Sunday, 5 December 2010

Helpful Tips on Adult Diaper Changes

It is quite common for many adults to experience bladder control problems as a result of age and other factors. Adult diapers are vital for these people to enable them to maintain their dignity and somehow live normal lives. Additionally, some pregnant women wear adult diapers at some point in their pregnancy when the baby in their womb would press down on their bladder causing a discharge.

When To Change An Adult Diaper

It is good hygiene and health practice to change a soiled diaper as soon as it gets wet or stained. Wearing a wet one for an extended period results in the formation of bacteria that cause not only bad odor but also diaper rashes. To avoid this unpleasant situation, the diaper should be changed without delay. People who wet their beds and need to wear diapers should change or have their diapers changed as soon as they are awake. Some adults can change their own diapers while others require help to accomplish the task. Disabled persons may need assistance for a change of diapers.

How to Change an Adult Diaper

Changing the adult's diaper is similar to changing a baby's diaper, although a little more complicated. First, you have to be sure the diaper is the proper size. You should be able to close it and fit firmly at the waist. A well-fitting adult diaper will ensure comfort to the wearer and prevent leaks during use.

A stained adult diaper is removed by unfastening the sticky or Velcro tabs, just as you would baby diaper. The difference with an adult's diaper is that you don't just pull it off from under the wearer. Extra care must be observed when changing adult diapers to avoid further inconvenience. Useful pointers can help you on the proper procedure of changing an adult diaper:

* Gently roll the diaper wearer on his side. Fold the diaper properly inward to make sure that the wetness or stain is secure on the inside of the fold and there is no possibility of unfolding.

* Slowly roll the wearer to the opposite side to free the diaper and gently pull it out. To make sure the diaper comes out easily, roll the wearer as far as possible to sufficiently expose the diaper before pulling it out from under him.

* After removing the soiled diaper, use either a baby wipe or warm water and soap to clean the wearer's bottom thoroughly. Applying baby powder or mild lotion on the diaper area can soothe the skin and prevent chafing.

* To put on a fresh adult diaper, simply roll the wearer to one side and place the diaper under him. Slip the diaper as far as possible while making sure both secure tabs can be closed evenly.

* Gently roll the wearer again to the opposite side and pull the diaper and while making sure it is sufficiently centered and will not cause discomfort to the wearer. Fasten both tabs securely once you are sure the wearer is comfortable with the fit.

Changing an adult diaper requires skill, but with sufficient practice combined with the right attitude, efficiency in the task can be achieved in due time.

© 2010 - present, Denise Harris. Are you a senior or caretaker of an person with an incontinence problem? Visit for information on aging and disability.