashes like--Irritant rash, friction rash and allergic rash. Irritant rashes are caused as a result of the soaps, detergents, medicines, stools etc. These types of rashes can see more on the exposed areas of the buttocks.

If the diapers are too tight then it will lead to friction rashes. Friction rashes can mostly located in the inner thighs of your baby. Normally these kind of rashes will not make any problems to your child, it may comes and go quickly as and when diaper changes.

Allergic rashes are like irritant rashes. It can be seen in the exposed areas. As a result of these rashes your baby may feel irritation for long hours.

Deep red, swollen and itchy patches in the diaper area especially in thighs, abdomen, legs and anus are the major symptoms of most of the nappy rashes. This symptoms will get aggravate if it left untreated.

In case of nappy rashes, the rash area should be cleaned as per the advice of the doctor. Diapers can avoid till the skin become normal. Some foods are also creating rashes, try to find out the foods that causes allergy to your baby as far as possible avoid the use of that items.

In order to prevent the nappy rashes you should check your baby's diaper often and never allow wearing wet diaper for long hours. Diaper needs to change frequently. If you are using cloth diapers always wash it properly by using soap and hot water after each use. If your baby's skin is wet then do not put on the diaper again; as it will cause skin irritation.

If your baby is suffering from diaper rashes, you can wipe the rashes area using soft cloth and can apply some rash free ointment or Vaseline. If your baby is urinate with a foul smell or rashes became awfully sour, then we can expect a secondary infection. In such a situation you must consult a pediatrician instead of doing home remedies.

Learn more about newborn baby care and related topics like lactation without pregnancy.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

The Round Baby Bassinet is a Great Product to Have at Home For the Baby

So far as care, convenience and comfort for the baby is concerned, nothing could surpass a baby bassinet when added to your nursery. A round bassinet is all the more suitable since it provides all round accessibility towards the baby, covering the front, back and the flanks. A baby will surely wake up in the night and cry out and when this happens, the mom faces a problem and wonders how to access and comfort the crying child.

The round bassinet can really be extremely handy in such a situation. Parent will surely find that though it looks very elegant, it is also something of great value.

Just find those contemporary round baby bassinet options that have folding canopies, soft lullaby music and in-built night lights. These are truly amazing things to have at the home that turn them into almost baby size convertibles - they of course offer a lot of joy to the baby and the parent. Of course it is mobile as well - just unlock the mini wheels and you can easily carry it to the bedroom or the living room. And if you are someone who has to be on the move always, you can surely carry your baby with the aid of it.

Round Baby Bassinet And Its Bedding - How Do You Find One?

If you are searching for a bedding or any other accessory for your round baby bassinet, the good news is, you can find it quite easily. Though bassinets usually come furnished with bedding, it might be a better idea to look for extras (in case the installed comforter gets accidentally wet). The maker or an authorized agent can offer you many bedding options. Once you have one, you can keep it safely at the recess that has been built-in within your bassinet. If you want some variety, you can also think of getting an extra bedding.

You need to know, however, that a round baby bassinet could be somewhat heavier than your standard rectangular or square shaped bassinet. The extra weight can be accounted to the additional accessories and fittings and thus remember, you need to be careful. This additional weight is however not a problem in most cases because of the casters that are there to help you carry it.

Also relevant is the size that generally exceeds by several inches and so it may be prudent to check the range of your doorways to see if the bassinet may become difficult to bring in. This is however not a major issue because you can always dismantle it before you take it inside. Having entered through the doorway, you can then reinstall it, which can of course be easily achieved too.

The bassinets also come in various colors that are upholstered in matching fabrics. If your child is not born yet, then you may consider getting something in a combination of white, or if the ultrasound indicates that it is a baby girl, then you may want a shell pink round baby bassinet. A pink round bassinet with pink decorative bed linen can really look stunning any time of the day or night.

When selecting your baby furniture, baby crib or nursery furniture, getting the round bassinet makes perfect sense. Yes, you will find several makes of the round baby bassinet, but the fact is, you will hardly come across any that is better than the Elegance round baby bassinet or Badger round baby bassinet.

Visit Baby Bassinet Deals to find out more about the round baby bassinet . This is where you can get the complete information about bassinets.