Part 1 (Unavailable) Part 2 (Unavailable) Back Beginning Link It wasn't before long until Cream felt her bladder begin to fill. As long as she was playing a baby, she decided that she might as well wet herself, and that's just what she did. At first Cream thought that she would just tell Amy that she needed a new diaper, but then decided to take a more babyish aproach to it. Cream bawled just like a baby. "Awwww, whats wong baby Cweam," Amy asked to the diapered rabbit girl. "I go peepee," Cream said, still keeping up her crying afterwards. "Well don't worry. Mommy Amy's gonna give joo's a new didee now," Amy replied in a cooing voice, as she picked up cream with some difficulty, and carried her to a nearby table. At this point, Cream stopped her whine, and went down to only a slight whimper. Amy went off for a while, then returned with a pack of diapers, some whips, and a container of talcum powder. Untaping Creams diaper and lifting her legs, Amy began wiping the rabbits urine covered rear clean. After doing this, she put a clean, unfolded diaper under Creams rear, and began applying the talcum powder. Having this finished, she began to fold the diaper on Cream, who was busy sucking her thumb playfully, and Amy started cooing an unintelligable language as she taped the diaper sides together. "Alwight den, wittwe Cweam,..."