diapers are one of the most expensive costs of having a baby. When you consider the number of diaper changes a baby goes through in one year you quickly realize how much money you will be spending on disposables. Raising a baby is expensive and if you can cut costs by using reusable and environmentally friendly diapers then why not? The fact is cloth diapering your baby is simple, fun and cost saving. It is also a healthy alternative to disposables especially if your baby suffers from frequent skin rashes from the frequent use of disposables.
Average Number of Daily Diaper Changes
* Newborn babies go through 10-12 changes per day
* Babies 3-6 months go through 8-10 changes per day
* Babies 7-11 months go through 6-8 changes per day
* Babies 12+ months go through 5-6 changes per day
One of the quickest and easiest ways to save money when you have a baby is to use cloth nappies. Using cloth nappies can save you between $600-$800 dollars in the first year. If you have additional children and cloth diaper them as well you can save even more.
Cost of Diapering a Baby on a Budget
The cost of cloth diapering your baby depends on the type of diapers you choose and how many you purchase. For those parents on a budget prefolds and contours are the least expensive way to go. Bummis and Kissaluvs are the two most popular brands for prefolds and contours.
A package of six prefolds will cost approximately $23.00 while a package of six contours will cost approximately $48.00. Newborns require between 24-48 cloth nappies and if you want to diaper on a budget then prefolds and contours are the least expensive way to go.
When using prefold or contour a diaper cover is required. Bummis, Kissaluvs and Thirsties are excellent brands that make some of the best diaper covers available. You will require 3 diaper covers which cost $11.00 to $14.00 for each diaper cover.
There are also a variety of diapering accessories that can be used to make cloth diapering a little easier and more convenient. Diaper bags, wet bags, diaper wipes, inserts, liners and doublers are optional items that can be used when diapering your baby.
The Least Expensive Way to Cloth Diaper a Baby
If you are looking to invest in the bare minimum then three dozen prefolds, three diaper covers, one wet bag and six liners or doublers are an ideal investment. Fitted, pocket and all in one diapers are a more expensive option but are also very convenient and easy to use.
Another way to save money is to look for gently used or pre-used diapers. You can usually buy them for half the price of new ones and save even more money. Simply wash them in hot water several time using a natural dye free and fragrance free laundry detergent.
Cloth diapering is not an expensive investment and will save you hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. In addition to being a great cost saving investment, cloth diapers are also great for the environment, easy to use and great for your baby's delicate skin.
For more information on cloth diapering your baby go to Your Natural Baby an online website that specializes in cloth diapers, diaper covers and cloth diapering accessories. Krista Tannahill is a writer and editor for Canadian Baby Magazine.