Sunday, 19 December 2010

Does Your Child Wet The Bed? Don't Worry, It's More Common Than You Think

Wetting the bed or urinating while sleeping at night, also known as nocturnal enuresis, or bed wetting in colloquial terminology is quite normal and common among children most likely children up to 6 and 7 years of age. Furthermore; children that comprise the bed wetting community are made up of more boys than girls. According to worldwide researches and studies, male bed wetters regardless of their age and make up constitute for more than 60% of the total population of people with nocturnal enuresis. Most female kids who wet the bed will outgrow the problem by the age of 6, the latest on average, while male bed wetters will only begin outgrowing the condition and eradicate nocturnal enuresis at the age of 7. By the time these kids reach the age of 10, studies show that children who are still bothered by bed wetting are down to 0.5 to 2 percent of the population. This tells us how bed wetting is normal and happens to just about anyone. This however, is not how most parents and families perceive it to be as they choose to deal with the problems themselves and hide it from others, usually resulting in improper handling of the situation.

Contrary to what we may know about nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting, it is actually a common problem that is felt worldwide. People just don't have a lot of awareness about its real situation because most parents who have children who wets their bed at night wouldn't actually spill out the beans and admit to everyone how their children are suffering from the condition. They can either be too proud a parent or they simply do not want themselves or their kids to be embarrassed and be the subject of jokes that they choose to hide these to themselves. This shouldn't be the case though, as parents should not be ashamed of the condition because it is very normal and acceptable nowadays. To prove this point, physicians actually consider bed wetting as a self-limiting problem that most, if not all, children will eventually outgrow. According to them; bed wetting is not exactly a medical disorder or a behavioral misstep, rather, it is a phase or a cycle in a man's body when they are still unable to take full control of their body systems, especially at night time during sleep. They explain further how bed wetting is not caused and brought about by behavioral problems, abnormalities, medical mishaps, and diseases in children.

Doctors would say that bed wetting in children is due to their small bladder capacity and their inability to control their urination. Even potty trained kids are prone to bed wetting because it happens at night when kids are asleep where their control of their body systems are at a relaxed state.

Even thought common, Bed wetting can be treated if you child is past the age of development where they should stay dry at night. Talk to you family doctor about this issue, they may recommend something like the malem bedwetting alarm to help train them to stay dry at night.